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Everything posted by Shima

  1. sg police force in a nutshell. cx Armando works at a dog store hi my name is frank snow i'm apart of IX and you finna get fragged.
  2. Shima

    Do you believe you are free?
  3. Shima

    +1 But let's be honest this won't happen. I've tried making suggestions but it just gets flagged as shitposting.. but straya can be a big boi server and won't die if you listen to the community :)
  4. Shima

  5. Shima

    We are now in this war. We are all in it, all the way.
  6. Shima

    "We need to land this missile in the ocean"
  7. Shima

    duper. what method you using?
  8. Its time to stop with anime music now...
  9. Shima

  10. Shima

    First, you need to have a homeowners licence (buy it for the markets in city limits) to buy a house after you have done that and have enough to buy a house which is around 3.5 million-ish go up to some houses and windows key them to see if you can buy them if you can go ahead and buy it. then you can insure it so it cannot get raided by civs. you can also store gear inside of it in the windows key menu and use it as a spawn location.
  11. Shima

    @How to apply for the Senate 1. Make a reply to this post with the following application filled out: ------- Name: Frank Snow Age: 15 How much time have you played in Strayagaming? 400 Years (4OO Hours) Why would you be a good senator? Well. My name is Frank Snow I have pretty much spent my whole time here as a Civilian and a Rebel. While playing as those roles I saw what was wrong with this country and things that need to be improved. For same examples the Police force, their gear is extremely overpowered and shouldn't be used within city limits unless something like a terrorist attack was happening. There need to be more jobs for civilians, if civilians get more jobs that pay the government making everything cheaper etc Car Prices go down Legal gun store firearm prices go down everything that is civilian will go down, this would be better for our economy and society. implementing a welfare system to help families and homeless people In need of a little bit of money every day or every week to get them back on their feet. Thank you for listing to me vote for me to become you Chairman of banking, Housing and Urban Affairs or whatever The Prime Minter decides to make me if I pass the vote. If you have any questions please contact via discord @Scuffed Head#9197 . Who would recommend you? Include their @names @Jeke @UNO` @Nick Snow @Slaze @Carlos @Zarco @Sloth @Skyfise @Paulb @jai timms @Jesse Wasabi @Tuna123
  13. Shima

    bruh who are you
  14. Shima

    "In SQUAD we trust"
  15. Shima

    "You win some and Lose some"
  16. Shima

    Regular Player Name (Which you are most known for): ... Frank Snow ArmA 3 UID/Steam64ID: ... 76561198305511485 Why should you be unbanned before the Month: ... I feel that I should be unbanned because I want to play on straya made a lot of friendships here and don't want to throw that away. I would also like to finish filming my meme montage that I am currently making. Why should the community trust this apology, given that you were lying and/or being deceptive when being questioned (Only applicable if you were lying/being deceptive - I will tell you if this was the case): ... I feel the community should trust me again because i will never dupe again the only reason i duped was for self-gain just before the server gets wiped and so i could have fun without doing 10hours+ of runs( which currently has no point because server is being wiped) to make a decent amount of money to survive the week with the kit I play with. I only fight SRT and the cop force because all the gangs are 'bots' and I don't die to them I only die to SRT making them a challenge and i enjoy challenges due to them having op guns like m320's and level 5 vests etc which can get quite annoying. But at the end of the day i will never dupe again on straya please forgive me and have a good day :)
  17. Shima

    Yes. But i would say a wipe sometime around in July.