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Report Comments posted by XSV Sam

  1. I will tomorrow sure thing, but yeah its easy to explain without a vid but I can do anyways, yeah the jets always flare once a missile is fired but going from private tests to the server have showed that in private all missiles are tracking when fired but as intended some are flared off some aren't. As for the server in a cheetah every second missile fired tracks the jet and they always flare per missile fired.

  2. The only thing that would make sense would be player to AI desync on fast moving targets as I stated above helicopters are not an issue, but yes Radar locked, diamond full, fired and no tracking from the missile to the target regardless of being in a jet, tank or launcher, it is from an estimate 50% chance of a tracking missile actually doing its job. I thought I'd throw the issue here just to make sure someone is aware if it as dealing with jets are an issue of of late.
