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Everything posted by sirgeneralj

  1. sirgeneralj

    Jebus everyone is leaving Good luck with the mighty educational system, you will need it when you are coming up against me lol All the best, had a great time shooting with and at you mate #TheFire
  2. sirgeneralj

    Maybe gold and silver cars? i know on a sever I used to play on it was l which didn't do much other than make your lights turn on/off - maybe the key to activate compas, wouldn't really interfere at all unless you accidentally toggle it on lol just a thought @LuckyB33f
  3. sirgeneralj

    Well that's awkward '/' is my third person key lol This sounds and looks really cool, cant wait to get in after the update...... Looking forward to the new uniforms as welllllll... Thanks to all the boys who put this together, especially B33f, I know alot of effort is put into these updates. Jack Out #TheFire
  4. sirgeneralj

    Remember that one time the server crashed but I could still move so I went and landed on another helicopter which had been flying around. Ask Amazingburger what happens when you clip your blades on a skid cause de sync happens lol
  5. sirgeneralj

    #TheLikeFarm - Wish I had thought of this lol 374 192 #TheFire
  6. sirgeneralj

    Damn Wish I wasn't out for the whole day lol
  7. sirgeneralj

    Cop force going great. I know the Comms are a tonne better then the old server I used to go on. And I understand people like to keep banter to a minimum but there are also quite a few who enjoy the banter and while playing everyone had to remember it's just a game. To me I have 3 main goals and I think that they are pretty good, if anyone has other goals I would like to hear them: 1. Have fun (so cliche) 2. Don't get banned 3. Do good teamwork and beat the rebels Boys, I love good Comms, but to me there is a point where it's too far, it also depends on the nature of the night, the imsituation and amount of officers. One of the best banks I have ever done we had about 8 officers, Comms were reasonable clear but jokes were being well placed throughout our battle, people realised when to shutup and in the spare time when no one else was talking there might be a witty remark. This works really good with 6-10 officers whom have self control, but we do need to know, battle messages take priority. By the end of that bank everyone was relaxed, laughing and high fiving how well we smashed the rebels. By contrast with 20 cops on, while I believe there is still room for a few jokes they need to be quick and not obstruct the Comms for more then 10 seconds, due to the fact there's normally 3 lines of communication at once. I have a pet hate with shouting because it doesn't accomplish anything (other then Ingame for roleplay), but hey it happens, atleast it seems we have gotten rid of some of the worst offenders. Banter is always good as it gives us an outlet for fun and keeps us relaxed Ingame. We don't have to win every battle, and generally Comms aren't the only reason we loose (even though that's rare). I say all we need to do is learn where it's appropriate or not, for who wants a force who can't talk. I personally want to laugh with all the boys when a rebel kills his own gang member, or when they grenade themselves and make our job easy. I want to be forgiving to the new guys, and train them to be the best they can be. I want us to all have a kind of friendship that brothers in arms should have, because a team is only as good as its weakest player. As far as banter against cops, yes we do accept it as a joke, if at any time you feel as though someone has gone too far with something please let the highest rank in the channel know, we enjoy having fun and sometimes everyone goes a little too far, but if it's annoying you don't let it go further and let someone know. If this person does nothing let a Helpdesk, admin or moderator know and it'll be sorted out that way. As I said, we are brothers, we are going to say a few things but downright bullying is not okay, and if you have had enough, then it's going to stop there. Would like to thank @Marc_R for being one kickass comish, served under him since around the 15th of December and every day has been great. It has been awesome seeing the police force evolve, from the days as a pub where I had to teach the other pubs until today, where we have induction training and friendly people nearly always available to help. Also great to see everyone coming together to fight crime. Lets use our MXs well and our tazers better, we are the APD and we are here to protect and serve (ourselves) baby #TheFire - To the best Altis Life Police Force -
  8. sirgeneralj

    Now I want to learn how to texture lol Maybe help with a few new cop skins
  9. sirgeneralj

    The Mango is strong with this one
  10. sirgeneralj

    I agree with Excel It also makes it seem as though an application is actually being looked at not just ignored. Although this would probably have to be added to a new role or an increase of forum moderators would be required. Either way, someone to move topics when required and sort out applications which haven't met requirements quickly could greatly assist the community. as far as who would want to be the job, I think you could find lots of people and would be a good job for a few reasons: - It would recruit people whom actually wanted to help the community, as there is little added power but quite abit of responsibility, making it a good way to see someone is dedicated to Straya - It would act as a great stepping stone to higher ranks showing your dedication without added power - People whom wanted to apply just for the power would obviously be filtered out - Specific person to do the job meaning it frees up others. It also wouldn't take very long if you took a quick look every day, managing resources efficiently Thanks #TheFire Might not have worded it the best
  11. sirgeneralj

    I'm in
  12. sirgeneralj

    So that's why there was a creepy man standing ontop of a house lol. Nah, looks awesome mate, hehe got in this one too, although you barely caught me lol. #TheFire
  13. sirgeneralj

    Hahahaha; sounds about right
  14. sirgeneralj

    I heard someone mention the bug was fixed however I am unsure whether or not this is true
  15. sirgeneralj

    price was originally 100K per bar Then was reduced to 50K per bar a few weeks ago Has now been raised to 90K per bat
  16. sirgeneralj

    Can we do one of the runs with police officers whom are interested eithed way I'm in bby
  17. sirgeneralj

    I play CS:GO, Battlefield 4 and ARMA Thats about it recently; and real life
  18. sirgeneralj

    20 million.... Now that's a donation Good on ya @Pavlov And great reward @Spectral Thanks to both of you and all the other SG staff for making all this fun possible
  19. sirgeneralj

    Generally you will find lots of higher ups who are willing to come to a deal for a self defence claim, provided you can properly prove it. You are correct about the reason it is so highly priced, but there are lots of lovely people who will chip some off your fine because we know it was self defence. Evidence is always best to prove your case, because without a reason to suspect otherwise, if claimed, all manslaughters can be in self defence. We will see what Marc says, but pretty much if I think someone truly was acting totally out of self defence and I saw it/it was proven then I am happy to let them off with some admin fees (20k or so). Idea of the rule is to stop people skipping fines, but if it really was self defence I think the general action is let them have abit lighter fine. Some of the newer guys are abit stricter sticking word to word to the database, not just using their judgement with it. If all else fails you can always ask to talk to a higher ranked officer. @Marc_R As far as the taser happy kiddies, that's both a problem developed by the cops and the Civs, here's why: 1. The cops just love tasing, they don't realise the pain electrical shock brings 2. We taze early because people love to pull guns on us 3. Because if we restrain people without tasing them people get pissed off because they don't understand a tackle with quick cuffs 4. Lack of training has led to a fall behind in roleplay, cops are getting good at stationary roleplay but on the move its still abit dicey. I totally agree that the tazing was too quick. Somebody should have shouted to put your hands on your head atleast if you had approached unarmed but sometimes we are rather sensitive about being shot in the back. @Marc_R @Roger Purple @Spectral - Maybe we could go over some new techniques I got for training. If you like them we can update everyone sergeant up quickly and work it in with training. Focusing more on RP but also protecting ourselves from those evil rebels. Jack Fire - Sergeant SPD Jonathen Water - Attourney General Jim Earth - SP wingman (probably just a temp lol) All round Awesome Helpdesk :p.... Who can't figure out signatures lol
  20. sirgeneralj

    Well that went well.... bloody SRT We know who not to let in next event lol Good game; sorry I had to leave early, we really need to find a cure for schizophrenic fits Jack Fire, Helpdesk Sergeant Jonathen Water, Attourney General
  21. sirgeneralj

    Im in provided I'll be online at the time lol
  22. sirgeneralj

    Please give me your comments on: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kVij62sVHZeYGHzA7sE4ObJgsp9mvwq-EyC44AyFz1k/edit?usp=docslist_api hoping to stage it into altis in the next few days, got some new boys keen to Lawyer as well Amy suggestions put them down and they will be considered On a side note; a few days ago in legal studies we found that the prosecution in criminal cases were brought by two types of people; 1. Specially trained police officers named police prosecutors (low level) 2. Representatives from the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (high level) but here in altis lets just keep it simple
  23. sirgeneralj

    So As of today I am taking over the Lawyer and court system on the server. I am doing a big overhaul on procedures, trying to make it as fair and realistic as possible. I currently have a document in creation and am looking for 3 medics to go on as permanent judges and some police to join the ranks of Crown Lawyers. I will be including guidelines on things like warrants and will be working closely with the police to have the regulations match. If anyone has any suggestions for the overhaul please comment them below. All old Lawyers will be contacted and I plan to have a meeting tomorrow Until then, peace out #TheFire Attorney General
  24. sirgeneralj

    I'm probably just an idiot but what time and date is the event?
  25. sirgeneralj

    If you guys need any help I can pitch in abit. Have quite abit of experience with video production and the like. #TheFire