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Posts posted by Vairix

  1. I completely disagree with allowing them on public roads. Roleplay wise they are a public safety hazard as you are low on the ground and hard to see, not to mention lacking a large amount of safety features required by vehicles on the road. Non roleplay wise literally EVERY gokart that I have encountered has been used to taunt and troll police. I am not exaggerating about the gokart encounters either. 

  2. Having been playing for a little while on the server now it seems that the only decent way to make money is through illegal means.

    Would I be missing some vital information? The fastest legal run (for a land vehicle) that I am aware of would be copper. The issue is that copper gets targeted a lot! Unfortunately it is usually the newer players that are doing these runs as they do not have the resources to afford the large processing licences for other jobs.

    Any suggestions on other runs? Or increasing the safety for beginner players?


  3. Add somewhere that you can sell legal gold bars. It doesn't really make RP sense that you have to go into a rebel controlled location that is KOS to sell legally obtained gold.

    Also after watching some youtube videos it looks like some servers have an in game timer for your NLR. I am not sure about the coding but i'd imagine it would just be a new 5 min count down each time you died.

  4. Hi all,

    So just some quick history. I used to play a police officer on another server which had a big emphasis on police RP and racked up quite a few hours in that role.

    Now to the current server. I have been detained at the drug dealer a few times. Sometime with me actually doing drug runs and other times not. One thing that I would like to see is the drug dealer treated more of a roleplay aspect rather than a you are in an area in a game that I know you have to go to to sell your drugs.

    Things along the line of:
    Sir, we are detaining you on suspicion of drug activity due to entering the location of a known drug dealer.
    You have been witnessed repeatedly entering this building and returning to your vehicle with suspicious looking materials

    We tazed you because this is an illegal area (this was before i entered the house mind you).
    Pulling you over instantly restraining you and saying you were in an illegal area.

    My main reason for this is that while it is the location of a drug dealer in game, roleplay wise your character could have no idea that the house you were near is a drug dealers, nor are there any explicit rules that prevent you from entering or being around the area (which wouldn't make sense as it is a civilian area). Due to this I feel like officers quoting this is an illegal area just really isn't creative or fun to roleplay with.

    Food for thought.


    • Like 1

  5. As someone who is new to Altis. Could you perhaps explain what sort of activities your company is involved in? Were you an organisation directly against illegal aquisition of wealth or is your company vision more to purely allow upstanding citizens of Altis to go about their activities without being accosted?

  6. First of all please consider your font colour as that was really difficult to read.

    Secondly, I do believe that it would be useful to be able to "forcefully" remove items from a player when they are restrained. But it would have to be role played. And obviously has the risk of being abused.

    • Like 1

  7. My only request so far would be to add somewhere that you can sell legal gold bars. It doesn't really make RP sense that you have to go into a rebel controlled location that is KOS to sell legally obtained gold.

  8. So after my short stay on Altis is has become prominent to me that the drug lords, gangs and rebels have taken control of the land of Straya gaming. The police are corrupt and will not put them in jail where they belong! The fact that the government is aware of this and hasn't declared a war on the gangs also indicates their corruption and unwillingness to take care of the people of Altis!

    I say we rise up! Use the weapons that the gangs and cartels use against us! The people of Altis should be able to do what they want without having to pay heed to both corrupt cops or cartels!

    *Out of Character:*
    While there is the other faction that is against gangs and cartels they are still limited to non- ilegal activities. I feel like this limits their ability to sucessfully stand up to the gangs and cartels.

    I would like to start up a new faction - Vigilanties.



    1. a member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate.

    The role of this faction will be to stand up to gangs, cartels, corrupt police and allow normal citizens to do what ever activity they want in safety without having to answer to any of the previously mentioned factions.

    This will be things like fighting off cartels control of drug locations, protecting people's activities from gangs, informing police of cartel or gang activity. Even taking out cops or government officials that are proven to be corrupt.

    The main idea is this faction is here to stand up for citizens that don't belong to one of the other powerful groups.

    Role play motivation:
    After trying to live a happy life in Altis the muggings, roberies, murder and general corruption has caused some of the citizens to have enough. They no longer have trust in the police force or government to take care of them. They have seen how the cartels use drugs and illegal activities to give them monopoly on the land of altis. And while they might not necessarily want to use those means they will do what ever it takes to remove this corrupt hold on the land of Altis.

    - Will not hold up, rob or murder innocent civilians. This does not apply to gang or cartel affiliated citizens
    - Will not rob or hold up police unless they are directly interfering with a vigilante operation. For example cops are at a drug feild that we are protecting we would try to take them hostage until everyone is safely away. If they arrested one of our brothers or sisters in arms we would kidnap a cop and  attempt to negoiate a trade for them ETC.
    - Will kill any government related profession that is found to be corrupt (within role play)
    - Order assasinations on corrupt persons, cartel members or gang members.
    - Will use any means necessary to end corruption and the gang / cartel rule over the land of Altis.
    - While we respect the police force in general we ultimately beleive that they have had their chance and failed. So we may help them out, but our way is better.
    - We will use what ever means necessary to have the same power and resources that the gangs and cartels use to terrorise the land.
    - We respect Civil contrators and will work with them, ultimately we beleive that their lack of willingness to do what ever it takes to free the land of Altis makes them weak.

    Please let me know what you think. If this is acceptable on this server I would really like to start this faction with a group of people who are keen to role play and not just shoot everything that moves. Maybe put an age restriction on it.


  9. Stealing some ideas from older servers that are no longer around:

    • Access to some items that aren't avilable for everyone i.e sports versions of vehicles, selected items, guns, clothing etc.
    • Discounts on in game items, licences, vehicles, processing licence costs etc. Donate this much and get this much of a % discount
    • In game momeny. Donate this and get X much in game money.

    The only counter point to this one is that it could be seen as pay to win. But my personal preference is to get reduced costs on items / licences for my donation as it reduces the grind but doesn't necessarily give me an in game advantage over non donators.

    Food for thought.

  10. Hi Everyone,

    I am new to the Straya gaming Altis life server. 

    My problem is that there appears to be a lack of information for new people on the server. I have attempted asking information on the side channel to no avail. I have also read the Altis Life Server Quick Guide for New Players however, it really doesn't go into a lot of detail.

    Due to this being a customised server the normal altis life guides don't quite line up with everything. Are there existing guides for this server?

    Some examples of things that I have wanted to find out: How to do oil runs, what gold nuggets are used for etc.

    If someone could please advise the best approach for finding this information out it would be vastly helpful.

    Kind regards,

