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Everything posted by Brodie

  1. Brodie

    I do agree promotions need to be given out a bit quicker than they are at the moment, but the cadets need to prove they deserve a promotion and there probation is 1 week so it can't be quicker than that anyway.
  2. Brodie

    We'll give it some time for people to have a vote, and if enough people really want this we'll see if something can be sorted out.
  3. Brodie

    The community has all right to have a vote on what they would prefer, there's nothing against them doing that... We're just stating our opinions on the topic
  4. Brodie

    There's only so much police command can do about these cops when we don't see them in the act If you catch people doing this then either try get evidence or report it right away
  5. Brodie

    Dr Booby is not even whitelisted, he was kicked and warned for his Fail RP as a cop yesterday. He shouldn't have an influence on the police force at all, exactly why we kicked him as soon as we saw his police behaviour
  6. Brodie

    At the moment honestly the chain of command is fine, plenty of people to deal with the applications and people in set leadership roles. What it sounds like to me is that you would like a promotion? If that is the case just play cop a bit more than you have been and prove that you'd be better for a rank up. If this isn't what you're wanting then please elaborate a bit more on how you would like the chain of command restructured.
  7. Brodie

    Where's the hatchback sport race?
  8. Altis Life Update #1 Added - Added in Earplugs (Shift + END) - Added Surrender Action (Shift + V) - Added Wanted+ Menu for Police (Manually add Fines for Sergeant+) - Added Rebel Outpost spawn points if you have a Rebel Training license. - Added in Organ Harvesting + Organ Dealing - Added New HUD icons for Food/Water/Health - Added Safezone around Hospitals + Rebel Outposts - Added in a Anti VDM Script, Meaning you can't be VDMED - Added 2 Vests into Clothing Store - Added Kidney Transplants for medics. - Added Police clothing textures in. - Added key to police to open boomgates (O) - Added a Go Kart track north of kavala - Added more hats to cops for specific roles. - Added masked player script (your name changes to "Masked Player" while wearing a Shemag / Balaclava) - Added suicide vests Changed - Changed Paychecks - Police 3000 > 4500, Medic 3000 > 6500 and Civ 3000 > 3500 - Completely changed all weapon shops - Changed respawn timer to 2 minutes. - Changed wanted list tickets to the correct amount - Moved Altis Corrections to the old federal reserve on the pyrgos island. - Balanced out weapons and vehicle prices for civs and cops Removed - Removed Cops reviving players. Any bugs or Issues found with the new Update, Please report them on teamspeak so we can get a hotfix out and fix them asap! Credit: Supanova, J17, Brodie
  9. I'll help you out with it if you need it
  10. Brodie

    I preordered it awhile ago, although i still don't think it'll be any good
  11. Brodie

    Hey ollympus, seen you as cop and medic so good luck on the server and have fun!
  12. Brodie

    Hey buddy, welcome to the community!
  13. I assume anyone will be able to try out, the better players during the try outs will get picked.
  14. Brodie

    Welcome to Straya! Enjoy your stay