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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jay

  1. Jay

  2. Jay

    An idea from a once "active player". Stop complaining about the balancing on Altis Life and play the ****ing server. Because that ended well last time? How long have you been on this server? 2 weeks?
  3. Jay

    sorry, who are you?
  4. Jay

    thanks daddy brods for always being there for strayagaming, straya wouldn't be where it is today without you
  5. Jay

    Thanks for everything True, best of luck for the future.
  6. Jay

    Simple solution! SRT Commander Jay
  7. Jay

    https://twitter.com/ozzy3life?lang=en @Connor.
  8. I looked at the pictures and thought this was Altis Life....got excited for a second there...
  9. Jay

    I was a Forum Mod at one stage
  10. Jay

    I simply couldn't find a place for 'Forum Suggestions', Is it possible to get a 'Delete Post' function added for members on the forums? We can edit our own posts but to leave a post with '*REMOVED*' but why can't we just delete the post all together? Thanks, Jay
  11. Jay

  12. Jay

  13. Jay

    Jay <3 money
  14. Are they removing the old SG Veteran tag?
  15. Background - I had already spent 3-4 hours in helpdesk for comp/RDM issues that day (10/01/2016), I was almost about done with sitting in helpdesk when my $3,000,000 Taru gets D-Sync rammed. Poor BushWookie gets accused for blowing up my Taru just simply because he was in helpdesk at the same time, to this day I still wonder what Gingy was on whilst we were discussing my blown up Taru. (This is a video mainly for people who were around during this time and had the pleasure of meeting Gingy and Moderator ItzWayz) @Tiggati @ItzWayz @GingyKurza
  16. Jay

    Welcome mate, hope you enjoy your stay
  17. Jay

    I was the Treasurer for the failed Altis Life Government for all of about 2 days (admittedly did nothing), does this mean all the tax goes to me?