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Everything posted by Brodie0296

  1. Brodie0296

    If you do it first thing in the morning its called the "wake and shake"
  2. Brodie0296

    more focus on stamina and endurance for VICPOL, most to do with strength is 5 push ups haha
  3. Brodie0296

    Ever do a fitness program for people wanting to join the police?
  4. Brodie0296

    I prefer the patented soviet womble take a shot every time you die in CSGO workout
  5. Brodie0296

    awesome vid! you guys play often? i usually play solo but been wanting to try a group game
  6. Brodie0296

    And because of this filter i cant tell if you said ****, **** or Bitch. And if you want to go full on american you could see that censoring is against free speech and this is the internet, how many votes we need anyway for the filter to be taken off?
  7. Brodie0296

    yeah but is shit really that bad of a word? like its heard so common these days you almost cant count it as a swear, like i hear people say it at work in front of costumers and theirs never any complaints
  8. Brodie0296

    To be fair though some words should be kinda left out, like the way i think is usual swear words are fine but racist words are still an offensive thing if not agreed apon as a joke by that person. Or some people might tolerate swearing but they personally dont really like it and dont want to see it anywhere. So maybe an option to turn a filter on and off would be good but if taken down hopefully people wont go bat shit crazy with the new ability to have uncensored words haha
  9. Brodie0296

    I know right, Like who the **** doesnt say ****? i almost say it in every sentence. If anything its pretty un-australian to have **** filtered, its like our native word
  10. would actually like to see some teamwork happen between UAV and FSG, theres already that communication between UAV and CAS but with the infantry tracking that might help with more accurate FSG support especially when danger close
  11. Brodie0296

    thought it seemed familiar haha, didnt get far into it due to internet dropping out but i remember going the wrong way by accident and you trying to zap me, that was a crazy night
  12. Brodie0296

    I just think things like that make it abit more interesting from time to time, like when there was a Zeus mission i ended up dodging at least 5 lighting strikes in a hunter. just breaks up the predictability of bots
  13. Brodie0296

    It's like some people dont understand the meaning of get gud noob, makes the game more interesting when i know the zeus is controlling AI
  14. Brodie0296

    I've actually done this before with a few pilots, I've managed to sling bodies in the helis and take them back to base to revive them, kinda fun when you are carrying them in a firefight and the pilot lands without being shot down, quite satisfying
  15. Brodie0296

    Good to see that there is study out there that doesn't revolve around the traditional just ban video games ideology, should defiantly be mentioned in schools to the young ones.
  16. the concern i was also kind of thinking is the risk of some heli pilots landing in the way of a jet, in a way i guess this would encourage more communication amongst the pilots in team speak. Had a few people recently that have tried the role and have been quiet inexperienced, mainly UAV and Helicopters but during the quiet time of the server where there were not any mods on so i guess it'll be one of those occasional risks.
  17. one issue that we could also end up seeing is with in experienced pilots trying to land on it, i know it might not do much but maybe a rule that inexperienced pilots avoid landing on the carrier?