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Everything posted by Farqman

  1. Farqman

    I would love for enhanced movement to be added if possible.
  2. Farqman

    Don't get me wrong I understand that people have lives with work/school. I was just curious about the best way to deal with the problem and I will be using the support link in future. I'm probably a fair bit older than alot of the players (32) so it's a little frustrating when they are just at base constantly crashing everything. Thanks for the replies and for pointing out the link.
  3. Farqman

    I have the speed brake bound to 'X' on the keyboard. I'll be home in the morning and will double check it.
  4. Farqman

    How come the Falcon has been Nerfed? Been playing as UAV operator a fair bit and having dumb fire rockets on a heli that is super twitchy can be a pain. Would it be possible to either have it fully armed, or a few lock ons at least? Also an issue that seems to be popping up a bit is that the speed brake seems to be deployed (vertical fins) on the UCAV and spamming my button won't fix it?
  5. Farqman

    I am experiencing some issues with the Blackfish Vehicle Transport today. For some reason the power keeps going to 100% and I am having trouble servicing the plane?
  6. Farqman

    Nevermind, Arma crashed and problem went away
  7. Farqman

    Currently you can only talk to your group which is maybe 5 players if you are lucky, or direct communication which if your anymore than 5 steps from somebody it's useless. TFR would allow you to talk to all infantry on the ground. Or if you wanted you could have two different groups on the same channel etc. in an average game it may not be any benefit, but it gives you options.
  8. Farqman

    I know this has been mentioned a bit in the past but hypothically, how hard and how long would it take to create a modded server? would love to run I&A with the vehicles and weapons from RHS, TF radio and have all the ACE mods. Would definitely make things interesting as a medic. I realise that this server would not not appeal to everyone as they would have to download mods, and some people can't or simply don't want too. The other problem may be that it steals too many players away from the original server and that may go quiet. Is it at all possible to setup a server for a week, maybe a month as a trial? Then rot comes down to cost. If the cost isn't too much I may be able to sponsor the server that way your not trying to crowd fund?
  9. Farqman

    I'm 31 by the way. Had a gaming PC for about 6 weeks. I managed to work it out and install mods. If I can do it, anyone can!
  10. Farqman

    I'm on "Australian" internet lol. Only takes a couple of hours. Overnight is best. I think the biggest issue is taking away players from the other server. That is why I proposed a trial. Run it for a week, if it fails, at least you can say been there done that. If the worry is not enough players, maybe look at reducing it from a 70 slot server to say 30 or 40. This would make it more team orientated. If the topic ever ever gets raised again you can say we tried that and it failed. Nothing ventured, nothing gained
  11. Farqman

    I read this article last week. Thank you for posting your personal settings. I've got a 1080 also. So it would be a good camprison. Thanks mate
  12. Farqman

    Any updates on this?
  13. Farqman


    As promised
  14. Farqman


    I have screenshots of that. Will post when I get home
  15. Farqman

    Knowing nothing about the effort required to code things, I was wondering if there are any planned changes in the future for main AO missions? i would love more missions in towns and urban areas. There is too many snipers/marksman currently so when attacking or defending bases they are always getting the kills. More close quarters stuff would be interesting. It is always funny watching people clear buildings at bases. They open the door, stand right in the doorway and wonder why the AI mowed them down haha. Also, a random idea. Is it possible to have missions with a no fly zone? Instead of people ferrying by chopper, you convoy in on vehicles and get ambushed by Ai. The Ai set off a IED or something, take out a vehicle and combat begins. Something similar to what is happening in real life scenarios in war zones these days. The constant capture base, destroy radio tower can get old after a few hours. There is probably limits of dynamic missions in which case I apologise.
  16. Farqman

    The past few days things have been trending on the server lately. The pilot teamspeak channel has been a bit of a sh*t fight. Certain users crack it when things go a bit off topic. Publicly calling them out and telling them to shut up, then 5 minutes later they are doing the exact same thing. There is quite a few regulars that do this. The topics lately have been a little off with discussions and jokes about beastiality, dead babies, necrofilia with grandmas etc. I have also been noticing certain mods repairing vehicles for people, after a mishap or user error. An example, someone clips the rotor blades on a helo, so people ask mods to repair. Or, someone clips a rock and destroys a wheel on a vehicle and asks for it to be repaired. It kind of takes away from the game. If you destroy a vehicle, walk, or request a pick up. And finally, I have noticed a few people lately self reviving. I am the medic class, run 300m through gunfire to revive them, risking myself getting killed, and within a few meters of them, they magically revive themselves. For the record, there is not another medic near by.
  17. Farqman

    Feel free to delete this post.