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Posts posted by Dogofwar

  1. Hi All Again

    So i have already put a suggestion for this already but i feel that this vehicle needs to be added 

    The Zamak is a indepent version of the NATO Hemtt but not as strong or fast as it but it does have its advantages one being that it can be carried by the vehicle Blackfish making doing things such as carrying a ton of prisoner from a side or main that is 11kms from base, or Carrying a ton of Friendly soldiers in to AO (which we did tonight and successfully dropped 16 friendly troops to the front lines of the AO). If variants are added they could be another way to activate FOB as all variants can be carried in the Vehicle Blackfish making fully activating the FOB easier. Over all i dont think they should be added into the rotation of the Hemtts but made there own little area in the Car park.

  2. Hello all

    so the new update has its ups and downs but mostly ups but the biggest down that i noticed is the new command surrender, it is way to easy making the system not a challenge any more. It used to be a challenge to move throught the AO capturing as many enemy troops as possible making it harder as you had to get a close look at them and capture, my favourite was capturing everyone in the HQ (which is possible iv done it). All im saying is that i would like to see that command surrender made harder as at the moment it is way to easy to do.

  3. Hi All

    Now i know why it is disabled on some aircraft's but on attack choppers such as the Blackfoot i feel that infantry should be able to take controls in case your pilot get shot out or he loses connection as what happened here... i was unable to take controls and my pilot lost connection and i couldn't take controls to save the Blackfoot i was stuck in the air for 2 minutes heaps of time to take controls and save the Blackfoot which is a very rare Easter egg. 


    • Like 3
    • thinking3d 1

  4. On 12/12/2017 at 8:55 AM, Jay said:

    We have a talented Ex Rust Server Owner in our presents, it would a shame to waste such a valuable resource

    Surely you remember this post...


    Got to kill the mood bro. Fight for a rust server somewhere else everyone loves this new tanoa server and we are very happy to welcome it

  5. Hall all again

    so I have another suggestion, as the title states i think I nice addition to the vehicle blackfish rotation is the Y-32 vehicle now ik instantly what the response will be, it's to small, I can't carry enough etc but how often does the vehicle transport carry a marshall to the AO mabey 1-2 every 4 AO. Now Ik some pilots will debate this, but I feel it would be a great addition to the server I here's a list of all the vehicles it can carry

    x2 quad bikes

    x1 Qilin (armed/unarmed)

    x1 civilian vehicles (not trucks/vans)

    x1 UGV (armed/unarmed)

    x1 off-road (unarmed only)

    x4 UAV drones 

    x1 prowler (armed/unarmed)

    now I know this isn't a lot of vehicles but it is enough that get used offten enough that i feel this vehicle should be added to the blackfish vehicle rotation

    • Like 1
    • kkool 1

  6. Hi all

    so I was doing some research to see if the vehicle blackfish can carry boats (which I never found :( ), I found out something really interesting is that the vehicle blackfish can carry all variants of the zamak, now I know that adding all of them would make it a little OP but adding the infantry transport one would be good for large squads that can't all fit in a ghost hawk be able to drop in as one in one vehicle and carry all there supply's with them. I feel like this would be a great addition to the server and if adding the others in would make it OP but I feel we would see the FOBs fully activated due to players being able to get dropped there via blackfish vehicle.

    I am willing to make the skins for it so that it isn't in independent colours

    • Like 1
    • thinking3d 1

  7. 5 minutes ago, InfamousNova said:

    the more AI we add the lower server FPS will be.

    True, would it be possible to move some of the teams that run around and put them in buildings


    5 minutes ago, InfamousNova said:

    it takes more time for AI to react to things which makes them dumber.

    Change some of the squads to viper squads making people use there EYEs instead of thermals but at the same time the viper teams are a lot harder to kill

  8. Hi all

    so I love doing side missions, but Iv noticed that we really don't have enough different types of objectives, so that I suggest are possibly you got to capture a vehicle and drive it to a certain location, possibly capture an enemy Aircraft carrier, capture the enemy jet off one of the other run ways, take back one of the small islands. That's all I can think of atm but I will post more below when I think of them, anyone else feel free to post along all thoughts are welcome.

    Next Iv noticed that the side mission HQ or the part of the base that is classed as side HQ, I personally think the arsenal needs to move out of the corner a little, have a camo tent placed on top of it with a map of   Altis a few chairs basically a briefing room for those who want to play the server with a little bit of serious well a little bit of planning. Also mabey a few more vehicles, like a prowler or two and possibly a boat that can be picked up be a helicopter.

    Thanks for reading and thumbs up if you like the idea

  9. 1 hour ago, Lyric said:

    As someone who plays as a pilot 98% of the time I'm online, I agree with this idea. Using the same flight pattern for the entire AO gets rather boring (especially on the longer flights) having a FOB to go to instead would help this situation. 

    It'll be generally good for the FOB to get some more attention as I believe it's a highly underrated aspect of I&A.

    Yeh, I'm pilot most of the time too and find repeating the same 11km fight gets boring, but if we had a chopper going from FOB to AO would make it easier on the pilots but also the infantry wanting to get into battle as quick as possible

    • Like 1

  10. I noticed that when you drop the medical pod or drive the medical hemtt there. I find that for all the work it doesn't give the FOB enough respawn tickets. I love using the FOB as a staging point to head to the next AO, I take the medical hemtt out there all the time but it runs out of tickets fairly quickly. I have also noticed that some of the Huron crates dont work or are very glitchy. 

  11. 19 hours ago, InfamousNova said:

    maybe something like a prowler can spawn too. hunter might be too OP

    True hunters are very OP, though I think the idea of armed prowler or armed Quilin, mabey even add a spot at FOBs where you can edit the inventory of vehicles for those side mission teams that really like to kit out

  12. 20 hours ago, Dogofwar said:

    I was thinking that you have to activate the FOB for side missions to spawn, even possibly making the FOB a sorta side mission HQ type thing where side missions spawn around it so you can spawn there's instead of base

    I feel this would make a great addition to the server
