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Everything posted by Spectral

  1. Spectral

    Breaking News :- A man running a charity run has been struck at high speed from behind by a Police Hatchback with 3 wheels. Witnesses describe the driver as a short angry sounding guy. In a statement the driver said "Bro, what do you EXPECT, the guy was running on the road!". When it was explained to the driver that he was escorting the runner, and it was the runner he ran over he said "Cuz, @$"# you, and this stupid show, like, I am done." @denis
  2. Spectral

    $500 k top up from me + Zeus in the track, some bleachers and stuff, podium, finish line. Can rustle up a tracksuit and running gear for you as well. Get @Deano on the quad with 20 bottles of water and food? Good job. -Spec
  3. Spectral

    Pirate King, prob means as a hostage and your Comms are gone...I kid I kid. Worth noting Mas killed a good chunk of the community, no survivors from the first plane load of extreme parachuters. @Fish Survives second, gets on the ground decs on other survivor and kidneys him, lol. Nice work boys, @masinite, @TrueBlue keep up the great work. -Spec
  4. Spectral

    Warm welcome and looking forward to seeing you cut through lawbreakers in game like a warm knife through a block of butter.
  5. Spectral

    I still wonder how an email to inactive players would go, haven't signed into forum in a month, email saying "Hey...come play with us again?", assuming not banned which could be awkward
  6. Spectral

    Fitz, back at it again with the Dank Bans spree :-)
  7. Kavala Loop. Invite the Boys. Half the Server shows up. Race time. Seemed like the thing to do. -Spec @Fish @Deano @denis @Pope Yuri Thanks @Lotza and Apple for driving the Repair cars/EMS duties Nclem for broadcasting and commentating.
  8. Spectral

    I hid under the Medical Strider. Funniest was when I escorted you off after Yuri shot you, lol.
  9. Spectral

    So, you asked me for it..and I like making you all happy, so...here we go. The Hunger Games Altis 2145 AD Citizens, In lieu of putting up VTOLs and Gunships, sending in the Terminators and Cyber Hounds, we, the Government of the United Altian States, demand, as history allows, Tribute. Gather, on this Friday Night, at 7 pm and be made a shining light, or fallen star. In teams of two you will battle each other, inside a fog of war constructed for this purpose. You will fight. Many will die for the glory of the UAS, but standing at the end will be the victor, and to the victor goes the spoils of war, $5 Million dollars to split between the 2 winners as well as a crate containing a Tanoa gun of choice and ammo, and 6 Boonie Hats ASF. (No cop gear). This is open to all. This is the one you have asked me for. Sign up below.....if you dare...no entry fee, just give me your Team and a Team Name for a Roster. -Spec.
  10. Spectral

    Great night @Mozkelby was great to have some SG fromt our sister servers along. SMOKEY - Collecting his winnings a Tanoa Gun + $$$ @Greg @TrueBlue @sirgeneralj @Fish @Smokey @Gotenks @Lono3107 @Snowwiiee @M_Dyet @Jay Plus all the others, was great to get 34 people in the channel at the peak of things. Very upbeat vibe #SGLYFE
  11. Spectral

    Was good meeting some new people @KimJongUNreal @AZZAR (maybe wrong person?) And the Cops had some fun @That Lucky SOB @vizzN So all in all, mission accomplished
  12. Spectral

    Once your racing Tempest Devices, thats living.
  13. Spectral

    HUNGER GAMES - WINNER SMOKEY!! FIRST PRIZE $5 MILLION + $5 MILLION (DONATED BY PNX YURI - PNX) + $3 MILLION - [SP] RHYS BECKETT + $2 MILLION [L05W] DENIS $15 MILLION!! Thanks to all that came and the genrosity of the prize top uppers, and as always, the [EMS] John Doe, Gotenks and all the boys, I cant do them without you. Photos below.
  14. Spectral

    Tributes, welcome, the Event will be on now at 8 PM. Be in the usual attire, and be ready to go.
  15. Spectral

    Feeling the love. Thanks for all the kind words. Lets keep SG ticking.
  16. Spectral

    Lol, WADDDDDDYAMEAN indeed little fella. #SGLYFE
  17. Spectral

    Sure, EMS Offroad back of Kavala Loop? I dont mind I am not overseeing this, you should talk to the EMS guys I am just helping on the Delivery. What about the Boats?
  18. Spectral

    I can deliver this on 60 mins notice. The course is mapped out. The thing to do is :- Recontact the participants Set a date Start a new thread This doesnt hang on me, or my getting back, its just never been pushed by the people meant to do so. This is not my Event, but I will assist with it and deliver it. Tell me when.
  19. Spectral

    Hey Guys, @Roger Purple and I will both post a short post in here of a Monday, open it for discussion, then lock this thread by Wednesday/Thursday. It will be stuff that we are targetting or things we have noticed. You can also discuss what we discuss, or bring up things that are relevant, not just deril the whole thread saying you want miniguns, or something way off the topic. So for me :- Biggest Frustration of the Week : Hands down, Combat Loggers. It was a PLAGUE of them, I know the regulars would not do this, but if this happens to you please bring it to the Help Desk so we can at least talk to the people and get more data around this, I would estimate the Cops had around, 9-12 people do this to us, after a chase and a shootout, another one in cuffs. Some background, we go to Weed processing, and we get these two Zamaks, one flees (thats fine, chase is on) and we get in a shoot out, tazer one, I chase the other about 200 metres, knock him down, we have one in custody from the Processing. So, good Police work yeah? None killed, on a real rush from the chase in the QIlin, then not one, not two, but ALL THREE Combat Log within 20 seconds of each other. Then try to RECONNECT. Banned, 3 days on the spot. Same sort of thing last night, we chase a Rebel Offroad, shoot out tyres, runs into a bush and DCs, tries to reconnect. Fail RP, Combat log, just ruining it for all. We will be cracking down on this. Cop involved myself, @Randall, @masinite, @Roger Purple, plus others play for the chance to RP and take people in, we are doing it all the right way, lights/sirens, knockdowns, taking the risks to just get...combat logged on. If you do the drime, be set to pay the fine, or do the time, and not argue ruleset or DC. Highlights : Events!! Ran a heap, Futures Hope (the Terminators) was to me, awesome. Some real RP came out, @denis, @TrueBlue, @M_Dyet, @Deano, and all the boys all got right into it, @Roger Purple pulling out the robot voice changer, and wow, FIsh (tag in not working for Fluxx tag) just...let go. Fish poked me and said "Can I be the Tech guy and figure some of it out?" and I just said "Its RP mate..go for it" and he rolled out hard, decoding the T-1000, finding the towers, helping John Connor, and sacrificing his life with John at the end, driving a fuel truck into the Comms tower. Some of our finest stuff, and the first real Community Actors. Lets not mention the Rap Battles **COUGH** Police - Cops have been on fire, lot of the new recruits doing some great work. Got that Video up last week of the taze and restrains, very happy with the conduct and output of the Police. So, short and sweet, my colleague will follow on from me, then its open for you guys. Try to keep it upbeat, or at least on point if yout do have a gripe. Hope your all good, see you soon. -Spec
  20. Spectral

    Good to see some chatter around that and that my finger is definetley on the pulse, that it is a common problem for all. Lets really try to get the message out, maybe some Server Messages out over Email @Axle_Tiaky and talk to the other mods about doing same, once an hour for the next two weeks? Cops, keep being Cops, keep knocking em down and locking em up, if they Combat Log take names and proof to Help Desk, Logging is such a weak act, and is Fail Rp as well as being just weak in general. No need for it on our Server.
  21. Spectral

    Well this was a LOT of fun, TS was cracking up. Controlled Chaos TM. Onelap of Kavala lopp, swapped up the vehicles, had 10-15 racers going at some points, RP it with the Cops that it was illegal Street Race and they got to chase down some of the guys.
  22. Spectral

    All the best in whatever you guys decide to get up to next, and we will always remember the good times, J17 you were alwsys one of the most laid back guys to deal with, showing me and Roger the Dev Stuff, on the Research Server, laying out stuff, showing us the Radar and asking us our opinions, even when we were new. And you always backed us, I always knew you were watching, when we play other SG servers and what we had done in the community you knew. Lot of respect mate. Take care.
  23. Ahhh was all some fun, and to entertain the room. Glad everyone enjoyed the Terminators, also a big thanks to Chromic Lights, she sang some great songs on the spot. @ChromicLights
  24. This happened about, 90 mins ago, Wednesday the 20th, around 3:20 pm. Edited tight and up on the Channel inside 90 mins IRL time. (Making Omelettes nom nom.) Great jobs lads, keep doing this high level of police work, you all make me very proud to be APD Commissioner, and Altis Life Admin. @M_Dyet With the beast taze in CQB. Could of had MX SW out and killed? Definetely. @Sam I Am New SRT Trial, hits the Head Shot non lethal through the window to secure the Taze/Restrain. Just as easy to hit that shot with a 7.62 EMR and kill the suspect? You bet. But we go for the Non Lethals. This is what I am looking for for the Channel VPT Members/Applicants. Tight Story, under 2 mins 30. Fully realize I have access to tools you dont, but this tone, no mass killing involved just good cops/players, playing. This is me giving the Social Media a nudge and the output we are looking for. Tagging in Cops/Heads @Tiggati @Roger Purple @CptKirk @masinite @LuckyB33f @Littleblacksheep@Zomboid
  25. Spectral

    Future's Hope Some things can not be forgiven, or forgotten, or held out as absolute. Having lost to Altian Forces, despite all assurances that the Shadow of War had ended, and would cast on us no more, Stratian scientists, egged on to madness by the Military sent forward a lone traveller, and he, in turn, sent back.....the Machines. Weapons of death and destruction, forged from cold steel, with one purpose. Kill the Altian forces, and claim complete victory. The Machines, terrifying. Terminators. Unfeeling, merciless beings of death, blood and steel. Infiltration units that can impersonate ANYONE, find targets and kill them. Our only hope lies with one man, we must find him, rescue him, and protect him. From whatever they send, he in turn will guide us in this, and grow into the leader that will overthrow these Machines...now, and in the future 20 years from now.. Fail him, and you fail all of Altis. We need you now, more than ever. Brace yourselves, the War against the Machines....has begun... TIME : TBA BRING : NOTHING Read the Events charter. Indicate interest below in attending.