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Posts posted by Boulter

  1. Yes If you in are division you can still transfer to SRT, if SRT command believe that you would fit into the team well and would preform well, At which point you could be offered a trial. However if you are in a division that is low on numbers then SRT may not want to pull you out of that division. How ever take into account that SRT is currently not taking in members and it could be a while before they start looking at new members (months). Its also never a bad thing to have experience in other divisions  as you will get increased interaction with SRT.

  2. Its been fun pezza hope to continue to see you around ( I wont get out of Silver otherwise) Good luck in the future you were a good Mod, Admin and Support lead and staff are going to miss you being around in Helpdesk all the best.



    - I will support you not matter what 
