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Everything posted by Spectral

  1. Spectral

    The Pale Rider is the spirit of vengeance, those unjustly wronged may become him, and seek revenge on the living, he has walked the lands for 1000 years and returns again and again, in his last incarnation you helped him be laid to rest after being murdered, but this new incarnation of the Rider is angrier and will act very differently.... When the Rider appears he is heralded by severe storms, and always appears as a blue spirit with a ghost strider, travelling the lands, seeking vengeance.
  2. Spectral

    In October, do you DARE hunt the Paler Rider again??
  3. Gentlemen, October looks to be a cracking Month on Altis, with some Events making there way back onto the scene after a hiatus. In the works is a number of smaller events, that will drop over Weekends, and 2 Mid Weeks. A lot of the challenge is the trolling that goes on, so for the time being I have retired the longer themed ones I know you guys like (The Invasion and Outbreak) but in time we will get a new area for those to occur in. And of course, I have Halloween on my mind.... Have you ever been REALLY scared? So watch this space, October will be laid out here in the next few days. -Spec
  4. Spectral

    Internal Affairs - "The suspect has 5 broken ribs, a black eye, a punctured lung and a broken arm!!" APD - "Denis drove him from Market to PD" IA - "Case dismissed". #stunts #hitmorecurbs
  5. Spectral

    Perfect. I can speak as Cop and now as Cartel, that forcing them out by breaking the glass or under duress is awesome when done properly and for right reasons. Less killing more RP, and more interaction.
  6. Spectral

    Back on topic! Ahem Yes as discussed. I want it so that :- EMS have it for reviving Cops have it to "break windows" and force them out Players have it to use responsibly. If you disable a car and want to RP/Rob/Enslave you should be able to. It should pull them out on floor stunned. It needs to be in a timer. It needs a message attached to its usage. It needs to only take 5 secs tops. It needs to not work on a vehicle doing over 10 km/hour. I can't code a word of it. But I know what it looks like.
  7. Spectral

    Dean, this will be a ban on you for cheating, RIP 22 years, and for getting me killed on Rust. Well I can only assume back on topic (Sorry Tig!!) that it's a vehicle scripting thing or something. :-)
  8. Spectral

    A guy got pulled out of a VTOL at Reb 1, 100 metres up. I watched the videos and paid him $3 million comp. The main parts of my job are, what people do, why they do it, when, who with and WHY. The whys the tricky bit. Why did you RDM? Dunno, dank memes, blah blah. Since I came back I am less easily frustrated, and more like I was when I was brand new. People lie and back stab me. I don't care anymore. The message here is if you CAN do it they WILL do it we need to control the rest of the equation the who where and what. -Spec
  9. Spectral

    You can pull people out of Choppers, paid out a comp on someone doing it. If I had solid proof I would make them pay it to the player and/or ban them. What I said 2 posts back is, an announce "Dave has pulled Bob out of a vehicle", ideally in a different colour or in the kidneys box. That would be awesome.
  10. Spectral

    It's already often too late. You can pull people out of a car going 110, @Deano show me how out on Salt Flats messing around, it kills the driver. You can pull people out of Helicopters that have taken off and are 150 up, pilot dies, chopper blows up. I want the message to catch the troll and Comp the player(s). Solution I would like is, the message, and it goes to a timed action, so you can't do it on moving cars but can drag out people who are in cars that are immobilised.
  11. Spectral

    1) Good topic @Gotenks, good vibe, not a rant 2) @Saundo on point it's the players usage not the tool 3) Good discussion by @Sniper. All the functions can be used for good or trolling. Had people do silly stuff with Rebel walls as well. My thoughts would be code an announce of who did it like the Kidneys one, so people can screenie it for Help Desk, and have them be different colours, player actions become one colour and Admin RCON text another again. @sirgeneralj
  12. Spectral

    Patient : Zero The Virus is airborne. Effects : Unknown. Causes paranoia, rage, uncontrollable anger. Reports of change in appearance and conduct. Other side effects, paralysis, fatigue, uncontrollable vomiting, loss of consciousness, death. We need to cooperate and work together, EMS and Police will liase with Rebel and Cartel forces, to gain the upper hand. The enemy is not armed. He is not in boats from Stratis. He is invisible, airborne, a virus, and he is a killer. TIME : TBA Discussion and expressions of interest below
  13. Spectral

    The Basics If you want to take part and be involved 1) Put [PZ] at the end of your name in TS, and in game. Nice and easy, it lets me and others (Sleepers, Cops, EMS) know your keen to RP. You may get an in game message, or poked in TS about it, and may get offered to take part as an insider, or run something in it. Do Not :- Use it as an excuse to break rules Derail the flow of the Event Try to say "I am sick and I cough on you your dying" or in general, Fail RP. The Event will have an upadates and a RP Thread. As it all unfolds feel free to use either of them at any time. The RP thread will be In Character at all times. Have fun. -Spec
  14. Spectral

    Nope, not for money or anything else... Just looking for expressions of interest for people who would like to run a business, or something of that sort in areas in Sydney, or outer areas and are after some help as far as props, marking on the map in Zeus, help getting the message out. In the last few weeks the Gas and Grits saw some good RP, as did GamingBanana's Ice Cream Parlour. One of the ones I thought about was a Go Kart track, or some other stuff that is easy to do, competitive Sky Diving, or whatever else. Its all up to you guys, let me know thoughts and ask for help. -Spec @Zomboid
  15. Gentlemen, Recently I sought some clarity around Language on Altis Life, [and by association I guess all Services (?)] and the decisions made going forward as far as the tone of the Chat. Some recent discussion including the fact the Knockdowns message contains some cursing "XYZ was Kkocked the F##k Down" has been thrown up, as well as :- * This is Australia you should be able to call people "c**nts". Umm, no. * The culture is free speech and racism is a fact. Umm, no. Going forward I, and the Altis Staff will show SOME, not total, leniency towards :- Minor swearing, not directed at any player, or staff. "Shit I crashed", "Fark", MINIMAL non directed "f#$k's". You can NOT tell people to "get f@#ked" "f#@k off" etc. That is still abusive and bypasses the language used and becomes more about the tone and intent, to upset and insult. Please, do not abuse this to spam swearing. I believe that the use of swearing shows a limit to the ability to communicate and express yourself, and it sets a hostilie tone straight off the bat with some people. Try to keep it clean, and polite, and if you are veering towards being on the edge on unacceptable language and get asked to tone it down, do so with a minimum of fuss. Its not a dictatorship, and this freeing up of the language is not something we want to regret as an Admin team. @Zomboid @Tiggati @Littleblacksheep @Roger Purple Altis Staff and Players please feel free to discuss below. Also keen to hear the Standards of Language on other Services @Mozkelby @Fitz @shift597 @InfamousNova @Unit_3397 @Links @colishere @Dima @Aidanjr
  16. Spectral

    That's why I don't play :-) Ask @vizzN, last Purge I couldn't hit the side of a barn, terrible, @That Lucky SOB saw as well. Terrible.
  17. Spectral

    That's now the new SRT Sniper uniform
  18. Spectral

    I am not the Commissioner. Plus he will look worse by the time you drive him back to PD and crash 11 times...
  19. Spectral

    I could run many things, on many services and bring thousands of souls to the close warmth of SG. TL:DR Community, making mad people happy and entertaining the masses, Admining, and such that's my idea of a good time. While everyone has fun I watch the Eagle fly :-)
  20. They can all be 70 years old, the rules is the rules. That's what I am curious about. And to be blunt when I look on Gametracker on all Services I have seen some cracking names. Average age on Server would be 15-16. I have battled Neo Nazis in TS, Racists, and Rednecks, and as it says all it takes for the wicked to win is good men do nothing. We are the good men in the equation, and it's a slippery slip if we don't agree on the standards, and follow the Heads.
  21. Spectral

    OOOOH you cheeky little bugger
  22. Its probably 50 percent Player and 50 percent issue. Imagine your driving your nice car down the Street. Little Jimmy sprays you down in a SZ. Here comes a 2 min slinging match of who's mother has the greater sexual appetitie, or your proclivities to liking certain acts. I guess its the playstyle, and content as much as anything. People lose their minds over gear.
  23. Spectral

    @LAZYSHOT This is 3 posts in 15 minutes I have had to moderate, please think before posting. Posts must conform to Forum Rules.
  24. Spectral

    @LAZYSHOT I have hidden your last 2 comments Try to keep posts within one post, and within Forum Guidelines. Its a mixed Community, some of them younger. Cheers, -Spec