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Everything posted by Hope

  1. These few walls have the ability to be rammed over, I've gotten a few photo's of the known ones.
  2. Hope

    G'day Cougah, please use the support system that can be found by following this link > https://strayagaming.com.au/support/ Also, if you ware wanting this to be resolved / fixed so it does not occur again, please fill out a bug report, that can be found by following this link > https://strayagaming.com.au/altis-life-bug-tracker/ Thanks!
  3. These tree's seem to be causing more harm then good, they are being knocked over and used to cause VDM and hiding things inside them to cause an accident, I know this is More of a common sense thing but it’d be nice to have this issue avoided as a whole.
  4. Hope

    Ems vehicles / payrate

    At this current state, EMS is a big too broken, the pullrate of vehicles and how much they cost etc. My Current issue is there is a pretty trash pay for doing delivery missions, $9,290 for a 11km hike, this isn't fair a single bit, even doing it in a helicopter, having it upped to something like 5k per 1km, or just a ratio like that. Please fix ?
  5. The gate it inside the wall so it's unable to be interacted with. https://gyazo.com/cb8856b7a8d22d0ca502e08a4315a93a
  6. Hope

    Refer to above for Purge Info etc.
  7. Once you have died, you don't seem to lose the entirety of your Y invent.
  8. Hope

    Rise early, work hard, strike oil
  9. Hope

    Do you believe you are free?
  10. Hope

    I mean, the fact you find that funny just shows your immaturity, personally, if you don't have anything positive to say about the post, don't say anything. Refuse the urge to stir shit. @SovietStitch Woolie, you're a good bloke, I wish you the best for the future, good luck my dood
  11. When buying a spoon from the dealer, it will give you the spoon, but nothing happens.
  12. Refer to video. I grabbed a gun, attempted to merc some cops whilst in dec, but my gun didn't want to work ? https://gyazo.com/fa99fa7f8bf5d25909d9d7bf8a55dcc7
  13. Hope

    Yea it does cap, you need to be next to a wall, but even then, it would be nice to have something to say to go to a wall rather than just deleting your spoon.
  14. Hope

    If they weren’t banned maybe they could argue it, but cause their banned I don’t think anyone will give two shits... The person who payed for them to be added didnt go that route, so he ‘owns’ them, also he was given leader when the other guys went so
  15. Hope

    Cause the person who payed for them have given rights to someone else @Slaze
  16. Hope

    If it happens, simply come up to teamspeak, if you have a video I’m sure myself and the entirety of the AL team is happy to sort something out, whether it would be a ban for the Metagame, or we get you out of jail and Comp you what you lost. I know that sounds pretty standard but you could try to get a moderators attention by getting a mate to message in Y menu, we typically have a staff member around on peak time, if you really want, just come to find me and I'll just ingame and spectate, you can find me ghosting around the teamspeak. I understand your feelings towards this as it is annoying to get randomly tazed because there was a nametag glued to your head, hopefully, this eventually stops, or a solution comes up, but for now, the viable option is to punish those that do this, and comp you. And personally I don't agree with the ban but as it has been said, incriminating yourself by combat logging isn't the way to about it so next time just come up to helpdesk and we can see what we can do to help you.
  17. Hope

    Post has been brung up before, but I believe that rebels already have ‘Tear gas proof’ hemelts but they have since been bugged. I’ll talk with some of the other staff and get you an honest and straightforward answer.
  18. People are allowed to give their opinions, and you really can't say shit when you don't even play... 'LUL'
  19. Hope

    How to get launched 101
  20. Hope

    I bet I can throw a grenade through that window
  21. Hope

    Then don’t have your gun loaded until your need it? Would stop the mag issue...
  22. Hope

    They used to be glitched (had no icon) that was fixed a while ago tho..
  23. Hope

    Sorry Joshua, your post is now trash talk free. My apologies ;)
  24. Hope

    We were blown away by what we saw
  25. Hope

    I’ve only got a shit ton of me in a ‘dab’ position, I’ll scoop some up later.