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Posts posted by Middleton

  1. 1 hour ago, Slep. said:

    Well there is a ruleset against metagaming for that specific reason @Middleton


    There may be the Metagaming rule set, but they are easily sidestepped. As soon as they've seen a high bounty name in the city they could just follow the person around for a few minutes and just find a reason to initiate roleplay, which would in all cases end in someone getting sent to prison or ticketed.

  2. 13 hours ago, Lotza said:

    2.8 - Rebels may not enter city limits with Rebel gear or vehicles without a valid RP reason. This is inclusive of armoured apparel (IE vests and helmets), concealing clothing (Balaclavas) and weapons.

    Won't this now open up a whole new issue of police bounty hunting any high value targets within city limits immediately upon seeing their name? It doesn't exactly fit within roleplay constraints that a wanted criminal would enter the city undisguised with such a high risk of encountering police.

    What was the reason for adding this rule?

    • Like 4

  3. 12 hours ago, Eisenjays said:

    A policeman stopped me and literally asked why I was just picking peaches. He said something along the lines of 'why aren't you in a gang?' 

    I enjoy roleplaying as an ordinary civilian, but I have to agree with you, it's not exactly well-paying, and hardly enticing to new players. Any sort of bolster to the economy for ordinary civs, I would think, would make a large (positive) difference.

    There are ways to make considerable amounts of money without breaking the law.

    Gem mining is the most profitable gathering method on the server, at the highest grade providing 6mil per run in around 30 minutes.

    Additionally salt mining is also easy to do and makes a large amount of money without breaking any laws.

    There are lots of methods for civilian players to get into the economy and be able to compete with rebels but they just aren't adopted by a lot of them, if they ventured out of Sydney they'd notice that most big gangs don't target civilians due to the fact that they don't have anything worth taking and it isn't worth the reputation damage to frag players off the server just starting out.

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  4. 23 hours ago, Pezza said:


    We understand that Cops will be overpowered if the server will be reset. There will be special precautions to ensure that the Civs will have a chance to recover and that SRT won't camp fields. I've spoken with Augnov and we're still coming up with solutions. If the server gets wiped, Cop and Medic will become VERY popular due to the large amount of money you're able to make in a short time. We'll be doing our best to try and make sure that Civs are able to have a fair start and that cops don't crush them.

    In saying that, if anybody has any good ideas regarding making the reset balanced from a faction perspective just leave them below.


    If you are looking to make the server balanced after the reset while still maintaining all police ranks, you could potentially put a lock on all non-standard police gear for 2-4 weeks until the civilian side has had a chance to rebuild the same grade of equipment. This would allow the police to not lose their ranks which they've worked on for months to attain, while still allowing civilians to have a fair chance at getting to a level where they can match the polices level of force when it comes to tougher situations.

    The primary issue of having a reset while still allowing one faction to have instant access to high level gear is if a group of rebels or criminals plan to have a big gathering operation to gather resources or money illegally, the police can pull out a unmatched arsenal of gear and immediately wipe them back to 0 gear with little consequence, whereas if the police have the same level of gear then if offers a chance for both sides to have a fair fight.

    • Like 2

  5. 1 hour ago, Caiden said:

    And then you possibly lose 49% of the community

    If they leave the server because they've just lost their items and gear, then they probably weren't that invested in the server anyway and would have left regardless.

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  6. Aobe_Orb.png

    Aobe Cartel

    The Aobe Cartel is currently recruiting skilled players to join.

    If you are interested in applying you must meet the following requirements:


    - Over 300 Hours on Arma 3

    - Over 3M In-Game Balance

    - Previous experience in a team environment

    - Ability to be self sufficient in gathering resources


    If you meet these requirements please post an application enclosed in the link below:



    • Like 2

  7. 1 minute ago, McCain said:

    5.8 All declarations must include the following

    5.8.1 A statement of intentions e.g. This is a robbery

    5.8.2 An action for the person being declared on e.g. Hands on your head

    5.8.3 A consequence for failing to comply e.g. You will be shot



    By server rules, it wasn't a dec.
    It was a poorly phrased question, especially with a vehicle engine running in the background so I can see how it may have been misheard.
    However, most decs on the server don't have all 3, a lot of the time it's just "Put your hands up or die" even then that's the best I've seen, the most common one I get is "Hands up, hands up" so I can see why things went as they did.


    That was our rough gauge of what happened in the situation thinking it was a rushed dec, do you think a ban for rdm should have been awarded for the people who killed them?

    • Like 1

  8. Recently we were taken to Help Desk by a certain group and received bans for the situation, I just want to know what other players think. Would you have reacted the same way and shot first? Or would you have waited to see what happens?



  9. GxaJo2n5ko.png


    Originally known at Altis Military contractors, this group of highly trained operatives begun operations working with the APD, for a long time they were the polices first point of call for any action they couldn't handled, Naturally they were quite busy, after seeing drug dealers consistently moving large loads of drugs and seeing the proceeds of the crime, AMC came up with a dastardly idea, to get their contract suspended so they could go off and get some contacts in the booming Altis drug trade and then from there their path was set what they needed to do was simple, With the help of some overseas contacts and the payments from the APD, AMC officially canceled their contract and formed the Altis Cartel. 

    What we Offer:

    An opportunity to join a great team of players where you can advance your skills in Arma 3 and have multiple opportunities a week to conduct rewarding missions and make good money. Training can be provided at request and we constantly strive to improve as a team.

    How to Join:

    Fill out an application below including your name, age and time on Arma 3 including your in game name and we will contact you for a quick interview. Alternatively, contact any AC member in-game and we can provide details to the discord.

  10. Hey guys,

    I'll be making Gang Logos for a fee of 1M in-game currency. All you need to do is provide the name of the gang, what you roughly want the logo to look like, and a colour scheme. After that all you need to do is make a unit and attach the logo and it will be in-game for all of your gang to use.

    Previous Work:




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  11. 12 hours ago, LuckyB33f said:


    The core foundation of this community was built on a fair go. We (5 Founders) built this place as we were sick of the servers we played using their powers to have an massive advantage. To often we were teleported to and shot on site or blown up just because. When we brought this to light the admins denied everything and would ban us just to get us out of the channel or game. With those core values we built this place.

    I wouldn't say Ya Mum is a bad dude... I have spent many of hours with Ya Mum and he isn't a guy that would try to **** us over. He is upfront which i like most. There has been many more worse staff from Altis Life then Wasteland with abusing their powers and players and in which has been dealt with.

    I am grateful for the time Ya mum has put into this community and i hope he sticks around. But with so many complaints by non staff into use of kits we opt to remove them (they have been removed). Now these complaints don't go to a set someone, all managers get to see them.

    There has been pressure into why Wasteland isn't as popular now. It can be based on a few things. New Games / Age of Arma 3 / Server performance / Staff / Mission Age / Lacking Features. These are all the things that come into play. We can do something that can improve WL that just requires some team work. About 2 Months ago we had a meeting about this. Things that could improve the place by reviewing the issues or what the players say. A common issue is FPS(my computer runs fine) some issues were the players having the view distance to high. FIX: make a quick guide to change the setting to improve your FPS. on this meetings it was said to not use their powers into just to play it to get a better idea. But the kits use grew.

    After been here for 4 years I understand people get shitty with each other. But keep in mind that what is said about people in some of our chats are often taken out of context. Its easy to blame a circle jerking group or "the higher ups" but when presented with options to how to handle these issues we try to make the right choices.

    I'll leave it at this Quote by you: an arbitrary at best function given to admins was the reason they were somehow abusing the playerbase is absolutely pathetic
    We don't tend to say publicly what happens behind the doors. I believe what was said in the post was put nicely. It could have every screenshot of every issue. In which would truly drag someones name through the mud.

    That is not needed here.

    I appreciate the response beef,

    Even with that though, I play with 2 of those staff members every day, I heard most of what was going on behind the scenes and I still truly believe that the whole situation was completely unfair. I understand that kit use may have occurred in the past, but it was allowed by the server manager, and within the past 2 months I have not seen him use a kit with me me, and I play fairly often. Regardless of that I think you can appreciate that a server administrators job shouldn't be pulled into question by the use of some kits in-game, and years of his hard work questioned by leadership staff that came into the server well after he had taken on his role. I think that he should have at least had a chance to try and fix the issues with Wasteland in a co-operative environment instead of being put up on display as a person who abuses his powers, because that is not true at all.

    That fact that a poll was started to fire him from his position while discussions were still being had about how to help the wasteland server population and fix any issues with staff is completely wrong. I know this post probably won't fix or change anything but I really hope that the new team that has to come to try and help the wasteland server doesn't get such a harsh go, because at the end of the day they are giving up their free time to help your server, they should not be the ones being put on trial.

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