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Everything posted by BruhBea

  1. BruhBea

    There have been a few odd server crashes recently, so not much we can do about that
  2. BruhBea

    CPT +1 Tig +1 Brodie +1
  3. BruhBea

    Trust me its not just rebels. But at the same time, because we are 'busy with admin stuff' doesn't excuse us from being declared on etc. Numerous times I've been arrested/declared on while trawling through logs, reports and id's to find players breaking rules; Sometimes even in safezones. Sometimes you just have to cop it on the chin and get on with it. But don't get me wrong. Any kind of staff abusive is not permitted and is dealt with with severe consequences..
  4. BruhBea

    We're working on fixing some issues regarding peoples experience and trying to improve the general role play of the server. As for the custom vehicles etc, this is kind of a secret operation and no further information can be disclosed. You'll all just have to wait and see. We should have an update coming soon for Altis Life with a few tweaks to improve role-play and alter the game-play; in a good way of course.
  5. BruhBea

    Sydney Layout else where Its too close to cop HQ and its just more incentive for everyone to sit in Kav and not do anything but banks.
  6. Rob fort knox? Yeah it would be awesome fun, i think bees idea with the ASNUC mercenaries pretty well nails it. Could have like shadow minister hide outs where they staff their 'illegal' gold etc that can be raided. Can't wait to see something like this in game
  7. BruhBea

    The nightstalker was never meant to be white/black, so the 'temp fix' is how you can recreate the bug..
  8. BruhBea

    install arma tools to start off with and photoshop
  9. BruhBea

    This might sound weird. But less colour
  10. Thats what im saying, I don't agree with them working for the police. Because, it is the Police's job to chase down and track criminals breaking the law on Altis. If we introduce bounty hunters it takes away from the jobs available to the officers.
  11. they get monies for transporting or something
  12. Army - seems possibly overpowered and would possibly be underused. Unless they did regular missions like gun transports etc to outposts which can be ambushed by civs/rebels. Which actually sounds fun PMC - would need to be regulated and would be more often than not contracted by civs to take on cops. Which hammers the cop force more, but could be balanced somehow. Bounty Hunters - again, must be regulated and more often than not contracted by civs to make sure cops still get to do their job and take down criminals too. Not necessarily allied with the police force, but on rare occasion contracted by senior officers to take down a target. Cops would stay clear of said target until target is delivered preferably alive. 2cents. coz im poor
  13. BruhBea

    Half way through downloading War Thunder.. Opinions? is it good? and which nation should i go and also, who has it? and who wants to play with me :D and essentially teach me
  14. BruhBea

    When @CPT dies in your arms It was a sad day A true citizens arrest in progress.
  15. Added Siege along with your votes :)
  16. BruhBea

    lmao I don't think the cops would have caught you regardless :P
  17. - Made Poll Multichoice, Let me know if you want to add another vote.
  18. BruhBea

    you need options to make a poll
  19. BruhBea

    @CPT hows your commodore going m9. You drinking VB now and smoking ciggies while doing fat single peggars? No? good.. Congrats bud, I'm literally getting mine today too hopefully -.-
  20. BruhBea

    The problem wasn't having players, it was finding other communities willing to fight us Could possibly be revived though, we'll see
  21. BruhBea

    500k Altis life monies on Rousey. First to counter-bet me is my betting rival.
  22. BruhBea

  23. BruhBea

    as Rog said, its also a hex tube which the AT has a square tube Then length probably isnt that much different tbh