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Everything posted by Leopard

  1. Leopard

    Pretty much just PNX vs SP Question: Does this include events? Question: I assume you must be playing under your normal name in the competition correct?
  2. Leopard

    Well look at that dyet, you may have gotten the rifle you wanted @LuckyB33f Is there any way for non-apex owners to use the apex vehicles, I have seen it with the Helicopter DLC. If you didn't have it, you could windows key "Get in Pilot" or "Get in Co-Pilot" or in a car "Get in Driver". I think it's a server based bit of coding, but I have seen it work and successfully bi-pass the Apex requirements for vehicle operations, I feel it could be worth the addition to prevent the ownership of apex vehicles and expansion having that security of probably 50% of people not actually being able to steal the vehicle.
  3. Leopard

    @Shrood What? Like what even do you mean? _________________________________ I think Altis Life is fine for the time being, I think leave it a few months, let more people buy Tanoa and then look at making the shift to Tanoa, it doesn't seem like the most RP compatible map in my opinion. RPing in a jungle seems like a nightmare... - At least if you keep Altis life for now, while everyone buys it, you can still have all the features of apex in Altis life and then when you feel a majority own it, make the shift. Sentence structure = dead. Apologies,
  4. Leopard

    Hahahaha. Not only are their in-game actions intense, their communications are freakin tight. @[AI] STALKER Any video on your end
  5. Leopard

    Good stuff @Jared. Not for the competition; I love StrayaGaming for the wide diversity of servers, I don't have to leave the community to play wasteland, I & A or Altis life, it's all here. I also love StrayaGaming for the fact it has the biggest and most populated TeamSpeak in the southern hemisphere! I also love the communities forums, they are beautiful. I can't go to any other community and have so many active threads of discussion or entertainment. I also love that this server doesn't take shit yet will give you second chances, other servers just keep hour banning trolls or have a horrible punishment system, this one is spot on and ensures the player base deserves to be around. Structure; there is good structure, you don't like what support says, you can go one up, don't like what they say you can again go one up and it just keeps on going, there is a lot of ranks in the staff sense which can be an absolute cludter but in this case is managed perfectly and I would say as professionally as a buisness. Luckyb33f; most down to earth founder I have ever met. Oh and the things he does whilst intoxicated. Just to list a few...
  6. Leopard

    @InfamousNova Wait what? Hahaha. Altis Life - Declarations. Server. (Being Worked on I think) Rules. - Make them clearer and more exact.
  7. Leopard

    //HIDDEN Arguing on the forums is not on. //LOCKED
  8. Leopard

    Cya later @Jared, Honestly, when I got back and saw you in Phoenix, I had my doubts. But you changed my opinion so fast and I was extremely pleased to have you in my gang. I hope all is good, You will be missed around Phoenix and as Pope said, there is always a place in PNX for you. Best of luck in the future mate. And don't hesitate to come back and see us! - Leopard.
  9. Leopard

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This was one of the best things I have ever seen. This was followed up by a message in side reading "F*ck the cops on this server are OP" Ahhhh yeah mate we aren't the cops... Hahaha. He full tried to kill me with a rook..
  10. Leopard

    @Links Actually no, we had just agreed that when we died we would head back to Altis.
  11. Leopard

    I'm in. Will pay money asap. Jeeeeez, I managed to get quite a few PNX boys to join!
  12. Leopard

    @Links Was chilling at the gunstore with an SPMG. It didn't go well... But then we captured it for about 20 minutes or so. Fun times while Altis was down!
  13. Leopard

    101 how not to rob someone.....
  14. Leopard

  15. Leopard

    PNX JARED DROPPING THE HUNDRED!!! Good stuff Jared! Keep it up guys!
  16. Leopard

  17. Leopard

    To: Spectral, Roger Purple, APD LAC PNX also encountered around 5 Speed boat mini gun ships and 1 assault boat (Unarmed) We were graced with the presence of Lieutenant Dyet and were able to clear out both sectors with no casualties. Just had a meeting with two SP, myself, pope and Lt. Dyet, Both sectors, 1 and 2 on both PNX and SP's side were very similar. Will keep everybody posted. Leopard Phoenix Founder
  18. Leopard

    It has been more then a week, As Spectral said, lets give it up. //LOCKED
  19. Leopard

    Welcome to StrayaGaming! I hope you enjoy your time here! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask any of the marvellous staff around here!
  20. Leopard

    @TrueBlue Donate it to SRT.
  21. Leopard

    @Alienware @TrueBlue Cartels are all about the money aren't they With the starter pistol, I didn't think they even did damage?
  22. Leopard

    Can someone please explain to me what fight club actually is? Is it like 1V1 knock-out tournament style? @Zac < You should know
  23. Leopard

    // Hidden @Alfred Your comment has been hidden, Argumentative; Your comment has quite high potential to turn into an argument. Not something we want on the forums. NOTE: Second post that has had to be hidden, happens again I will lock the thread. Keep it clean and fair.
  24. Leopard

    @Tiggati Cheaper then your Navid I guess.... I think the IED : Strider cost was about equal, in the end I think we spent like 250k more on IEDs.... It's the thought that counts not the price!
  25. Leopard

    //EDITED I have made the video watchable from the forums,