At the moment the only rebel activity you get (when playing with a gang), is: North Sydney organised “role play”, Westy/Brizzy and Fed, airdrops that contain next to nothing that is ONLY used for the free red zone and Drug shipment, which nobody really competes for. I think that some if not most of these ideas could/should be added. Ability to rob hospitals (for morphine and money etc), capture points that can be competed for (gang vs gang vs cop sorta thing) that give the owners an increased pay check. Improved police checkpoints for 2 & 3, (make them robbable, also gives an increased paycheck) also allowing for cops to take it back from the rebels. KOS store capturable which additionally gives the “owners” at the time a notification if anyone has entered within the area. Add more to the proficiency tab just to give something extra for people to work towards, keeping in mind that for higher tier categories, the proficiency will take even longer/ exp will be harder to gain (eg. increased paycheck & reduced price for rebel weapons) this could be done by gaining exp for killing someone etc.
Oh ye, and make it so you don’t have 25 cops clumped in Sydney... like why? Altis is a big map you know, just spread them out, it really can’t be that hard. And this is also another factor to why rebels gangs leave. Because where the cops go, others go, that is exactly why almost all of the gangs are predominantly positioned in Sydney. If you ask me it is ridiculous and a major flaw to the server.
I’m sure that these ideas could be further elaborated and thought of in further depth. But these are just some off the top off my head.