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Everything posted by BruhBea

  1. BruhBea

    So last weekend Tiggati posted a topic asking for YOUR input, your opinion. What games would you like to see in StrayaGaming? Now I'm gathering everyones comments and creating a poll which will let us know the amount of interest in each of the ideas. If you have any other ideas please comment them below and i can add them to the Poll list of answers.
  2. BruhBea

    sounds fun
  3. BruhBea

    bruh this aint real life I mean personally i think peaches should be around 12-14k ea
  4. BruhBea

    That RP reason is totally valid, prison abuse is totally valid reason to massacre tens of officers. Poor bloke was just riding a quad with probably a lot of drugs and guns :))
  5. BruhBea

    It's a nice screenshot don't get me wrong
  6. BruhBea

    USMC soldiers US Army soldiers really? Not even remotely relevant to Straya, let alone altis life aha.
  7. BruhBea

    Due to Bohemia's new monetization rules we're are not permitted to exchange money (i.e donations) for in-game perks. This seriously fucked us over which has forced us to look into other options. Like skins, reserved slots etc. We cannot offer any gear, money or objects which may give certain players (donators) an edge over regulars.
  8. BruhBea

    Dropping pingas, Ripping Bongs and Necking JD. #GOODNIGHT #ft #@LyricalBandit#@Martyn.
  9. BruhBea

    Yes. It is RDM unless you or your contractor declare on him.
  10. BruhBea

  11. BruhBea

    10/10 would fly BroBeans Air.
  12. BruhBea

    we've been having issues with our hosts. This coupled with the extra strain on the server hasn't been going too well. We're currently looking at upgrading Sorry for the inconvenience
  13. BruhBea

    It's possible to make the channel PTT only. But idk if its really necessary
  14. BruhBea

    https://www.funker530.com/little-bird-pilot-showing-off-during-an-extraction/ When shift challenges you. And you trump his challenge and perfectly balance the heli. SOTG Pilot rep.
  15. BruhBea

    Lol. I think this poll has concluded itself
  16. BruhBea

    we just need a 70 slot sotg server with 70 members
  17. BruhBea

    We're working on a fix at the moment across our servers.
  18. BruhBea

    As of today 1.54 Arma has been released. All servers will be updated within the next day few days. @John Paul and @dasweetdude will be sure to keep us all informed.
  19. BruhBea

    we've wanted to have a regular member as commissioner ever since the start of altis life, the problem is finding someone to fit the job, who is mature enough and is trusted enough. It's surprisingly hard believe it or not. And I will disregard your comment about myself, except for the fact, how can you make a judgement on someone's ability to lead when you hardly play with them?
  20. BruhBea

    At the moment, police are given a message about a tip off. They do not receive a location, destination or description. When this is coupled with multiple 'legal' trucks its impossible to tell the difference. Not to mention the search function doesn't work with the illegal truck missions.
  21. BruhBea

    the skins need changing between the illegal and legal missions. @Brodie