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Everything posted by Vitale

  1. Vitale

    Awesome preferably a Infantry HC server or just Infantry with 3rd person would be 1 im interested in thanks excel <3
  2. Vitale

    I'd like a Altis life server but with a new police force ! Other 1 would be a king of the hill server dunno if that's even possible but id play it
  3. Vitale

    Just making a thread for my youtube channel and where i will post some of my videos from strayagaming altis life servers here's the first clip Channel Link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9Mkvaj09I6sGUPkJuQWZPQ
  4. Vitale

    Sniping montage from king of the hill
  5. Vitale

    Vitale's Channel - Because i've donated money to the server and we receive no other perks for donating and its nice to be able to go to your own channel to play with friends etc without randoms joining
  6. This thread is going to look into the cop vs rebel balancing and it will put aside any confusion or assumptions and hopefully be quite easy to read and clear things up WESTPAC Gearing Cops on GD use lvl 4 vests or lower are not allowed to wear helmets and roll with 5.56m or 6.5m depending on rank when a westpac is hit off they have to return to base then rebuy there gear or wait for a rank who has access to higher stuff to buy it for them (time consuming) they are usually sent to westpac with lvl 4 vests 6.5m if there lucky no helmet and a hunter Rebel usually wearing lvl 5 vest lvl 3 helmet and roll with navids , spmg , mk200 all with round capacity of 100+ they buy there own gear have access to everything and have no time limit to prepare prior to going to bank they usually roll with striders as well Who wins ? as you can see rebel has a clear advantage over cop in every aspect here Responding Cops need to drive 10km to westpac from sydney which takes roughly 5 mins not including gearing time or fly to melbourne then drive which takes even longer they have no time to prepare prior to a bank being hit off and the gearing process above easily points out the downtime and most of the time the ineffective gearing of a majority of cops when they respond they take hunters and are usually met with armor on armor by the time most police usually arrive to bank there is around 5 mins or less on the timer of bank which i believe is 15 mins this means 10 mins is usually spent simply preparing and driving before any combat at all Rebels have no distance to drive as they can start a bank whenever they are ready they aren't pushed by a timer whatsoever they have plenty of time to plan a strategy take positions hide vehicles block entries mark maps etc etc they can literally spend 2 hrs preparing if they wanted to ideally all there gearing is already done the only thing they wait for is the delayed cop response Who wins ? As you can see rebel has a clear advantage here once again Weapons Cops as mentioned respond with 5.56m or 6.5m most cops attend banks with current gear setups because its expensive to re buy gear each time just to respond to a bank and change your GD gear most of the time cops who have access to higher weapons aren't actually on and usually it consists of 1 -3 higher ranking cops a mostly inactive senior command team and various senior constables pub slots etc Rebel most of the time bring 7.62 / navids / spmg or mk200 every member has access to anything they choose Who wins ? rebel has no protocols or restrictions on any gearing or weapons Tactics Cops try to respond and go for teller however most of the time people rob the bank not for the measely 2mil but to simply slaughter cops this is blatantly obvious by the lack of protection put on the actual bank building / teller and how often gangs e.g SP chase people in striders up to 2km away from bank they show no regard for protecting the bank or teller and simply looking for frags this is 1 of the obvious issues of the bank as robbing it isn't even a objective or priority if there wasn't a rule saying they had to keep someone on teller they'd simply hit it off and then run round killing people (They used to do this until i kept finding someone not on teller and they kept saying they jumped off teller so they didnt die ... lol) Rebels drive around in striders out gun people with high capacity 100 round + guns spray hunters kill cops usually 3 v 1 or 4 v 1 Who wins ? rebel has no pressure on timers and has no incentive to actually focus on the bank Skill Cops there are some good cops but most are average and then we also have a constantly changing roster of varying ranks and pub slots which makes team building and working together difficult and ofcourse most of the time not all of us are on at the same time Rebels recruit only good players they work as a team because they play with the same people constantly they organise when they will hit banks or fed so they have every availiable man online and overall have a clear advantage in terms of teamwork and skill due to the nature of how the cop force works they can simply organise a day or time when they will rob something and everyone is on cops can't do that we have no idea when feds or banks will be hit and so its impossible to have say the whole SRT team on or have the high ranking cops on who can pull out stuff that makes our job easier Who wins ? Rebel obviously This is just 1 example its pretty much the same for fed cops are at a disadvantage in every aspect the only advantages cops do have is simply cheaper gear that's it and i have no doubt someone will come in here and say BUT COPS GET HMG'S AND GHOST HAWKS yeh we do we have some rubbish escalation graph that you simply go around and use rules to exploit us using these things and even when your dumb enough to allow us to bring them out we don't have anyone who actively plays as a high ranking cop to actually use them Most of the senior command team do not play the game at all and even if we had 1 high rank on having a ghost hawk or hmg with pub slots and low rank cops who don't know how to use this stuff is equally as bad rebels say oh ghosthawk or hmg is a instant win but its not i've seen first hand ghost hawks go down to a single navid and hmg's be disabled the same way it simply makes fighting cops a touch harder and more challenging but is nowhere in anyway shape or form a instant win if you think otherwise you are a legit idiot Next people say ok you've proven cops definitely do not have the advantage but all your doing is complaining so these are some ideas / proposals which may slightly help im not saying this will fix the issues but its better than what most do and just say get good and nah its balanced or nah it will never be balanced people keep saying cops have the advantage i dunno if there retarded or if they are even playing the same game as me Cops need a teleport flag pole for each spawn they have so when banks are hit off we can teleport from sydney to melb gear and drive like 5km instead of 10km this could also be implemented for medics to allow them to revive people in various areas of the map and also added for rebels / cartel for there spawns if they think there's any use for such a thing If the flag pole idea will not be considered at all then consider removing the rule that says we can't log off and respawn in another PD and allow cops anywhere on map that aren't in combat to relog as well Gearing wise cops need to be able to do GD with what u want them to respond to banks / feds with or at least banks so they don't need to re kit every time its hit off that's the only way otherwise its always going to be GD gear vs lvl 5 vests lvl 3 helmets and navids and various other better weaponry Possibly increase the timer for bank from 15 mins to 20 - 25 mins and increase the value of the bank so its more incentive to focus on the objective Bring in a rule that states they must protect the bank and teller not roam around externally hunting cops Bring in a rule that states once teller is dead they actually have to stop fighting and flee not camp the area and kill cops once they lose the bank or teller which is what currently happens there is an actual rule already but nobody enforces it and rebels just say we couldn't leave cops were there Remove armored vehicles from both sides and only allow SRT to have hunters or something which forces most cops and rebels to use normal vehicles this removes the stupid ramming combat shit that happens currently I'm open to any other suggestions and these are just ideas off the top of my head i just want something to actually be done that goes for both cops and rebels i was the 1 who supported a lot of rebel changes like putting KOS stuff into rebel shop / allowing take overs / giving hunters to rebels for cheap if we have them / giving them scopes in there rebel shop / allowing bank to have a bomb put down so they aren't stuck on teller 1 man down and removing city limits allowing rebels into sydney so if you have suggestions for either side add them Overall cop needs a big rework on protocols / gearing the proposed changes aren't anything massive so don't gime excuses about we aren't adding features its a 3 flag poles and 1 script it could be done in 15 mins @Connor. I would like to get the following people into a channel to discuss this openly @Lotza @martin @Wex @Mitch096 @Rhys Beckett @Vitale @Connor.
  7. I play on this server quit few months ago but might play next expansion https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/frostmourne/elronn
  8. Vitale

    My initial post was written out logically it was clean and made clear points everything after that is just people being like you said Toxic P.O.S i think 1 of the biggest issues is inactive admins / mods and lack of progress and change on the server i mean we have these weekly meetings and not much is really changed you have a server of people who want new stuff but nothing is going to be added and you said yourself don't hold your breath waiting for the new server your making and don't blow all ur money cause there's not even an ETA on when its coming yet you halted all development on the current server even small changes I've spoken to nevetos about the staff side of things and i think he will improve on that but the other side of balancing changes requires someone who is actively going to get things done Either way this thread is a hot topic judging by the amount of views / replies and i also see we are quite short on donations this month probably because people aren't going to donate to the server if nothings added / fixed and it stays unstable
  9. Vitale

    Yeah you did and i see no reason why they were removed so don't sook to me ? go tell admins who don't listen to the players nobody cares if rebels have lvl 5 vests the issue was we should be able to have them as well the rest of it was admins fault not cops They are hardly used and we have a non existant command team + pretty much every superintendent and above is inactive and does not play lmao so dunno what your on about Is that my fault ? i was the 1 who suggested making weapons cheaper for rebels so once again go sook at the admins not me or the cop force i don't give shit if you get 200k navids i give a shit that 90% of the police force can't use the same weapons to fight you You've just come back so you have no idea about anything cops who go to bank 99% of the time have 6.5mm only people who usually have better weapons are SRT and as i've proven most are inactive and there is definitely not minimum 4 on at all times let alone 15 so keep dribbling bra
  10. Vitale

    Don't flatter yourself i want changes made regardless i don't enjoy driving 10km+ each time someone hits off a westpac SRT is expanding for various reasons and partly because so many people who respond to banks are sent with 6.5mm I don't support taking anything away if you read anything i said i support people having a equal playing field which currently its not Can you point out the 4 SRT minimum for me in the attached image ? because there isn't always 4 minimum SRT on and even when there is so what ? it means jack shit SRT pretty much means a equally geared rebel so what are you on about if you're gonna argue then at least make a decent argument Care to elaborate on how people are abusing gear coming from a guy who has access to everything in the game with no rules or restrictions ?
  11. Vitale

    It's not just cops though its the way they do things here the answer seems to always be taking away things from rebel will balance cop which is the wrong way to balance as it punishes rebel for no reason It should be adding things to cop or re writing protocols to get what you need balanced and that's why i keep saying my changes are unbiased take for example the response time to bank All we need done is a rule written by cops saying we can relog to melbourne and the whole problem is solved 10km+ drive is non existant that does not take anything away from rebel at all The only 2 suggestions i made that actually impact rebel were limiting guns on all sides to 30 round capacity which effects both sides equally and i was told won't happen and the possibility of removing armored vehicles from both sides and having them as like a rare thing to see which i doubt will happen Everything else was balanced for both sides if u read my suggestions there's suggestions for rebel too that make things more enjoyable e.g letting u put a bomb down for bank rather than being stuck on teller duty and being rushed and ur banks over it also benefits cop cause we have a clear timer atm we have to guess when its up unless someone actually starts a manual timer this change benefits both sides it would also create more interesting gameplay cops would have to try to defuse the bomb and you guys would have to get the money depending on how it was implemented The change i said about giving cheaper armored vehicles if ur not gonna remove them like wex said give rebels 15-80k ifrits ? that's simply a rebel buff nothing to do with cops Putting the guns from KOS and scopes into rebel because i think the idea of KOS is failed is a buff to rebels I was told they removed level 5 vests no doubt you all have them stocked up in ur house but once again i didn't want them removed from you why can cops use lvl 5 and u can't ? that to me isn't balanced my proprosal would be give lvl 5 vests back to you in rebel store but just simply let cops use them as well Basically the way balance changes are done here is counter productive and it keeps punishing rebel for when cop needs a buff but there's ways to buff cop without removing or touching rebel at all and that's how i would like changes done so rather than have rebels or SP continually trolling me or shit talking it be nice if you supported this as it benefits you because you gain access to gear easier cheaper armored vehicles and you get more of a challenge when u do banks Just like i wanted you guys to do more town takeovers im all for combat but i want it to be fair for both sides right now it isn't
  12. Vitale

    Just saying how can anyone honestly sit there and say yeah rebels can rob a bank wipe the police force and not have any escape route and that somehow makes perfect sense ?
  13. Vitale

    I'll call bullshit on this and its easy to prove go get me the logs of the bank and when its complete then show me every single kill log between SP and a COP and you will see most of the time 60% or more of kills are after the bank is already finished whether thats successfully robbed or tellers been taken down you don't leave in either situation so stop talking rubbish Ever seen a bank robbery in real life where they sit there after the banks robbed without a escape plan ? no you don't because if that was the case they'd lose and be in jail 100% of the time part of roleplaying an escape is having a legitimate strategy to actually escape not saying oh well cops are here so ill hunker down till we kill all of them and then leave that's not escaping
  14. Vitale

    Nah keep going its proving my point even more
  15. Vitale

    SP respond by doing a bank with 9mm smg's and look at the channels enough said point proven
  16. Vitale

    I didn't rush the cops just take so long to respond by the time they get there banks pretty much finished you've won then you sit there killing people breaking rules when you're meant to "Escape" which you never do i know you're not stupid and your very well aware of the rules as a moderator you just slip around them The other thing is i was being chased by SP egg i veered off road away from bank and got chased by 4 striders all the way to west side of shady doctor hill ? which is like 1km at least away now if you were actually robbing the bank and playing the objective you wouldn't send 4 striders after 1 hunter you'd be focusing on the bank / teller but we all know you don't do bank for money u do it to kill cops you've said it yourself multiple times Check the logs since your a moderator and check the time between when i died to when bank was successfully robbed then how many cops were killed after bank was finished and you will most likely see firstly bank was done pretty much as cops got there and then you proceded to kill them instead of escaping which clearly breaks server rules ? Yeah because you ain't doing the bank to rob it your doing it for the kills pretty obvious 4.1 Putting yourself in situations where the risk of death far outweighs the odds of surviving is considered to not be valuing your life. What would you call the entire police force responding to a bank or fed and being wiped ? I would call it not valuing there lives 9.7 Gangs must rob the banks for the robbery itself and must roleplay an escape once the bank is over. They can’t wait around for the pleasure of killing police officers. This will be seen as Fail RP. Well you don't rob the bank for the robbery itself that's for sure and you've never "roleplayed" any escape and you always wait around to kill all the cops so pretty much every bank SP have ever done and other gangs as well not just SP have broken that rule @Lotza @martin Would be great if you enforced 9.7
  17. Vitale

    So can you explain to me how a ghosthawk is overpowered if you took down 5 of them Xd
  18. Vitale

    Rebel takeover was actually fun and would prefer you to do that than a westpac because you can't just roll around with a navid and strider and destroy people in the open as for 5 ghost hawks no idea what your talking about lol
  19. Vitale

    Stop removing things from rebel to try to balance and start adding and losening the restrictions on cop that way rebels don't lose nothing or complain and cops have more freedom to fight differently with different gear
  20. Vitale

    Do a westpac with just pdw's no helmets and lvl 4 vests
  21. Vitale

    I was at last fed and im like 99.9% sure there wasn't 2 rpgs and im also pretty sure there wasn't 2 navids there was however a lynx on both sides i had 1 rhys had 1 i believe also i died after killing someone nothing to do with new tactics and strategy's When i joined SP / rebel i said there was a lot of shit that was unbalanced e.g your vests which i supported giving lvl 5 to the scopes / guns from kos store being put into rebel and the pricing of the gear i also suggested giving hunters to rebel for cheaper don't try to twist my words i supported balancing on both sides i also didn't get into any situation while i was on rebel where a ghost hawk or hmg was used rip Something i also don't support being removed
  22. Vitale

    That wasn't aimed at you at you it was aimed at the people who constantly turn down any suggestion that's made and give the same generic answer you were tagged because you actually look at what people ask and actively try to fix things e.g wanted list Sorry if you thought i was having a dig at you not how it was intended