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Everything posted by Granteus

  1. Granteus

    How do you find it
  2. Granteus

    area 51? 0__o
  3. Granteus

  4. Granteus

    How about a ANZAC Vs Turks gallipoli landing deathmatch where anzacs (blufor) need to row into the beach where other players playing opfor (turks) are setting up their defense on the hill and when they get to the beach they start shootin' and there's cool epic music and Michael Bay is throwing massive explosives and Desmond T. Doss is running through the explosives healing downed anzacs. I think a modpack of like.... 100gb should do the job 50+ mods for pure immersion.
  5. Granteus

    What i want to know is why constantly there's 1:1 officer to civ ratio.
  6. Granteus

    Invade and Annex is meant for casuals, public milsim is always dumb asf. Find a unit, there's a cool subreddit and website to find a milsim unit that suits your needs.
  7. Granteus

    GTA has a roleplay mod????
  8. Granteus

    Why not try and get the community closer together and get Straya operations going, if we have dedicated people and someone who enjoys a bit of Zeus surely it could be a thing. Just have it as a popup server and a mod pack with all your usual op mods. Could have a register every week with a list of everyone who is attending and if there's more than 'X' fire up a 'Friday night operation'
  9. strayagaming liberation popup server when? ACE WHEN!
  10. **** yeah! Is there plans for more mods than just the cup content?
  11. Granteus

    Too much effort not worth said effort because why make Ur own subpar game running your own shit when you can just mod on a perfect game that has already been designed?
  12. Granteus

    Interesting how they're talking about tank DLC prior to Tac-ops even though tac-ops comes out Q4, of which we are currently in.
  13. Granteus

    How many of you fellas are checking out the battlefront 2 beta? I've been playing tonight and it's not too bad, a lot better than the first one and classes are great.
  14. Granteus

    Jesus, that's some mighty slow internet my friend. :(
  15. More of a refusal to die and luck than a clutch :P
  16. It was at this moment.... I knew.... I ****ed up and didn't reload. Moments leading up to the screenshot: https://streamable.com/m2ti4
  17. I made a couple of PUBG montages a few months ago that I'm proud of highlighting some of my random kills that I got shadowplayed. Very basic editing If anyone would like to play with me in a DUO or squad, I'm more than keen I took quite a big break from PUBG because it got quite boring playing alone and I've only started to get back into it again now. The stronger video is quite bad because each video was only about 3-4 games one after the other and some are multiple of the same game and I was just wanting to upload another video because I was enjoying at the time. AND Harsh criticism welcome, I hate the four times scope, I just don't shoot well with it, literally rather anything else.
  18. Get literally one-upped ;)
  19. Granteus

    Yeah took me an hour, takes awhile to download. I was alright though, just played a couple games of PUBG whilst it downloaded. I know right? My brothers computer runs it like a dream and his PC is quite damn old!
  20. Granteus

    I have been following this game for quite some time, looks promising!
  21. Granteus

    Hey all, Is there a list of mods allowed on wasteland other than sound mods? If no then is there a possibility of it happening, because I can't see much point in not allowing interface mods for example.
  22. Granteus

    So at this current time only sound mods are available to us?
  23. Granteus

    How about an event where one weekend you get double money from mission and it will give incentive for players to compete and to complete all the missions, this double money incentive will also cause a lot of PVP, perhaps an entire weekend is a bit much but something along those lines.