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Everything posted by Spectral

  1. Howdy. You all know me. I am that guy who does things, that are fun, runs the Cops, and runs the Server. It is not my Server. I don't own it, or anything like that. I just work here. And working sometimes means, in the scheme of thing's, the Boss, Mr Beef is entitled to call the shots. I respect that, and him, and the Heads, in all that I do. I am talking now to all the players. Every single one. @Tiggati says to me, "Hey Spec, you kinda smashed that guy a bit hard", then I look at what I did, and I adjust it. Regardless of, if I agree, or disagree, or think, bullies and cowards, trolls are the scum of the earth. I respect him as Head of Ops. I do as he ask of me. I hate Trolls. They are, the enemy, to me, as Admin. Anyone who threatens the brand, or does stuff like that, to hurt you guys, they have to go through the Staff first. And I will fight em, day and night, to make sure you guys have a great time on all the SG Servers. But in that I sense peoples nature pretty fast. Hey, @vizzN, mate I am shining the spotlight on you here. Sorry if you get stage fright champ. You and I had words. My sense, of you was, hmm, good guy, in a bad spot, lets put him with some other good guys. Feedback? your a great RPer, praise on you from your new groups leadership. A win. Events are good. Cops good. Donations, I ask you guys for help. I needed it, "because reasons" and you guys, you overwhelmed me with your support, and opened your wallets and we double the Altis Donations almost. Thank you, for that. Again and again. Thank you. All of this tells me, heck maybe I do an ok job, and people like me. Good stuff. Lets keep it going. I try to do what I can. I am a Leader. A decision has been made, that has a lot of you offside, or scared, or looking to the sky like it will fall. None of this is true. You all know what I mean, the return of some people and a new project. A new Server in the works. "What" is never, ever as important as "How". How we conduct ourselves, as Gentlemen, and players is the end of all things. @LuckyB33f is the boss. He has made a decision. I back him in all he does, and I follow on and do what he asks of me. I will carry on the business of Altis, and other things, at some levels, are not your concern as players. I dont say that as a talking down kind of things, but, hey, "Dont worry guys we got this. Its on us". Just play the game, thats what I want. If I have ever done anything to assure you that I am a man of my word, take me at face value on this. Just play. Stick with it. Beef has earned all our respect and the right to make whatever call he wants. He has stuck with it all. If we look at this, and I hope you will, and you look to ME, and Roger and Zomboid, you know us all as hopefully, good men, and good Admins, and I am saying to you all, here and now. Do not leave us, as players and Staff, over things you think may be. Hold on for me, and just, work as you always have. Don't let your fear rule you. I will never abandon you, or betray you, or be not there when you need me. So I need you all, now, more than ever, to follow where I, we, all of us, lead. Come to us with any concerns, or go to @Tiggati or @Littleblacksheep, talk to people before thinking, "No I am out." I am here if anyone wants to talk. If you want to talk privately hit me up for my SG Email. Yours, As Ever Spectral Altis Life Admin APD Commissioner. Lover of all things SG #SGLYFE
  2. Spectral

    Well said Kenny. +1 Takes nerve to speak up. Takes discipline and nerve to deliver the things you speak of. I am sure with hard work Cop will be a better place.
  3. Seems like 10 years ago. I met a hooligan Pirate King through this and along the way a lot of fun was had I think. I remember seeing [SP], the originals, surrendering on the side of the road and thought, here comes some good times ahead. Who would give away a million in gold back then? Well, they did. Back then it's was The 25, and Sammy, Lannibal Hectors mine as well :-). I appreciatte the fact that people may still enjoy these, and for those going in fresh to them they can be a lot of fun. $100 million... @Tiggati would of spat Mountain Dew on his keyboard... I was on a tight budget back then!!
  4. Spectral

    I guess Community is 5 Streams running into one River, for the enjoyment of everyone. And if one is hurting, the others all step in and have them sorted. And that when it overflows, in runs into the other Rivers. TL:DR supporting the Community, as a whole, is never a bad thing. Edit : Wasnt sure about the 5, was 5 back in the day, and wasnt happy about the height of the font.
  5. Spectral

    Its up to Round 7, I think.
  6. Oh snap. I was sure @Rhys Beckett driving his truck into the compound had stopped them, but time is like an ocean.... @TrueBlue as Kyle Reese, pretty entertaining. I was in my prime then, lol. I always regret not killing The Pale Rider. I will just never get that ticked off...
  7. Spectral

    Back and forth, but cheers I didn't really see the point to the comment, at all. This sort of thing is why I don't post, I am catching up with old mates in a thread and massive derail. Thanks for the hides @Leopard
  8. Spectral

    Attaboy, lol, SRT through and through. -Spec
  9. Spectral

    Constantly entertaining , [SP]. -Spec
  10. Spectral

    10/10 would watch Stolen Boats blow up stuff again.
  11. Spectral

    Gentlemen, As you may or may not have seen some hotfixes hit the Rules, and I was pretty happy to see [SP] take up the new Bank Declaration. If you haven't seen the changes there in the Rules under Bank Rules, and City Limits has a map for Sydney. This leads me to my next point. Once a situation has started, I feel like the forces deployed should be it. It shouldn't be a case of people logging on can join in any situations underway, and that doing so straddles a fine line. A sudden influx is unfair, and when it's players in TS/On Steam/on forums then it ties into using things outside the game world to impact favourably for your team. That's almost the definition of meta gaming, taking things your character should not know and having them affect your actions, logging on, or off, or heading somewhere. So I wanted to invite discussion on this. 1) When a situation (Bank, Fed, Hostages, whatever) is underway, should it be a breaking of rules and RP to go to it? 2) What constitutes the start? Is it when you hit the Rob Teller? Is it when shots are fired? Discuss below. Open forum, keep it polite and on topic. Interested in all opinions, Rebel, Cop, EMS, Help Desk, Cartel. -Spec
  12. Spectral

    Some minor issues @Jay Let's keep it on track, @nclem Is entitled to an opinion and your both Cops so let's not blow up, and has nothing to do with any rule drafting. @Porter Try to keep on topic, if we can, I am not a Cop, or a Rebel, I don't even play any more. At this stage it's all gathering Intel so we don't descend to it being unfair or loose in the way people just roam stomping others with no accountability, structure or ramifications. Its an open forum, for everyone, it's ok if people have different views, that's what makes its diverse and fun to play.
  13. Spectral

    The Awakening Three years had passed. He was not a sentimental man, and it was way past time to go back, and collect what they had stolen from the Federal Reserve. He had regretted how it ended up going down, and that, in the darkest of the dark, dark night, he had taken his .45 and shot his friend in the back of the head. But Gold beats Blood and he loaded the Gold into the holes he had dug around the old Mansion that night. Now he was back, and as he walked around the cold dark, he wondered what that sound was. It was getting closer. In the dark he felt a hand reach out and touch him, and he almost called out. But this was nonsense. No such thing as ghosts.....right? Or so he told himself. He heard the music, then a loud laugh, and he looked, and he saw. His worst nightmare, clad in the shimmering blue. McCready, the man he had shot and killed was back. And he had become....The Pale Rider. Then it all faded to black. Who among you will brave the Darkness? Who will hunt the Pale Rider and seek his gold? Sign up below.....if...you....DARE.
  14. Spectral

    110% Zach Smith, set in stone not "we thought we could so we did", and lots of good talk about it going on. If we can talk about do it can get written, and all are happy it makes the gameplay easier, less HD, less salty or frustrated players. Win - Win, and so far the fact it's all positive, upbeat, constructive stuff makes me pretty happy. Good job guys. Proud of you. -Spectral
  15. Spectral

    This, THIS is what I am looking for, good post @Yuri, keen to read more of your thoughts tonight. This follows the topic and expands on it in a productive way, I was going to dip into walks/impounding in a seperate/later post in this topic but good stuff someone's thinking like I am. I want it fair, easy, and enforceable. Fair for all. Love the post, keep it up, this is the thinking I want from Moderators.
  16. Spectral

    That's all up to your CoC, just looking to stay on topic, maybe no change is required but there is no downside to discussion. I would ask @Zomboid and @That Lucky SOB for clarity, in TS, not here. It is there call, I am not a Cop. If your not giving out gear that's the call that's been made, and that's fine, as long as everyone is following what they have in place and the delivery is uniform by all at all Banks. I don't have an opinion either way and it's not valid even if I did to Police policy. Just looking for feedback and clarity, fine tuning as we move forward some of the Rules.
  17. Spectral

    With 17 guys on SRT Roster now an increase of 8, all have access to everything in the game (or should). If Helicopters get shot down that's pilot error, close overhead scouting of the bank is a drones job, helicopter should be looking for vehicles at known snipers spots, then if found, tracking the snipers from the vehicles. When I see Helicopters sitting over bank or landing on it I just shake my head. The actual Bank is enclosed by cover if they use it, back street, demolished buildings, shooting from Church, LoS exists from Favela to Bank. All of this is tactics though, not manpower which is incidental to guns, if they hold high ground and communicate either side will win 8/10 regardless of firepower.
  18. Spectral

    @Fish Easy to follow is the goal Fishy, just some tweaks that cut out any grey and remove the sense that it is stacked on either side. @nclem This hangs around the ability of those on to pull gear and actually do it. I have watched 3 Banks in 4 days where Pub Slots and Cadets are not given anything, including one last night. Result? A flogging and 3 Cop vehicles lock picked and stolen. No drones up I could see by eye or in Zeus either. Looking for equality, and at some levels the delivery of this relies on people doing some work Bank Rebel Pro - get to set the time, get to setup first, get to dictate the kickoff, often outgun the Cops, multiple externals, may have explosives Con - travel time, gear cost, jail, outnumbered, risk vs reward Cop Pro - close travel under 60 seconds, get to use drones, air assets in play, can use Cartel to backup/boost numbers Con - outgunned, metagamed against/trolled by Civ in back roads, have to respond on no notice, have different levels of experienced officers on. Feds more in depth, but you get what I mean, not looking to penalise either side, just, clarity. Other rules I want to look at is VDM, the hard definition pulling people out and flipped Cars, increasing the scope of it. Servers grown a lot, got to adapt.
  19. Spectral

    Summary 1) Ok to attend if in channels pre gunfire 2) Feeling is like you should have to wait longer before releasing, your gear should be forfeited if your dead. Winning side should be able to have time to claim guns etc. 3) If your kicked and it's in combat then no returning, no exceptions, if the situation is at a standoff or shots fired, or players on scene from your faction it has commenced 4) If you died no returning. Cop side no dealing with the captured, to them your dead till processed and jailed or released. 5) Cant contact outside of TS, or it is Meta 6) A huge influx ruins things from either side
  20. Spectral

    Lots of well thought out, well written stuff, exactly what I am hoping to see. Let's keep it going. @TrueBlue / @denis @TheMagician / @Porter @Lono3107 / @ALI @LickMyWhat?? @surey More Cops weigh in the better, I am looking to set a standard that is fair and usable for all parties. @vizzN @Sam I Am @sirgeneralj
  21. Spectral

    In summary so far, Cops feel reinforcements is ok pre shots fired, and 2 of them are Ex Rebels. So, keen to hear from more Civ/Rebel/Cartel/EMS. What does everyone think?
  22. Spectral

    Interesting. So pre shots fired, it's open field for reinforcements? What about the fact Rebel reinforcements by the letter of the rules have to spawn Rebel, Cops could spawn Airbase. Is that fair?
  23. Spectral

    So say, 8 Cops respond to Fed, and as your in chopper on way, the 7 Robber you saw on drone become 15 with people logging in and heading from houses to Fed, getting there before you. Is this fair? Is it meta they log on for Fed, or they start it without them in?
  24. Spectral

    Would you feel the same with your Rebel tags on do you think? Legit question, interested in everyone's POV before drafting the rule.