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Everything posted by Spectral

  1. Spectral

    I like the Responding idea. It could be good, as long as it wasn't used to bait Cops. With a lot of this stuff it always makes me pretty pumped but no clue if it is workable at all. Any ideas on Server load/doability @LuckyB33f / @sirgeneralj / @SouL Genetic ?
  2. Spectral

    Cheers for all the positive messages. Angry people have clouded vision and a lack of ability to deliver. Thats why they seem to get so mad over...nothing, and things that noone cares about. Just let them not ruin your gameplay. After all they have to put up with themselves 24/7. Hopefully in these trying times we can all move onwards and upwards and tackle all the work there is to be done. Talking is easy, delivering is the tricky part I guess. -Spec
  3. Spectral

    Ask any Racer, any real racer, and he will tell you it's not about how fast you can go, it's about who crosses the line. Ask ME, and I would add it's a bad idea to huddle together if @Fish is in a Hummingbird. But that's a seperate story. So, tonight.., 7:30 PM Sydney time Melb Airport (will be marked as a SZ on map) Bring - own car. Donator car if you can, bonus prize for winning in one. The Stakes - $90 K a Race OR whatever is agreed to by both. Paid as soon as you lose from ATM near racetrack. Your racing and betting, money is going back and forth or can be held by me. I supply - Nitro, Food, Water, Repair vehicle/kits, Track, Teh Lulz. No Insurance. Total your car, whoops, L2Drive. EMS on scene. See you all there, Events channel in the TS, make your own way to Event. -Spec
  4. Spectral

    Built him a seperate track at Salt Flats, sending 3 EMS and an undertaker Raised SP walls around base to 8 metres and started a 1-800-DenisDenis for reporting crashes
  5. Spectral

    Domino McHummingbird
  6. Spectral

    The only person saying that has a white cane and guide dog. Pack 28 repair kits for drive Melb to Airport. JK Rookie, watch out for Bears.
  7. Spectral

    Whew crisis averted!!
  8. Spectral

    Well, tyvm. It was a good week away, played some games, did some IRL stuff, ticked off some movies. But, back. Some may say it was OTT, or took bat and ball, blah blah. I dont much care. I am beyond politics or caring now,i in a good way. Back to focus on Altis, and make it as good as it can be. See you all in the game and TS. -Spec
  9. Spectral

    I sometimes sit and think about you all, I might be driving or sitting in a train, or something. I need you to read and re-read what I am saying here. Don't take anything the wrong way. And it's not as weird as it may sound. A big part of me, it is Altis Life. It runs in my blood, every rock and building, bank, fed. Altis is my gal, sure she is a bit banged up, a few things are busted. But I am still crazy about her. I don't like it when people mistreat her, or talk her down, or try to hurt her. It gets me a bit.....upset. I don't "own" her, that's not what I mean. I just care. And I know all of you. Your likes, dislikes, the gang your in, the gang you were in before that, and the one before THAT, the worst thing you have done on the server, and the best. Your my guys, and even if your naughty, you break the rules...I still care. I am never "angry", or "hate you." If you dissapointed me, I will get over it. If you hate me, for whatever reason and want to tell anyone that will listen I am a jerk, well, that's up to you. Maybe I have to ban you. I don't like doing that. But I will. Ever since @LuckyB33f put Altis Life Admin on me I have worked. Hard. 30-40 hours a week is about average, more if it's in crisis. And I love it. I really do. I promise him I would treat her nice, and not disrespect her. Then I asked, and got Zeus. And oh MY we have had some fun. There are people I have put time into that have grown, as men, as staff, as leaders. I like that. Always back yourself, I see that in you all. One guy I had to kick off my SRT team, just, so angry, and I couldnt reach him, and he hated me, I knew he did, but I had to tell him "No.". Having hard conversations is hard, but the easy path is not one I like to take. And now? Well we talk every day. He is a different guy. None of this is me claiming their wins, it's just talking out loud. If you want to do something and I can help, come talk to me. If you need something to make something, come talk to me. I am happiest in a room full of excited Altians. I have heaps of them that at one point they disliked me. Now, we all talk all the time. Some are Cops. Sometimes you guys frustrate me. I am working on that, but given I usually have 20 people who need 5 minutes of time, and 6 TS chats open I am planning to make some "me" time, to play. I miss my Cop playtime. It's important to me, I haven't played in a week as I write this. So if I seem a bit vague or snappy, my bad. Cop is frustrating as well, trolls, criminals, meta gamers. I still love it. And my Cops need me. I am also very, very used to an accountable and professional workspace IRL. People do what they say they will. I thrive on that, and being challenged in a role, and being able to steer a project. Micro managing kills me. I have always liked people. I understand them. I can take someone that's screaming and make them....calm. I can have them pumped up to wage wars, or do anything. I have all the time in the world. If you live on Altis, Hi, I am Spectral. I am the Altis Life Admin. Together with Zomboid, we will be moving forward with rule tweaking, new bank post to tell you timers, requests on RP setups. Big thanks to Roger for being beside me. He and I will always be mates. Do I want to go Global? Big question, because I don't know. And noones asked. It's human nature to want to be told your doing well and you don't get that feedback here much. Players are more likely to say they are upset. My Boss IRL knows I thrive on that shit. And challenges. Goals. Anyway, that's all I have for now. If you love me, right back at you. If you hate me, well either I need to work harder or stop caring. Or you need to get over it. Pointless drama and power struggles..? Boring. Because none of it means anything. Plus I work with 90 guys who all want my job IRL. . Some people here I think, just don't like me because of the amount of people that DO. True story. Anyhow, that's all. I am Spectral, Spec, The Commish, and you can count on me. Lets go, the magic and fun, the growth, it's over here. I know the way. -Spec
  10. Spectral

    PLAYERS Date - 15/8/16 Bank 1 hour CD Fed 2 hour CD 30 min CD Between CODE 5 on - BANK Bank can be robbed 20:00 Fed can be Robbed 19:30
  11. Spectral

    Well, the Olympics wrapped up with fireballs and mass explosions. It was over so fast, around 20 secs, that I didnt even snap any happy snaps. The Demolition Derby was over inside 12 secs, after setting up. The Winner? @Fish. Tactic used? Reversing only? Evading? Nope... Just steer clear while @Deano stuck it in 3rd gear, smashed into @denis, ignited an explosion that took out EVERYONE else. GG. Fish, you win, and claim the total victory, easily. THE POINTS [SP] FISH - 6 points $6 million + SG Gaming Mousepad [FEARE] John Mann - 1 point $1 million Th3GamingBanana - 1 point $1 million Denis - 1 point $1 million [SP] Zac Smith - 1 point $1 million [FARA] Marko Taco - 1 point $1 million $11 million paid out across the 5 days, and a lot of great fun had. Money will be paid out tonight.
  12. Spectral

    Monday Night - Sprints and Relay Tuesday - Swimming and Skydiving Wednesday - Pistol shooting and Rifle Shooting, Competive Sniping Thursday - Drag Racing - Cycling Friday - Demolition Derby + Joust Awards and prizes paid out Friday night. Open to all. Winner on outright points wins the mousepad I have to giveaway, that should of been from Event last week but server issues. 7:30 tonight, Stadium!! #sglyfe
  13. Spectral

    Remember kids, stay off the drugs or end like like Wiggedy Whack, and DJ Salmon above me!! #vannilaice
  14. Spectral

    Well with a Step Down has come a Step up. Grats on Global.
  15. Spectral

    I recall us all as Rookies, in our shiny new vests. Times change, and things change with them. All in all mate you have been a credit to the Police Department, and I welcome Bonez to keep working alongside me, for however long that may be. He too is a credit to the APD, hard charging and loyal. I struggle to see how people hate the Cops so much, or rage about it in the game, but we all learnt long ago to let it roll in one ear, out the other. We love it, this Community, and the Police, its all I ever wanted to do once I had tried it once, nothing else ever stuck. I couldn't rob a bank or a Fed, never had because I couldn't shoot at the boys. And I didn't want to. People may think it is corny, or whatever, but I have great memories of rolling Code 3's backing people up, and all the great RP we have, in between gunfights. -Spec
  16. Spectral

    Very good. Exactly on track. Clear concise storyline. Keen to see more of the story. Thumbs up.
  17. Spectral

    Post up here claiming your kills.
  18. Spectral

    So.... We likely all know what happened tonight, mid session and well, some baddies ruined the flow of the evening. Olympics was wrapping up, and we all had had a lot of fun. And Zach Smith had died, so tick that box. I later hit him with Lightning, but I am skipping ahead in the story. I believe, given its been a tough week, that things are what you can make of them. Like, this whole Admin gig, a lot of people will try to chop you down, or troll your stuff, or hurt the players...but they can only do what you allow them to do, or put you as low as you let yourself go. Rocky said, life's not about how hard you can hit, its about how hard you can GET hit and keep moving forward. In SG, we say #SGLYFE, and thats not Life, the Life server, its a way of thinking, like, we are all Giants. So after the smoke cleared and we had to lock the server, then start getting it back up, this happened... 10:20:41 PM | (Group) Boom: be there in ten just gotta fill spec in 10:20:43 PM | RCon admin #2: (Global) Spectral: Well...wasnt that EXCITING!!! 10:20:55 PM | (Unknown) [SP-LAWYER] Sky: Absolutely! 10:21:12 PM | RCon admin #2: (Global) Spectral: Hell.....who wants to tear up the Salt flats in Sporties? Good practice for tmrw night..... 10:21:27 PM | (Unknown) [O02W] nclem: can we do it as cop? 10:21:32 PM | RCon admin #2: (Global) Spectral: Like, Hooligans, plebs, who are they to say what we are up to? 10:21:37 PM | RCon admin #2: (Global) Spectral: HELL YEAH 10:21:44 PM | (Unknown) [O02W] nclem: HELL YEAH 10:22:09 PM | RCon admin #2: (Global) Spectral: LETSSSS GOOOOO! 10:22:16 PM | (Unknown) [SP] Zac Smith: MEET YA THERE 10:22:26 PM | (Unknown) [EMS] John Doe: omw Spec 10:22:33 PM | RCon admin #2: (Global) Spectral: $250 K to whover kills Zac Smith in a Car!! 10:22:42 PM | (Unknown) [O02W] nclem: Spec 10:22:45 PM | (Unknown) [T.L.L]Jack Killerado: whereee 10:22:46 PM | (Unknown) [O02W] nclem: can we get a teleport when we're ready? 10:22:47 PM | RCon admin #2: (Global) Spectral: EMS LETS GET RICH THEY ALL DRIVE LIKE DENIS!! 10:22:48 PM | (Unknown) [SP] Zac Smith: HEHE 10:22:57 PM | RCon admin #2: (Global) Spectral: OF COURSE THIS IS SGLYFE< TELE'S FOR ALL!! 10:23:11 PM | (Unknown) [O02W] nclem: hey heyy 10:23:13 PM | (Unknown) [O02W] nclem: when does it start? 10:23:15 PM | RCon admin #2: (Global) Spectral: F#%K YOU HACKER!! THIS IS SG BITCH 10:23:31 PM | (Unknown) [AInc-02] Mercy: solid 10:24:36 PM | (Unknown) Mark: WELL SAID MY FRIEND SPEC!! F#@K THEM UP WITH THE MIGHTY ADMIN POWERS!! 10:24:46 PM | RCon admin #2: (Global) Spectral: Who can give me a SGLYFE in the chat? WHO CAN DO IT? 10:24:53 PM | (Unknown) [O02W] nclem: .##SGLYFE 10:24:55 PM | (Unknown) [SP] Elite: SGLYFE 10:24:55 PM | (Group) [S13W] Zomboid: . 10:24:56 PM | (Unknown) [AInc-02] Mercy: SGLYFE 10:24:58 PM | (Unknown) [SoA] Father Yuri: SGLYFE 10:24:59 PM | RCon admin #2: (Global) Spectral: I CANT HEAR YOU 10:24:59 PM | (Unknown) [O02W] nclem: BOI 10:25:02 PM | RCon admin #2: (Global) Spectral: ROCK IT 10:25:03 PM | (Unknown) [O02W] nclem: .#SGYLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYFE 10:25:06 PM | (Unknown) [SP] Elite: SGLYFE!!!! 10:25:07 PM | RCon admin #2: (Global) Spectral: LOUDER 10:25:09 PM | (Unknown) [AInc-02] Mercy: SGLYFE 10:25:10 PM | (Unknown) [SP] Zac Smith: SGLYFEEEEEEE Then Zomboid did THIS <3 10:25:14 PM | (Unknown) [S13W] Zomboid: GAYLIFE.. uhh i mean SGLYFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 10:25:14 PM | RCon admin #2: (Global) Spectral: SALT FLATS LETS GO 10:25:14 PM | (Unknown) [SP] Elite: SGLFYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10:25:16 PM | (Unknown) [T.L.L]Jack Killerado: SGLYFEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 10:25:18 PM | (Unknown) [O02W] nclem: .#SGLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 10:25:25 PM | (Unknown) Mark: SGLYFE 10:25:28 PM | (Group) [S13W] Zomboid: GAYLIFE.. uhh i mean SGLYFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 10:25:34 PM | (Unknown) [O02W] nclem: spec 10:25:36 PM | (Unknown) [O02W] nclem: can i do mine in a cop car 10:25:37 PM | (Unknown) [O02W] nclem: 10:25:57 PM | (Unknown) [T.L.L] JIMMY: salt???? 10:26:15 PM | (Global) [T.L.L] JIMMY: salt 10:26:28 PM | (Unknown) [SP] Zac Smith: EVERYONE SALT MINES LEGGO And we rallied as a Player and Staff team, and we gave people lifts from Rebel 1, and we Teleported, and we spawned in Cars, and blew shit up, to lighten the mood of the night and what happened, and hell we had...fun. We wanted to go Salties, I wanted it, Roger, Zomboid, we all wanted it, for the Players and Community to...let go...and play. So....we did. And we raced cars, and I killed Zac Smith, and we laughed and roamed and rallied. Because, well, thats what we do. So for me, I log tonight, happy. So we will see you all again tomorrow. And we will have more fun. #SGLYFE -Spec @Roger Purple @Zomboid @Tiggati
  19. Spectral

    So, what seems like age ago, but was like, 2 nights ago, I met @Mark Lyons He is a Champion bloke, and I have taken a but of an interest in him, and his time on the Server will be funded and helped out by the Staff. He deserves all our help, and will get it. Mark is a great guy, and he has a real fun time on the Server. We are best mates now. So he wanted me to put up some photos were we went fishing on Bonez Island. If you see him in the game, or TS, please be patient with my new mate. He has a heart of gold, and will always tell you the truth. Here is our fishing trip. PS Just be wary he is a bit of a Hoon and crashed into me and kllled me with a Jetski. Twice. RIP me. Lol. Mark knows :- @Enis @Peroxide @Deano @denis @Roger Purple @[AI] STALKER And many many others, and tonight he met @LuckyB33f
  20. Spectral

    Amazingly proud. Of all involved, and most of the Community all playing hard, having fun, RPs been good. - Property agency Nclem - Ice cream parlour @TH3GamingBanana - civilian contractor added as faction, under tight rules and controls doing great still Keep it up! Need help? @Ianinoz helping with grants Myself - Zeus in props/provide basics, lend you the Events channel as I can @Roger Purple @Zomboid And myself can also help, as much as needed as far as helping keep out trolls, making it playable, and all the staff working hard have our thanks
  21. Spectral

    A great run, and some of the best Cartel work I have seen on Server in my time. I look forward to seeing what happens with these Sons of Ares, and am able and wiling to help, as always. I was there for the start of PNX, it was an epic thread that just took off. Great stuff. As for the others, well, there are talks underway....
  22. Spectral

    DAY 4 - Drag Racing + Cycling Well it was fierce competition, and in the end there could be only one, and that one was @Zac Smith. When asked how he planned it out he was quoted as saying "Dont crash. go fast" @Fish took that too literally and nosedived a Hummingbird into us at the end of the Event, good times. Then it was off to the Cycling, won by [FARA] Marko Taco. LOTS of laughs, I was almost crying laughing by the end, and the whole TS Channel was cracking up. Awesome fun!! #SGLYFE THE POINTS [SP] FISH - 5 points [FEARE] John Mann - 1 point Th3GamingBanana - 1 point Denis - 1 point [SP] Zac Smith - 1 point [FARA] Marko Taco - 1 point
  23. Spectral

    In that last photo, you can see the towers the Snipers are shooting from.
  24. Spectral

    Olympics Day 3 Tightly contested at the Shooting, some real skill shown, and some surprises when bullets from @TrueBlue hit one of the targets. All in all it was great fun, and good to see @Fitz and @InfamousNova there. PISTOL - Winner @Fish RIFLE - Winner @Fish SNIPER - Winner @denis. A real accomplishment, no Laser Des, ranged by eye and by map markers. THE POINTS [SP] FISH - 5 points [FEARE] John Mann - 1 point Th3GamingBanana - 1 point Denis - 1 point
  25. Spectral

    Friday Night Patrol Partners - Spectral/Denis Check self, ammo, food, water, spikes. Gas/Flash Look in Car. 13 Repair Kits. FML.