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Everything posted by Brodie

  1. Added: - Added "Crew Helmet" to lieutenant+ - Added Diving Gear to Sergeant+ - Added more Undercover Uniforms + Hats for Captain+ - Added Press Vest to Clothing Store (For News and Stuff :D) - Added M320 LRR (Black) for lieutenant+ - Added UAV Terminal's to lieutenant+ so they can use the UAV's - Added a new Purple ifrit skin (Thanks to Dasweetdude) - Added in an 8th Police Rank for commissioner - Added House Security (You can buy an alarm from the market) Changed: - Changed Hunters from lieutenant to sergeant - Changed SRT button so only lieutenants+ can call SRT - Increased price of clothing store to 35k - Increased price of Police Gas Masks - Increased Price of Knockdown rounds to 25k - Increased and Decreased price of Police Snipers - Changed all Crafting prices to make it more realistic + Added alot more stuff to craft - Changed some rebel weapon shop prices - Changed police blackfoot to Commander+ - Changed police barriers to Officer+ - You can now buy 9 houses instead of 1 Removed: - Wiped all Gangs to temporarily fix Gangs Bugging out. (All gangs that had money in them i have saved on my computer, message me on ts or make a comp request and ill check if you legit had it then transfer the gang funds to your account. - Removed some duplicate weapons in the Rebel Weapon Shop TODO/Hotfix (Within the next few days): - Finish the police icons and names so above all police officers head it will have eg. "Commissioner Brodie" and then the Commissioner Icon. - Still being worked on - Add a boat garage to the police boat shop - Boat guy sunk into the jeti, will have to move him onto the brisbane beach - Add in diving goggles for cops so they can actually see when diving - FIXED - Add in the UAV Terminal for lieutenants not just captains - Altis Disables taking controls for some reason [After this i'm going to try work on a bigger update so the next update might not be out for a few weeks] If you find any bugs in the server be sure to report it in the bug section or on teamspeak asap so we can get out a hotfix!
  2. Brodie

    Welcome to strayagaming buddy! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  3. Brodie

    Hey everyone, tonight i've gone and remade the police stores, Weapon, Vehicle and Clothing... I also made it so there is a rank for every police rank that we have now instead of only having 5 ranks.... This means that the cop levels are different for each rank, so you may be a higher rank, or a lower rank ingame than what you're ment to be... If this is the case, just comment below your Police rank now, and what rank you're ment to be and i'll change them all asap. You may also contact me on teamspeak about it.
  4. Brodie

    You can't expect people to be a cop all the time, and there shouldn't be a limit. Yes Ik that I don't play enough cop atm but that's only when there's like 17 cops online at once vs like 20 Civs... It's almost a 1-1 ratio when it's better for it to be around a 3-1 ratio civs to cops. Me and dog have organised an SRT training for tonight and after that I'll probably start to play mainly cop anyway coz I'm getting fairly bored of civ. The main reason I go civ is to balance out the cop to cig ratio. Civilian should be another life not the same as your cop life. Kicking them or demoting them shouldn't at all be for playing rebel instead of cop but it's fine if it were due to a lot of cop inactivity. I play at least an hour or so of cop at the moment a day but also play rebel as well.. If I were to only play rebel I'd agree with this completely. Anyway Ik this doesn't only regard me but I'm part of it. So due to this I'll do my best to play more cop then I currently do.
  5. Brodie

    The poll has resulted in Combat Medics staying, on the condition that they can only heal in combat and not revive during any sort of combat. Meaning any medic who revives during combat will be allowed to be killed by the person fighting against the revived person aswell as a potential kick from the server. This rule will be changed on the forums, and some more in depth rules will be put on the forums in some time, i'll change it ingame in the briefing and medic rules next update. //Closed
  6. Brodie

    Over the past few days there's been some confusion and discussion with combat medic. There's also been some medics just continously reviving one Civilian or Cop without anyone being able to shoot the medic to stop them pretty much giving the revived player unlimited lives/godmode... When really the original reason for combat medic was to be able to heal people but not revive in combat. I'm making this poll to see what the community would like, you can either vote to keep Combat Medics in (Medics that can revive in combat) or completely remove any sort of combat reviving until the situation is over. This poll will end on the 3rd of November and whichever has the highest votes at the end of it will be the rule that is changed ingame.
  7. Brodie

    That's why I wrote there's been some confusion. Because originally that's what it was meant to be but everyone thinks they can go and revive anyone in combat yet they can't be killed. Even in the middle of an active gunfight. That's why I'm having this vote just to see what people want. And if combat medics to stay wins then the rules will be changed to them only being able to heal like it was originally meant to be.
  8. Fixed: Rebel Outpost Aircraft Spawn Houses not being purchasable Ship Wreck's should now give more than just some donuts Unlock glitch (You will no longer lose money due to the server glitching and causing a restart) (There was alot more small bug fixes) Changed: Changed Brisbane bank Minimum money to 750k with an extra 750k randomly generated on-top of that Rebalanced all Shops (Civ,Rebel and Cops) Civilian Paycheck to $3000 Police paycheck to $3500 Medic paycheck to $4500 ----------------------------------------------------------- There was a fair bit of other stuff that i put in this update but forgot to write it down If you find any bugs in the server be sure to report it in the bug section or on teamspeak asap so we can get out a hotfix!
  9. Brodie

    Welcome to the community man! Hope you enjoy your stay! We use teamspeak to communicate, you can find our teamspeak server at straygaming.teamspeak3.com
  10. Brodie

    Hey buddy, welcome to the community! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  11. Brodie

    Fixed up all the stores, and actually gave some better gear back to sergeants! It'll be released sometime in the next few days.. Along with a few other fixes such as not being able to buy houses.
  12. Brodie

    Already fixed, it'll be in next update. Cheers An mx or an mxm I think. I'm going to change the stores a bit more anyway because people aren't happy with them at the moment and rebel store is to expensive. So I'll just completely go over every store and make sure it's fair.
  13. Brodie

    All good buddy, we'll makes sure to keep your rank safe!
  14. Brodie

  15. Brodie

    Straya used to host them as dog said, it's definitely possible you just can't edit anything in it.
  16. Brodie

    It was more a suggestion, but you can get colored skins for your dinosaurs
  17. Brodie

    To add to that, recently there's been plenty of features that can be added to ark such as colored dinosaurs and many other cool things like that, that possibly donators could get.
  18. Brodie

    In attempt to try get a bit more of a player base on the altis life server i've gone and posted on the steam advertising area aswell as the altisliferpg forums so hopefully we'll get a fair amount of new players from that. Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/app/107410/discussions/10/490123197952663088/ AltisLifeRPG: http://www.altisliferpg.com/topic/12277-strayagaming-altis-life-350k-start-au-nz/#entry76015
  19. Brodie

    I played like 200 hours on it and then got bored, i usually went USSR, + the beginner planes are better
  20. Brodie

    Welcome back Donny <3! It's good to see you back man, missed you
  21. Welcome back buddy, hope you have a good one!
  22. Brodie

    That was beautiful
  23. Brodie

    We'll try play even more, but at multiple times even some people voting on a restructure have told us that there's to many cops over powering the civilians and now it's that we aren't on enough :/. Anyway, we're gonna organise alot more trainings for cops and get the higher officers to play more + a few cadets have been promoted.