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Posts posted by Dogofwar

  1. As the title suggests,

    I would like to suggest the ability to select between the Y-32 Xi'an (Transport) or the V-44 Blackfish (Transport) when activating the vehicle.

    Neither VTOL provides a better experience, with both topping out at around 700kph, with the only difference being that the blackfish carries 32 passengers compared to the 17 that the Xi'an carries.

    By implementing this it will allow VTOL pilots to choose the VTOL that they prefer providing a better experience for infantry getting to the AO.

    • Like 5

  2. Hi All,

    Here's a solution to the topic of CAS Jets to CAS Helicopters is that both do well at there job. i have listened to many arguments on both sides from my time on the server and i feel that this would be the best solution. before we start I like to fly both the Jets and helicopters so i hope to come at this argument from both angles.

    CAS Jets have the capability to quickly fly in drop it pay load and be out the other side of the AO in a matter of seconds, they have there ups and downs as the single pilot is required to watch for AAA, find their target and fly the jet all at the same time and having  a higher chance of dodging AA. 

    Whilst, CAS Helicopters lack in the ability to fly through the AO at speed, they make up with the ability to precisely drop massive payloads and deal with multiple targets, they lack the ability of armor and dodging AAA. All the CAS Helicopters if it was the Blackfoot or the Kajman they both can easily be brought to the ground by AA. Especially the Blackfoot which is made of 'paper mache' and can be brought down by a simple HMG or armed qilin.

    In total, both assets have have the ability to replace each other in different areas, though it in all comes down to the player and what they want to fly.

    I propose a simple solution to this topic, when a user loads into the fighter pilot slot they are present with a computer that gives them the option to either select AA Jet or CAS Jet. simply add a option that gives them the option to select CAS helicopter. By doing this would increase team work on the server as if they select CAS Helicopter their gonna need a gunner (AI: take alot of skill to efficiently gun with, and id still leave available for those who want). They still need to be called in by UAV or Infantry on the ground.

    Now as for the AA Jet, the Helicopters could never replace them they its role can be filled in by and infantry and would be if it was necessary. you see at the moment on the server due to us having Jets infantry don`t need to carry AA launchers or drive the cheetah as they have a Jet. but if they were put in a position on needing to actually carry a launcher to deal with enemy Jets they would. This would again bring more team work onto the server.

    Thanks and please leave an ? if you agree or an ? if you don't

    • Like 4
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    • thinking3d 1

  3. 4 hours ago, Humaine said:

    And you can use the AI to help you drive the Hemtt's over to the FOB. 

    However the AI are stupid... and they have major issues with bridges... but if you can avoid those, and force them to follow in a column... you can usually get them there no worries.

    Does take a while... and you may need some protection, as roaming Nix's and rocket armed technicals are now on the prowl. (This is usually why I like doing logistics to the FOB)


    For those that want to know:
    Here's what each of the Hemtts do for the FOB. (Note: Vehicle = All Vehicles including Helos)

    1. Medical Hemtt - Increases player respawn tickets at FOB - (and maybe a medical tent in the future? ? )


    2. Ammo Hemtt  - Spawns Arsenal Box in the command building and Vehicle Ammo at the Helo Landing Pad and Repair Bay


    3. Fuel Hemtt  -  Fuel at Helo Landing Pad and Repair Bay


    4. Repair Container Hemtt  - Allows repairing at Helo Landing Pad and Repair Bay
    (NOTE: the Supply Container Hemtt also looks the same as this, make sure you get the right one)



    5. Vehicle Repair Hemtt - spawns transport vehicles at the FOB.
    It's parked next to the artillery vehicle near spawn, and can also be used to tow the containers (e.g. medical pod, ammo crate, etc) that are next to it.



    Hope this might help some ?


    Edit: Please correct me if I have this wrong guys.

    Humaine you should put that as a poet in the guides area

  4. 1 hour ago, xx_zero_xx_alpha_xx said:

    You need to make the roles meaningful, while keeping some semblance or order to it.


    Think about a conventional org chart and emulate it, without making it too purist.


    Perhaps infantry sections of 10, with a leader role, a couple of fire teams and a medic. Each fire team should have a SAW (limit to 5.56 or 6.5), a grenadier and two riflemen (again, limit to 6.5 or less). One DMR per section (limit to .338, 7.62 or 6.5). Let leaders and medics can carry carbines, no one else.

    Have a fire support squad and limit them to heavy weapons (medium/heavy AT and MMG). 

    Let the recon group use carbines and suppressors (restrict suppressors from everyone else). And restrict the ghillies to snipers!

    Require calls for fire to come from squad leaders or JTAcs  via a restricted comms channel. Then there would be some sort of prioritisation going on. Better for everyone. 

    And finally duplicate the role slots for those who are whitelisted. 



    I think even though this is a great idea, it is a bit to much for the IA community. We got to remember that a lot of new players join straya to try out arma and have fun. Putting restrictions that harsh would, I feel severely affect the player base.

    But if straya was to make there IA a lot more serious that would be an awesome system to implement.

    • Like 1

  5. 1 hour ago, Nova said:

    they dont really serve any purpose other than an FOB. which the current FOB's cover the map anyway

    True But they could also do with a new aspect in the game, putting it in with a group of AOs on the ocean would allow for boats to be used to get from the fob to the ao instead of prowlers and off-roads but this also would be difficult due to the AOs spawning randomly. But would defiantly add a nice and different thing to the server + having missions on similar boats would be great. Though I now that it would be a lot of programming on Fitz's behalf

  6. 2 hours ago, Humaine said:


    Also maybe a mission around that Large sub out in the harbor or maybe capture intel on one of the larger ships, that spawns for the under water intel mission.

    What about using the new ships they added or even the aircraft Carrier

    • Like 3

  7. i`m suggesting a script that allows for the Rhib and little sub to be loaded into the back of the vehicle blackfish. This could be done by have the mini sub or Rhib be towed by the Hemtt and loaded into the blackfish like the fuel, ammo and repair containers are.

    Also another mission that has to do with water, or having to hit some of the small islands to secure an objective, by doing this letting the use of boat and the mini sub be a option

    • Like 5
    • Seems Good 1

  8. so for those who don`t know their is a new command surrender system that requires you to look at them and wait for a bar at the bottom right of your screen.

    i think that this new system really adds a challenge to the system but i find it takes a little to long, for instance at a side mission i rushed a house and was trying to capture a guy he stood still but i was standing right next to him for a good 2 seconds , and by the timer reached just over half way it was to late he turned around and shot me in the face, so if anything just make the timer faster maybe a second, other than that i think the new system is amazing


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