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Everything posted by James32

  1. James32

    Can confirm
  2. James32

    Will do and thank-you for the kind words
  3. James32

    Wasteland Revitalization Hey everyone. As some people may have noticed WL has suffered a decline in the last few months due to a number of contributing factors. Today we announce an update that we hope will revitalize wasteland and make the server more fun for everyone into the future and breath new life into WL. So to do this we have gone back to the basics of what makes wasteland fun and attempted to combat the tactics that drive people away from the game-mode. The patch notes will be released when the patch hits but this post will simply outline the goals of the patch and the general methods being used to achieve them. This Update will be fully released next Friday (16/03/18). But in the mean time we will be opening up a public beta/feedback test on the Wasteland test server for the week until the full release to get community feedback and discover bugs that need to be fixed . I would also like to thank @InfamousNova for his help with development! ~What you need to know~ Public Beta: Starting this afternoon! On wl.straya.life:2322 Please Make suggestions based on the beta/anything you believe should be added before the full release and report any bugs you find HERE Bank Wipe: To coincide with the full release of the new wasteland version we will be resetting the database. I will transfer kills/first join stats but all other data such as players, money, garages ect will be wiped to start fresh. This is intended to refresh the economy and even the playing field to give the revitalized server the highest possible chance of success. Feel free to spend your money on the main server between now and then. All data from the beta will also be wiped on full release. Wasteland Veteran: We will be clarifying the requirements for WL vet in the near future to give it more concrete requirements and privileges (more news on this in the next few weeks) Primary Gameplay Changes: Removal of armed drones (some may become token vehicles depending on feedback) Significantly more expensive but stronger vehicles (ie vehicles hard to obtain now but can take more damage ect) Cheaper Player Gear - Guns and armor cheaper to encourage ground combat over vehicles. Token system - Rewarding infantry combat and controlling vehicle spam. Every 10 (may be changed) infantry player kills in a single session you earn a token 1 or more tokens needed to buy the best vehicles (high end jets/helis/tanks) The intention is to make it a complement to money where you have to get infantry kills to have tokens in addition to money to buy the strongest vehicles (can still buy almost all vehicles up to small tanks/armed helis without tokens) Nerfs money farming when no-one is on and means that people cant spam vehicles without also getting player on player kills. Direct kill rewards: Infantry kills will directly award a small amount of money to the killer separate to the money you can loot from their body Easier to finish downed players - You can now finish people you injure by shooting them a few times/reduce their injury time, making it far easier to finish kills outside melee range/running up and finishing them. Also means you can stop revives without having to get dangerously close. Database logging of several player actions to allow more effective identifying of rule breakers ect Reduced number of water missions 2 missions of the same type have a chance to happen at the same time now. AI now smarter but far worse aimers. Resupply trucks resupply faster and dont turn engine off on vehicles and are cheaper, however there is no longer any free rearm vehicles like the bobcat used to be 1 vehicle storage slot instead of 6 to stop mass storing vehicles for a huge advantage. Indestructible automatic resupply truck near each vehicle store Various performance improvements Fancy customizable kill log/feed. Higher Performance + more frequent body/wreckage cleanup Teambalance script (being set to +-2 for now)(currently off on test server) Fresh map
  4. James32

    We just need to get gud
  5. James32

    Looks so epic from the air but doesnt do justice to just how much of a shredding it was for those of us on the ground
  6. James32

    Have fun
  7. James32

    "I see nothing wrong here" - BI Dev
  8. Lots of good suggestions, i'll get started on them tomorrow
  9. James32

    We are attempting CPR to fix whats wrong and get players back but we need everyone's help to make it happen
  10. James32

    What do you mean!? I&A has the best roleplay in straya, everyone is so tryhard
  11. James32

    Should get I&A staff on to show them how it's done, they know how to take a fortified area back from bots after all, so AL gangs should be no issue
  12. James32

    from this place
  13. James32

    Just to confirm, this thread has been seen and we are listening to it along with a lot of other feedback we have received expressing similar sentiment over the last couple of weeks, I will be making a post tomorrow explaining more about our perspective/plans for the server, If anyone has any feedback feel free to PM us or make posts on the forums I too want to see wasteland back at its former glory and as a fun place again for players both new and old, it will be a complicated balance to strike but i am confident with help from the community and by listening to everyone that we can make WL a great server ocne again
  14. James32

    Using the present participle of the word was grammatically correct considering that he was accusing you of bullying in this thread (occurring in the present)
  15. James32

    I would say this AMA and being prepared to answer the hard questions contradicts your notion that red tries to "cover up anything put against him"
  16. James32

    *only* good community manager
  17. James32

    When the people need him he appears
  18. James32

    Hey, Team-balance on Wasteland has always been a controversial topic, until about 6months ago there was no team-balance script whatsoever and there was no end to the debate on the subject. In fact i remember a time when 50+% of the server would be on opfor sitting in an area and the rest being on indi or blufor, which gave rise to the "stackfor" meme. If we're gonna have a mature discussion about this topic i guess i'd better lay out how our current team-balance method works and the order of priorities i had when making it. Firstly in its current form the script stops differences of +-4 occurring (from memory) between the two primary teams. This was because it was viewed at the time that it was a small enough difference that it would keep balance in check whilst not unduly obstructing people who want to play together (friends coming on as 2/3 at once) from playing on the same team. The second consideration was our team-lock system. The team-balance script was coded in such a way that it did not obstruct our team locking system, namely that if someone is locked to a team they should always be able to join back to that team to avoid the scenario where they cannot join any team. This design does leave a flaw, namely that if people who have been locked to a team leave for a while more people can join/get locked to that team. And in the situation where the people who were previously locked come back it can push the team number well over the normal balance threshold. This isnt a bug, it's just a logical consequence of how the system was designed to work. The real question then is would changing the threshold to 1 make a difference, to my mind the answer is not really because the only real flaw would still exist out of necessity but we would end up annoying more people because they cannot play with their friends. The only way to hard enforce the threshold would also deter players as it would possible force them off a team they had played on for hours if they had to relog, or lock them out of any team, both of which are likely to frustrate more people than they please. There is another option of course, more incentive to play undermanned teams, which i may consider if anyone has any suggestions, but i wont promise anything. Ideas i've been tossing up including dmg reduction to the undermanned team to make them more survivable each and incentivize peeople to join (with there being no advantage when numbers are +- 2 of each other for example). This has obvious downsides such as frustrating people/feeling like they lost to worse players. The other idea could be economic, ie cheaper gear or better territory capture rewards for the team with less players to make people want to join the weaker team more. I'm happy to hear any suggestions or feedback on any of these ideas or concept. and yes, coordination and teamwork that long time players can bring to bear is often better than any numbers advantage, so any creative feedback on that or other concerns about WL gameplay are cool too
  19. James32

    I think the meta in the title is meant to refer to the fact that it is a meta discussion, not anything to do with metagaming
  20. James32

    Hey All, Against my better judgement I've decided to comment on this thread to offer my own opinion and response to everything that has been thrown around regarding this issue. I had been trying to stay away from it in favour of more useful pursuits but after reading this thread i feel obliged to express my sentiment in at least some capacity. My opinion on the issue has always been that as a function of the time dedicated to staffing/working on the server staff should be entitled to some perks, however there is a line where use of "perks" drifts into the world of abuse and becomes detrimental to the server as a whole. The fundamental backbone of pvp servers (or indeed servers in general) is fairness, a fair go. The players need to be able to feel that their experience in the game passes a minimum degree of fairness, that's why we ban hackers instead of letting them run loose and we stop teamkillers because they undermine the competitive integrity of the server and ruin peoples enjoyment. We can now consider the idea fairness when applied to the issues red addressed in his original post/comments here, namely the way some staff utilized the tools supplied to them. Used in moderation these tools are fine, like any good thing, in moderation people tend to be understanding and okay with it given the work people put in. But if people use them all the time players very quickly feel like the staff team is cheating to win, which undermines community faith in the staff team and server as a whole and makes players feel like the server is rigged against them/fundamentally unfair in a way that makes them quit/leave. Then we have leadermarkers, for leadermarkers I cannot/could not ever see a justification for the level of use that they saw. Leadermarkers are about as close to literal cheating as a tool can get when used in a competitive setting outside of administration duties. I acknowledge that it can be useful in server event situations or when spectating player, but when you are actively killing people with leadermarkers on and spawned gear I can easily see how players might feel that staff are cheating. It brings into question the integrity of the whole server. I dont think anyone could argue with a straight face that someone both seeing them on the map/through walls and shooting at them with spawned in gear at the same time would not make players frustrated to the point of leaving. Because it is unfair, despite what rationalizations anyone can come up with. That is not a "perk" that is cheating. To anyone who has/would contend that staffing does not play a role in the perception and popularity of a server I could not more strongly disagree. When players feel staff are cheating/abusing powers or are having heated arguments with them in chat it does not make the server feel like a welcoming environment or a place they want to be. I acknowledge our server has other problems, which i am working on fixing as best I can! However, staff integrity and actions can easily make or break a server and should not be downplayed like it has been in a few comments above. Because when players see staff continually using powers in a way that tips the balance beyond any reasonable perception of fairness for no reason except personal enjoyment it WILL drive people away, especially when it continues over the course of months even the most loyal players will leave, feeling hopeless and like the deck is stacked against them The players on the server should not be our enemies, the community and loyal players are what ultimately makes a server great/long lasting. To treat players with disdain and disrespect is not just unprofessional, it is suicidal for the server. Staff arent better than players, we are there to ensure the server runs fairly and smoothly. I think at some point this fact was lost sight of by some people. As i see it our role now is two fold, a) to re-establish faith in the integrity of staff, b) improve the server (performance and gameplay wise) to make it more enjoyable again. To anyone who has been away, You are most welcome back with open arms and if you have any feedback or wants for the next update let me know! We can all make WL great again together :) Anyway I've said my piece now, I hope it helps shed some light on everything.
  21. James32

    The Shoutbox was removed as it was decided it did not play a productive role on the forums. It was originally intended as a place for quick discussion and communication with the community, Unfortunately in practice it never lived up to this goal. It was abused frequently, and was a source of a disproportionate amount of the issues on the forums, ultimately it caused more issues than it was worth so we elected to remove it. Since then I have seen no reason to bring it back.
  22. James32

    Thanks brodie means a lot xx
  23. James32

    The plot thickens
  24. Wasteland Stratis Version 3.0.0 UPDATE In the event of any catastrophic errors or problems on initial release, we may revert back to the previous version. Today we are are making our long awaited return to Stratis along with a host of other assorted balance changes to reduce anti-fun strategies and improve the general experience. You should also notice a moderate to large performance increase compared to both Malden and our previous Stratis build At a personal level i would like to apologize for the delay since last update, I have been very busy of late with real life commitments/university work, however moving forward I am hoping to be able to make small/progressive updates every week or two to improve the server instead of big updates with longer in between. From the entire wasteland staff: We hope you enjoy the update and the server Development N.B. This list of changes is not everything, it’s just what I felt were the most significant changes General Changes - Added -STRATIS Added -Guaranteed AA vehicle for all money shipments medium and above Added -All variants of the van/ambulance added to the vehicle store Added -Demining drone, carrier drone (transfer items) and medic drone to the vehicle store under helicopters (for 10k, 2k, 2k respectively) Added -Added console logging of more in game events to assist administrators Added -Added significantly more items to general stores Added -Roadblock missions Added -A large number of back end optimizations which should hopefully both reduce load on the server and the client (Will hopefully improve FPS for everyone) Tweak - Adjusted damage model for jets to make them more susceptible to ground based armaments Tweak -Adjusted ammo and cost of Falcon UAV to reduce long range spam potential Tweak -Price changes on various other assorted vehicles Tweak -Reduced time between completing 1 mission and the next of the same category spawning (now only 2 mins between for all types vs 5,10,5) Tweak -Increased AI difficulty slightly Tweak -Increased number of vehicles in every level of money shipments (to make them more difficult) Tweak -Increased Rewards for all levels of money shipment (now 25k,50k,75k,100k for small/med/large/huge respectively) Tweak -Various map/Performance Optimizations (removed many performance heavy props that served minimal purpose) Tweak -Adjusted Weather Effect probabilities Tweak - Reduced back end load of server antihack to assist server performance Tweak -Misc Main configuration changes Tweak -Added more AI to side and main missions (Now 5,10,15 from 4,7,12) Tweak - Updated staff list on load in panel as well as WL mod app status to OPEN Tweak - Fixed listed server restart times in the notification popup (in AEST) Tweak - Removed all references to the supporter system Tweak - Changed supporter button to "cosmetics" button Tweak - Moved Aircraft Carrier Tweak - Adjusted admin menu options slightly Tweak - Cleanup of vehicle wreckages now occur slightly more often Tweak - Assorted Bugfixes Deleted - Several Capture areas Deleted - Malden Finding any Issues or bugs? Report your findings to our wasteland staff. Feedback/Suggestions are welcome