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Everything posted by webbie

  1. webbie

    Anyone that's interested in testing please PM me.
  2. webbie

    Ok first up to answer some of the questions posed (I won’t be answering retarded questions so don’t bother) I am currently developing this. It will be PvPvE with missions with Retarded Zeds that tend to flock together the more that spawn making them a tad more dangerous. It will be very much survival-based meaning that you will need to start from the ground up and do the real hard yards before getting it easy. Roleplay can be incorporated but for personally I don’t care for roleplay and it should be up to each player to make that choice. Exile and 1 other mod are incorporated with the remaining being server side. I have no intention of adding anything extra because for most a couple of mods is more than enough. Licenses and rubbish won’t be added because it’s not AL. Vehicles will be obtainable of course with scarcely scattered vehicles around the map and AI vehicles that can be claimed however some will be unclaimable. Zeus is a tricky one in Exile and I won’t make any promises there. Of course, there will be the usual trolls and dead hits, but they will very quickly find themselves permanently banned. I’m sure a team of admins can be assembled that can more than deal with these issues. On Epoch it’s a fantastic mod and dev team however it was a lot more difficult to introduce people to this mod but it’s worth a thought I have run both for extended periods of time. I don’t like the idea of base raiding personally I think there’s enough shit roaming around that wants to kill you and traditionally I have always run PvE servers as I prefer a co-op environment over toxicity. PvE will be my first choice but its hasn’t been firmly established. And yes, Base building is always a core part of exile because as I said shit wants to kill you left, right and centre. PLEASE NOTE: The point of this poll is to gauge if Exile could be a valid server and if it would have a sustainable player base so while all the suggestion and everything is great, we need to prove that its viable before any major work is done.
  3. webbie

    that's great and all but this has no affiliation to al as stated in the header.
  4. webbie

    Ah I see wasn't sure if that information was accurate but that's handy to know for sure. I personally loved sector control. It created a real coop environment because everyone had to work together to secure multiple sectors. Alot of feedback I have on sector is that they lack the defense's and ironically enough every ao is a defense . I guess the major catch with sector is it's pretty intensive on the server. I think it had been mentioned before but maybe a cycle for AOs could be done, we might have to take that up with quik though. I know it's a bit trickier than a standard cycle list unless it can be done like restarts. That's some good feedback you guys have given though and we appreciate it.
  5. webbie

    I would love to see tanoa make a resurgence. My best battles were on tanoa in I and A. As I mentioned in the other post we will push for tanoa Tuesday to be a real thing again but it would be nice to see it used even more than that. Altus has the same issue with the trees and grass , it's just not as noticeable. Not sure where Fitz gets those stats but most people I've asked in the past about apex tell me they haven't got it, won't pay for it or can't afford it.
  6. webbie

    Theirs an old man that wanders my neighbourhood late at night. I can see if he wants to play with you ....
  7. webbie

    Yes I will indeed be pushing with this, Tanoa is my fave map so a bit of a revival would be ideal. Starting next week I will promote for it. Unfortunately due to the large number of players that "still" dont have apex tanoa gets a bit neglected but we have been seeing a bit of a revival with the late night crews.
  8. webbie

    and maybe a big virtual arrow that says these are what pads look like!
  9. webbie

    @Fitz I noticed this after patch as well only on initial join
  10. webbie

    This thread was a total rollercoaster ride lol
  11. webbie

    @War Machine as @Michael Steiner has posted this is a mature community and the game is rated at 17+ so your little sis will encounter fowl language and many other forms of straya. I will point out that I was the one to kick her and my sincerest apologies go to you and her. When I came on I was very quick to make note to players that it was not a voice changer. I will also note that I take that duty of care to protect minors very seriously so if she is on and she is able to cope with the mature content I will will take all due care that she does not get harassed in any form. However we all get told to shut the fk up at times so bare in mind that is going to happen and let's face it that voice was pretty damned high pitched. Having said all that she did nothing wrong and played her role better than most. If you do have an issue please be sure to call admin in side chat and we can help you or her out.
  12. Hello Soldiers, As apart of Straya's Halloween Giveaways and Events, I & A will be hosting a couple of Zeus missions which will earn you entries in the draw for the giveaways. (Link Below) For everyone that participates they will get one entry to the draws. I will be doing 2 events. Thursday 25th October, 19:00 AEST Invade and Annex Altis Enduro Friday 26th October, 19:00 AEST Invade & Annex Altis “Kill the webbie” Objective: Kill Webbie. Enemy Forces will be present. Rules and further Information here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B9bEQl3FQKicZitaTgu2qAuPj2_9aEnrzWUsLxV4CyE/edit?usp=sharing Straya Gaming Halloween Giveaway https://strayagaming.com.au/topic/20337-halloween-giveaway/ @Fitz @Fusionable
  13. webbie

    Airbourne medevac Straya style LOL
  14. webbie

    Is that at me or humane @Noskire?
  15. webbie

    I think your right in part @Nevetos due to being a very busy time of year for alot of us. I will say this though looking at arma numbers (which go up and down more than a vegas hooker) their has been a steady decline in player base across the world. I did a year to year and from say 2 years ago this time it dropped about 20k. Obviously sales and free weekends bump a little but in general I find the player base for arma is centralising to well established core servers. I also think this is in part due to many developers opting to run their own servers over allowing dedicated servers. (Scum is a prime example of this)
  16. webbie

    Your welcome @Humaine I really enjoying doing it especially when its appreciated and I hear you all having a good laugh, which is after all what its all about.
  17. webbie

    Thank You to all those who participated in Friday Nights Invade and Annex "Kill webbie"! All participants receive an entry to Straya's Halloween Draws! It was a hard push but @Jake-_-Stones910 brought it home with a couple of frags through the bunker window. Casualties of War ? XSV-Sam (1st Place) - 76561198138138288 Humaine (3rd Place) - 76561197970639212 Apache 404 - 76561198072024713 marcus 232 - 76561198136205191 Persona - 76561198372933750 Will. - 76561198184703570 dagz? Merridian - 76561198306439303 OrionSync - 76561198026261137 JazzHandsMcFeels - 76561198041985585 rascaljay - 76561198138980950 SandStorm_AU - 76561198031870716 Persona non Grata - 76561198372933750 Mann - 76561198019609787 Jake-_-Stones910 - 76561198013292716 OSK - 76561198049795799 SilentKiller - 76561198063322624 KAOSBlackfalcon - 76561198136455178 AngryPirate - 76561197972531115 Hinkley97 - 76561198090930784 CelestrialOne - 76561198122408358 Thank you again to all those who participated I look forward to giving you some bad guys to shoot at as we return to normal zeus additions. Special Thanks to @OrionSync for his assistance in moderating and managing the events! If anyone has any screenshots or clips of the Events please tag me in them ? @Fusionable @Fitz
  18. webbie

    Tag me in the post please
  19. webbie

    Thank You to all those who participated in Thursday Nights Invade and Annex Enduro! Dont forget Friday Nights "Kill the webbie"! All participants receive an entry to Straya's Halloween Draws! Their were many a laugh to be shared! Winners! ? XSV-Sam (1st Place) - 76561198138138288 Tim (2nd Place) - 76561198122106400 Humaine (3rd Place) - 76561197970639212 The Rest ? Apache 404 - 76561198072024713 Destroyah - 76561198170237613 Guardian - 76561198011245609 marcus 232 - 76561198136205191 jachh - 76561198240763364 Noskire - 76561197973150906 Persona - 76561198372933750 Cam - 76561198019700088 Cell - 76561198041019496 @Fusionable @Fitz
  20. webbie

    @xx_zero_xx_alpha_xx Their is that but if theirs CSAT wearing viper gear the explosive armour is difficult to defeat. I always throw 2 and still occasionally get smacked by the guys in the corner. If you wanna clear a room quick plant a charge.
  21. webbie

    Yes sorry @Humaine I've got a busy week and don't finish to 5, so by the time I get home and sort my shit it'll be getting close to that time. I did think of you guys but Daylight Savings screws it all up. Negative,
  22. Hi all, Would like to get some suggestions on a format for a new role selection system. This will allow changing of roles without returning to the role screen. Please note: This is just gathering some feedback and may not be implemented. Example of what we requesting in feedback is: Different Equipment? Generic Riflemen (marksmen/grenadiers/etc) might get access to the bigger backpacks, while specialists (engineers, medics, snipers, etc) have a more limited selection? Thank you as always your feedback is valued.
  23. webbie

    Thank you all for your comments and opinions but I'd like to point out this was more aimed at details for a new role selection screen. Not necessarily restrictions. Although I'm sure @Fitz can take some of your comments here on board. Eg. Roles waiting list where you can select a role and be in the queue to wait for the role
  24. webbie

    Well seeing as how my position will visible all time i cant make it too easy
  25. webbie

    Pumpkin Eater