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Posts posted by Magix

  1. As this seems like it is just going into the direction of: Fed is hard, cops hurt, please nerf.

    Main points to outline:

    Fed is meant to be hard

    Building high power weapons should be hard

    Cops raiding your house all the time and removing your weapons means you are doing a crappy job defending your property (They can only raid when you are online)

    If your gang thinks they are big enough and good enough to do fed then they should be confident in bringing weapons that take along time to make. (I would happily take a lynx to bank as a rebel bc I know how to use one and my cartel knows how to communicate to keep me safe)

    Police cannot choose when to defend Fed whereas Rebels can metagame to choose when to rob it (So a cop logging on just helps to reduce that advantage)

    Altis life is not meant to be a replica of real life; has anybody else come across big heavily armed gangs in the Outback running heroin and robbing everybody that they see?


    Honest thing though, if you are really that scared to loose your weapon that took you so long to make then clearly you do not deserve to use it. Maybe just train up a little on wasteland and you might be able to take out that squad of pub slots in their cosy hunter with your pussy(?) navid.

    9 hours ago, Spetsnaz AKA Andrew said:

    we took out a cop with a Lynx today and PD SWARMED! to make sure we could not take that weapon. this would be the same thing if you actually had a Navid sure i might take out a hunters engine and tires hell i might get the hail marry hunter crew down..

    Why not try implement this tactic on your guys expensive gear, worked for us.

    On the whole turning down roleplay because it never works kinda thing, you have to realise certain things like cops doing risk assessments on the situation can sometimes mislead them and end up with the hostage dead. Cops cannot just cower away in their holes and hand over whatever is demanded otherwise it would be boring and too easy for you guys. And if you ever see people not caring about a hostages life all the time then hit up vizzn and I'm pretty sure he would he happy to sort them out.

    This isn't the old cop force which once stood in place, there are actually higher ups who care about the roleplay now.

  2. Never heard of somebody robbing a bank irl and stopping people joining in after a certain time. One thing you have to realise is that it is not soley the PD's job to push in and kill you all; it is the rebels job to escape. You may complain about crafting, but it is meant to be hard and a lengthy process because of the power you then possess. Somebody with a Navid can easily disable a cop hunter and kill all of them inside without them being given a proper chance to fight back. Everything is good where it currently sits imo. Fed is a high risk high reward job, it's not meant to be for any old gang to just go and rob, it is meant to be the 2nd largest job that you can do on the server, so if you do not prepare yourselves with the right weaponry and tactics then it is your own fault.

    If you have killed a cop and they come back that is NLR btw.

    Imo its the rebels fault if they have not escaped with the gold in time for more backup to have arrive. Rebels steal and PD protects.

    • Like 3

  3. Oil Deposits -  Move the current ones to somewhere I have marked on the map and make it an illegal run. (Stealing the oil?) Also make it so there is no way that a helicopter can be used.

    By doing this you make boats a necessity to doing the run and it being illegal would open it up to proper sea patrols for the cop units. Putting them in closer proximity to the main cities makes them viable for police to patrol.

    Making use of boats in altis opens up a lot more gameplay and actual making the marine corp useful would be sick.

    Dont forget the main reason people gather oil is to make weapons.


    @vizzN +1 for giving the M in AMSO a use?

    • Like 4

  4. Tbh they just need to input a queue system like on TS for I&A pilot slots. Make a waiting room where people have to number themselves and make sure they are notified when the slot becomes available. This makes it a lot more fairer for those who wait a long time for slots and would mean you could actually do something else while waiting making it a much better experience

    • Like 2

  5. Basic layout for the Melbourne airstrip. Making the airport more of a centre piece would open the map up so much. Possibly even an illegal transport contractors back room (New RP role?).

    It would be cool to see a jail in the location of Sydney bank, that way it is relatively easy for the police to man the gates while staying relevant to the rest of the city.

    Also repositioning Fed reserve would be nice of course with a new design, making the server feel fresh again will add alot to the gameplay, maybe a placement which makes using the connector bridge effective.

    If a Fed redesign would be considered I would happily experiment with some places and designs in editor for some help.


  6. Make the Melbourne airport more like an airport. So have the airshop somewhere around the terminal with a vehicle service near. Possibly a taxi depot if that gets working? Try bring air taxi in as a thing so base some missions around the smaller airfield dotted around the map. At least with this there would be a fair use off the ceasar.

    • Like 1

  7. Hello all

    I am writing this to everybody within the StrayaGaming community. As many members may have noticed, KS (Originally KC) has deteriorated as a group over the last few months. Both our role play standards and standards of interactions with both the Staff and general community have severely declined. For this as a group we apologise to all as we have come to the realisation that our actions have not only affected our reputation on the server but also how other members in the community feel.

    Our group took a bad turn when we started lacking the interest as a cartel to other players, our standards dropped and we plummeted hard, we thought the change back to a rebel gang would solve our issues in interest but rather that providing a fix we instead created a catalyst for a much faster decline. Our new opening as a rebel gang was followed by an extreme lack of RP by both myself and other members, as this happened we started getting rough around the edges and we began to come into conflicts with the community. We completely ruined our reputation that we had earned.

    After hours of conflict and discussion we came to a decision to try wipe the slate clean, removing any members that may degrade our reputation further. We reformatted our ranks and went deeper into our issues which had developed over the previous months.

    We hope that we can stop the constant conflicts between us all and that our forthcoming months on the server will be accompanied by an extensive amount of role play and less of the blood hungry game play we once played for. I hope that readers of this text realise that our thirst for blood is over and it is time for the role play that we all desperately wished for when we joined the server to take its place.

    Sorry for what we have turned into and thank you for your time
    ~ Magix (Kendrick Gambino) Leader of Knave Syndicate

    • Like 7

  8. Already submitted to Roger but just for ease on here:
    Cartels KOS on each other if they are on the opposing cartels field.(Only in the drug zone)
    Cartels able to be hired as PMC's by the cops to act as bribes for potential "blind spots" in roleplay
    Fields are only owned by a cartel if they are online and actively patrolling it (Declare a war if opposing gang wants to take over, if nobody in a cartel is on then the vehicle is not owned by anyone)

    There was a few more but I have forgotten so Ill add them if I remember

  9. 25 minutes ago, TrueBlue said:

    Why would u even bother robbing fed now. When the cartel can just clean up the rest of the gold. I mean I don't care about the money. I enjoy the adrenaline. The fact that 3 of us manage to get  13 bars out of there with and small army responding. And the cops on top of that. But for what so the cartel could just walk in and take the remaining 117. I wasn't aware of this rule till now and I really think it should be revised. What's the point of feeding the cartel. It's just starting to feel like the cartels have a bit too much power.  

    This is the point where smaller gangs will have to realise that it is survival of the fittest, if your gang is down in power then you either need to recruit more, be more equipt for the situation or even develop new tactics. Its a strong fight against the cops and cartels but know the possibility of a 3 way battle has been added. With that now in place you should develop roleplay in an attempt to bribe cops to deny cartels any access to certain area (eg. the fed) that way as long as you have bribed the right cop in command you will temporarily cause havoc between the cartel and cops therefore developing the possibility of getting a better robbery outcome.

    A lesson on the large part is pretty much develop more roleplay skills that way it is more fun for everyone

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  10. The problem with the whole thing is how the situation of a gang taking Sydney bank could occur with 6 players (4 pubs and 2 whitelisted), with 4 pub slots it can sometimes be impossible, they are usually equipped with tasers and suvs. The taser is great for them but they need to be in close range and they have no vehicle to get up close safely and therefore they are easily overpowered and it become a free raid for gangs.
