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Posts posted by Brodie0296

  1. 19 hours ago, Gotenks said:

    You could probably do any circuit or exercise thats High intensity. Just time it. 
    For my group classes and PT sessions.
    I usually do like 1 min work, 30 seconds rest and repeat. 
    Or 30 seconds work, 10 second rest and so on. 

    It also depends on your goals. Hit me up with a PM or come see me on teamspeak. 
    ( I am a qualified PT and group fitness instructor btw)

    Usually for my Clients i do full body programs, But i also try isolate muscles. 
    Regardless of what exercises, as long as you are getting your heart rate up, its HIGH Intensity. Trying to get out as many reps as possible in an amount of time and having short rest. 
    Squat Press
    Push ups
    Star Jumps
    Fast feet
    Sit ups
    Double Leg raises
    Dumbbell Deadlifts
    Shoulder press

    Ever do a fitness program for people wanting to join the police?

  2. 16 minutes ago, InfamousNova said:

    thats the thing like i dont consider **** a swear word

    And because of this filter i cant tell if you said ****, **** or Bitch. And if you want to go full on american you could see that censoring is against free speech and this is the internet, how many votes we need anyway for the filter to be taken off?

  3. Just now, InfamousNova said:

    its gonzos i think you have shit in that sentence

    yeah but is shit really that bad of a word? like its heard so common these days you almost cant count it as a swear, like i hear people say it at work in front of costumers and theirs never any complaints 

  4. 6 hours ago, MAY said:

    What are ya, 12? Scared yur parents will see what ya type or somthin?

    To be fair though some words should be kinda left out, like the way i think is usual swear words are fine but racist words are still an offensive thing if not agreed apon as a joke by that person. Or some people might tolerate swearing but they personally dont really like it and dont want to see it anywhere. So maybe an option to turn a filter on and off would be good but if taken down hopefully people wont go bat shit crazy with the new ability to have uncensored words haha

  5. 6 minutes ago, SmO said:

    Majority of the community is also Australian and I'm pretty sure the words **** and **** are said at least 15 times a day

    I know right, Like who the **** doesnt say ****? i almost say it in every sentence. If anything its pretty un-australian to have **** filtered, its like our native word

    • Like 2

  6. 25 minutes ago, Tungsten said:

    So just read the new OPREP explaining the sensor changes, might be worth looking into the current usage of UAVs since they have added infantry tracking, might give them a more Intel gathering centric role, focusing more on Darters and Falcons then Grey hawks and Sentinels, especially with the data link feature, i might also have to do a review on the FSG changes i put forward, this might have gave me a more noticeable and interesting change for FSG.

    @Fitz @InfamousNova

    would actually like to see some teamwork happen between UAV and FSG, theres already that communication between UAV and CAS but with the infantry tracking that might help with more accurate FSG support especially when danger close

  7. 9 minutes ago, InfamousNova said:

    that mission was based on just cause 3 btw

    thought it seemed familiar haha, didnt get far into it due to internet dropping out but i remember going the wrong way by accident and you trying to zap me, that was a crazy night

  8. 11 hours ago, Blue Eagle [+1 CREW] said:

    I Agree, I remember last time i played I&A With a Zeus on he spawned like 12 AA Buzzards before i ran out of Flares in my Neo

    I just think things like that make it abit more interesting from time to time, like when there was a Zeus mission i ended up dodging at least 5 lighting strikes in a hunter. just breaks up the predictability of bots

  9. 6 hours ago, InfamousNova said:

    That would be a no. People already complain when killed by a Zeus. Plus this is also a coop server so it wouldn't make much sense

    It's like some people dont understand the meaning of get gud noob, makes the game more interesting when i know the zeus is controlling AI 

  10. I've actually done this before with a few pilots, I've managed to sling bodies in the helis and take them back to base to revive them, kinda fun when you are carrying them in a firefight and the pilot lands without being shot down, quite satisfying

    • Like 2

  11. 14 hours ago, Gotenks said:

    Or even better, add in some berries or fruit instead of the sugar and mixed spice :D

    Have a semi healthy breakfast full of energy to start the day!


    add abit of honey instead of syrup then your good to go! gotta love fruit for breakfast, just makes the start of the day feel better

    • Like 2

  12. 13 hours ago, Jack. said:

    Im gonna make these just to see what they taste like with mixed spice, never heard of anyone who has mixed spice on their pancakes, but not gonna judge until I try them, fingers crossed I dont die :) 


    Another idea is I like to put fruitsalad if I have some and whipped cream on mine

    Mixed spice is like a mix of the sweet spices like cinnamon and nutmeg, used in a lot of savoury sweet desserts like some puddings and pumpkin pie. im confident you will live haha

    • Like 1

  13. Ever get make some pancake batter or buy pre made mix and just thinking wow this is kinda bland?

    Try adding some mixed spice to the batter, adds a little touch of spice and ends up almost tasting like cinnamon donuts. 

    And with mothers day coming up this would make a great surprise breakfast.

    If you feel creative and want to make the mix from scratch i follow a pretty basic pancake mix


    1/2 cups milk

    1 egg

    2 teaspoons vanilla extract

    2 cups self-raising flour

    1/4 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

    1/3 cup caster sugar

    25g butter, melted

    3 teaspoons of mixed spice (or to taste)


    Step 1

    Whisk milk, egg and vanilla together in a jug. Sift flour and bicarbonate of soda into a bowl, i usually add mixed spice in the dry mix. Stir in sugar. Make a well in centre. Add milk mixture. Whisk until just combined.

    Step 2

    Heat a large non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Brush pan with butter. Using 1/4 cup mixture per pancake, cook 2 pancakes for 3 to 4 minutes or until bubbles appear on surface. Turn and cook for 3 minutes or until cooked through. 

    So i hope anyone who tries this likes it and if anyone has any other creative ideas that would be awesome!

    • Like 2

  14. 8 minutes ago, InfamousNova said:

    yea something like that. its going to be mostly helis landing on the carrier anyway. plus the UAV. you arent really meant to fly jets anyway if you aren't experienced in it. we'll see how it goes first before we decide to put any rules inplace

    the concern i was also kind of thinking is the risk of some heli pilots landing in the way of a jet, in a way i guess this would encourage more communication amongst the pilots in team speak. Had a few people recently that have tried the role and have been quiet inexperienced, mainly UAV and Helicopters but during the quiet time of the server where there were not any mods on so i guess it'll be one of those occasional risks.

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