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Everything posted by BridTheAtl

  1. BridTheAtl

  2. BridTheAtl

    r2 d2
  3. BridTheAtl

    FOB Travesty?
  4. BridTheAtl

    @insanD Is there a name for whats wrong with you? I nominate @Hatto
  5. BridTheAtl

    The shikra spawns as both AA and CAS
  6. BridTheAtl

    I like the idea but what if you get shot down before you're able to successfully destroy the enemy jets/ tigs? or it's a defend mission and we are left with no jets since the CAS jet only spawns after the AO is completed?
  7. BridTheAtl

    Bring in the terminators!
  8. BridTheAtl

    only 3 kills?
  9. BridTheAtl

    Travesty are you just saying that because you crash all the time?
  10. BridTheAtl

    bigger maps
  11. BridTheAtl

    maybe just a dedicated area for a medivac chopper? (requires a pilot + recon paramedic)
  12. BridTheAtl

    AT or Medic