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Everything posted by Metallic

  1. Metallic

    @Prophecy Ignore how it's a very bright white, in photoshop it appears grey but it comes out a really bright white if it's not black xd
  2. Metallic

    I will experiment with that >:D
  3. Metallic

    Update: Police Car Prototype
  4. Metallic

    Update: Sydney Gas Station
  5. Metallic

    just why
  6. Metallic

    I love these videos of slaughtering cops with 1000 FOV 10/10
  7. Metallic

    I’d love to see these for the CQC server, can we get them imported there?
  8. Metallic

    Can the police pubslot army turn up as cops? We’re basically civvies
  9. Metallic

    It wasn't me haha. I was infantry at the time.
  10. Metallic

    Very good! This may train lots of pilots and be a useful tool. (Yesterday night 2 helis crashed into the car park) <--- We Some people need training. Thankyou!