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Everything posted by OutLord

  1. OutLord

    hey Y'all. I been on the server a couple of weeks now and there are a couple of things that I would like to suggest. Most pilots on TeamSpeak are great and the admins do an awesome job. But if we MUST be on TS then Is it not a fair consideration to enforce Push to Talk on that one channel? rather than me having to mute some members in the channel. On that point, what is the point of being in the channel if you mute yourself? In my mind being muted is the same as not being on the channel at all. Thoughts?
  2. Starting a discussion about the pros and cons of all players having the ability to carry an unguided AT launcher.
  3. OutLord

    Sounds great! I love it! Ratios of success v failure would be good to see. I would have thought Mission to another mission would be at least as challenging and should also = 1?
  4. OutLord

    an' everyone told me I couldn't. Don't believe all ya hear and try for oneself it seems
  5. OutLord

    Great Stuff!!
  6. OutLord

    Hi Ho trendsetters! Just a quick introduction and a thank you to Straya Administration for getting it right and for making me feel welcome on TeamSpeak. I am an old man when it comes to gaming and my tastes may seem a little old fashioned I've been "simming" since the late 90's. I prefer first person view all the time and fly advanced flight model with a CH Pro Throttle and Fighterstick. Simulation has always been my thing whether it be flying, fighting or racing. I have a lot of free time on my hands and will spend most of it doing something with computers. Good hunting! OutLord
  7. OutLord

    if it was a "rule" then maybe like when people talk on side chat they would be directed by their piers in a friendly manner :-)