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Jacob Richardson

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Everything posted by Jacob Richardson

  1. Jacob Richardson

    @Blackout i guess we will have to wait and see
  2. Jacob Richardson

    To whom it may concern i am deeply apologetic on my behaviour and anything that ive said i would be deeply appreciative it if we could just put it behind us and move on. I dont believe that it needed to blow out of proportion but i understand that Mitch has the right to do what he wants on how he feels but us having a silly fight on a forums post is very childish of us. I would just like to say sorry for the boys ive kept up and wasted their time. This is not a good representation on who i am as a person IRL and as a member of this community. xox
  3. Jacob Richardson

    @Mitch096 also Mitch every cop thats not a pub pisser wears some sort of armour and they are a rebel which implies many things. rebels dont follow any style of government when police do so the fact they wear any sort of "cam" is fine within reason but a higher up cop can be kitted out with an MXM, tier 5 helmet and tier 3 chest armour is complete bullshit. I see what you're trying to say but unless they fix what can and cant be used by both factions "Cop, Rebel" nothing will change with the RP and Sydney will keep being a shit show and SRT will be called every 10 minutes.
  4. Jacob Richardson

    @Mitch096 there are always two sides of the coin both cop and rebel need a huge change im not saying rebel is perfect because its not if you read what we are saying then youd understand that we are talking about change not bagging on cops
  5. Jacob Richardson

    @Tempo you couldnt be more right if you tried. its so stupid with how cops act within this community. im looking forward to change, hopefully.
  6. Jacob Richardson

    @Tempo such wise words. and Alts is pretty much I&A cops in full ghillie with Spar 17s thinking they are top shit then get salty when they get killed by tactics
  7. Jacob Richardson

    @DroolingOnU Its a RP server, it 100% should not be bringing people into our community because of the guns we have available. make it that cops have 556 and only SRT get MXM's and rebels best gun the rebels can get is an AK 74 and leave it at that. the fact that we can use LMGs and AK 12s is silly when you think of it from Life POV. the server has become way to KOS, Sydney is a shit show most of the time and then people get upset knowing that things are going to change with guns. I'm looking forward for when this server has proper RP and i think most people would agree.
  8. Jacob Richardson

    @Sam01 looks like you're going to have to spend another $300 for your baby to come back #bringbackthekajman
  9. Jacob Richardson

    we have a question, Richardson family would like to become a cartel what do we have to do?