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Everything posted by BruhBea

  1. BruhBea

    sheepy does tend to get a little worked up but i haven't had any (maybe a few..) rage worthy moments
  2. BruhBea

    so far so good. I'm enjoying the tank warfare, i haven't tried out the realistic mode as I'm still getting used to the shell drop etc. but even in the "easy" mode its like no other tank battle i've played. It's bloody awesome, and sometimes a challenge
  3. BruhBea

    I've been very busy these past few weeks
  4. BruhBea

    its not the server key thats the issue, and tbh server keys are easy, its the mod itself
  5. BruhBea

    Dragonfyre is SP only at this stage
  6. BruhBea

    Welcome to the forums bud @shift597 lurks about, quik only uses ts and Rogmantosh is on leave. So you can have me instead I'm assuming you're an I&A lad?
  7. BruhBea

    Is a possibility with enough interest. I still have all the files.
  8. BruhBea

    "frankie's" version isnt owned by frankie. And there are servers of "it" (a similar type) up and its not popular. The variant Frankie plays is customized by CCG (whose devs are out of this world) and its being kept under a tight lock and key.. I doubt anyone will get their hands on the server files other than CCG
  9. BruhBea

    I have thought and talked about this a few times.. I think it'd be good to see
  10. BruhBea

    he was writing during a standoff? Sounds like a skilled man
  11. BruhBea

    aha You're the administrator here
  12. BruhBea

    JSRS and CBA are clientside. Nothing has been altered on the server, it just allows people, if they want, to run JSRS on their computer alone. This only alters their gameplay and doesn't affect how Invade & Annex run. We are in no way forcing this mod upon players. It is simply optional.
  13. BruhBea

    is the air combat good? or arcadey?
  14. BruhBea

    Shacktac needs to enter testing, we'll be doing this probably within the next month. JSRS 2.2 is working in MP while DragonFyre only works in singleplayer If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask
  15. BruhBea

    you dont get a choice, i think it occasionally bugs out and gives white/black. It's only happened a few times for me
  16. BruhBea

    10/10 would not buy. Fun, arcade and shit. doesn't float my boat.. i preferred the original battlefront
  17. BruhBea

    Just by reading this post it seems a few of the high ranking officers feel threatened by this move; and quickly jumped at the conclusion axle was seeking a promotion. From what I've seen, read and heard i come to the same conclusion as Axle and a number of members, there are some people who don't pull their weight and things need to change. A police restructure wouldn't hurt, it would be nice to see some people getting more involved into the RP, i.e training, taking pubs on patrols and eventually removing public slots all together. @Supanova, @ForeignGuy, @Brodie and for any other whitelisted coppers out there. If you do your job correctly and pull your weight then theres no reason you'd be demoted/lose positions. There are, I personally have noticed and others, a few whitelisted cops that really dont do jack and have horrible RP skills. anyway, my 2 cents Happy Gaming!
  18. BruhBea

    yeah, the black/white seems kind of temperamental and bugged. Whether this is true or not hey. White figures are still enemies
  19. BruhBea

    are you talking about the black/white thermal instead of the orange/white thermal?
  20. BruhBea

    My bad, didn't know you only meant clientside mods Fully support then! Love JSRS
  21. BruhBea

    Kinda odd me saying this as I've always been hanging out for modded I&A.. But regardless, have a read I don't believe hijacking the server and chucking mods on the weekends is a good idea. Say you work 5 days a week, you're not registered on straya, you don't know about this poll or whatever. And each weekend you just want to chill out, jump on and have a bash of some good old Invade and Annex.. Now, you've just finished a long week of work and you go to jump on the good old Straya server, when. Damn, can't connect, what is this wizardry? And there is now already a shitty start to your weekend after you're long week of working for a shit boss. Now yes of course this wont be everyones mindset (certainly not mine), a lot of players will be eagerly awaiting the next Modded Weekend.. but for those players that arent regulars, arent registered and just come jump on whenever they have time will be disheartened and wonder, why is the server now modded? is this permanent? They will have questions, and most probably just close arma, or find another server, because its much quicker than registering or downloading teamspeak. (I'm talking about the few out there that don't download mods/use teamspeak) This idea would have been perfect for the dedi, like the special event nights, have modded I&A nights/weekends. But as we know, thats no longer a possibility. Another possibility is we invest in a smaller server, that on weekends we run 2 nights/2 days of modded I&A and we also give access to the communities we (StrayaGaming) host, i.e. SOTG and SGT for usage during the week or sunday arvos when we aren't running Modded I&A. Now, I'm not against this, I'm just stating points that came to mind when taking into consideration the entire playerbase, not just the majority.
  22. BruhBea

    HEY THATS ME! yeah the bombs were actually frozen there
  23. BruhBea

    Welcome to the forums buddy hope to play with you some day
  24. BruhBea

    To me it sounds like a good idea
  25. offering rewards for joining teamspeak doesnt exactly breach the rules as far as i know