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Everything posted by Leopard

  1. Leopard

    @cowboyB Welcome to StrayaGaming mate! Ensure you read rules thoroughly for every server you play as it not only helps you not get banned, it helps everyone around you, With that said, if you have any questions I'm sure staff would jump at the bit to help you - They are great! Leopard // Cartel Founder
  2. Leopard

    Buh bye - Brutal Well, that seemed a little uncomfortable for him... With that said Randall is bæ don't kill randall! Hahaha. When was this fed? Leopard // Cartel Founder
  3. Leopard

    @sirgeneralj I asked martin, He said it isnt for little kids. I then asked, so go crazy hectic like thd real one? He said yeah. I'd say swearing is allowed as the age rating is pretty much not a thing... @martin would still have to confirm this.. Leopard // Cartel Founder
  4. Leopard

    @[AI] STALKER Ok so I have read your points more seriously and on my computer (Not phone). I agree on your points regarding not letting people store their illegal gear in vehicles, and yes everybody does it. Yes it isn't really RP it is stored in now where! But, I really don't think it is required to be changed, I don't think we really want to turn everybody into house-hermits sitting on hills around their gear houses in order to not lose their gear. Don't fix what's not broken. Leopard // Cartel Founder
  5. Leopard

    @[AI] STALKER if you are to force players to use house storage, they need to be harder to rob. Right now, you have a 20second break in time and your in. Players can purchase security alarms yet... It only sounds a siren, no notification, The amount of glitching and exploiting opportunities houses' have is to high. Gear just isn't in fair play whilst stored in houses. Leopard // Cartel Founder
  6. Leopard

    I think you'd be surprised. I don't think many people are actively engaged with the forums, in the recently browsing or online box I rarely ever see more then 30 max 50 people. When you look at Altis Life with almost actively 60-100 people. As Jake said, if you havent played in 4 or 6 months, I don't think you will even remember what you had to lose... Leopard // Cartel Founder
  7. Leopard

    There is way to wipe houses based off the last time they connected, E.G. You can wipe everyone's house who hasn't been on in 3 months. I know @LuckyB33f was planning on doing this, Defiantly something I full support as most real estate probably isn't actively used but is bought up by past players, players with perm bans and what not. Leopard // Cartel Founder
  8. Leopard

    @TrueBlue I had proposed to Lloyd when he was founder that we did the 25 challenges, but he wasn't a fan. So... We didn't do them >.< @Pope Yuri I still want to do these, you down? Leopard // Cartel Founder
  9. Leopard

    @Alienware Funny thing is, Most people don't mess with you. You just declare on everyone and then shoot them... So... The only way of them not messing with you is to sit in a safezone or maybe in Sydney Though you did let a bloke go the other day, I was quite surprised on that one
  10. Leopard

    HAHAHAHA. Pure thug, nothing else. Aint nobody got time for dat boi. Leopard // Cartel Founder
  11. Leopard

    @TrueBlue I agree, bring back the events. I feel we can't only rely on the events for RP, we need RP to be a thing in an un-controlled environment. As I said on the other post, we need to produce situations where both parties can RP for 10, 20, 30 or even 60 minutes and THEN if necessary have a shootout. Rp > Shootout not rp+shootout > repeat. We need that solid distinguishment between when it's time to RP and then if required, have that shootout. Leopard // Cartel Founder
  12. Leopard

    Some civilian probsbly just told him; See this road here - Follow it and don't stop! 30 minutes later SP had stripped him nude and took out his tyres leaving him there. Leopard // Cartel Founder
  13. Leopard

    Good stuff again Roger! Really nice designs on both the police and EMS websites Leopard // Cartel Founder
  14. Leopard

    HAHAHA BLOODY BRILLIANT! What happens if I call that number on the top right? I'm loving it, defiantly a nicely done website, I love how you even put the map location on the IRL place of Altis! Well done Roger!! Leopard // Cartel Founder
  15. All this update did was actually force the enforcing of this rule? I'm not sure if there is butt I think there needs to be the option to buy a citizenship; It removes your rebel license upon purchase and gives you back your options to spawn in spawn cities, I think players need the option after they buy that rebel to change their ways and come back to being a civilian. On your actual point of Sydney being a ghost town, well yes it may be but lets give it a few days and see how it pans out from there? Leopard // Cartel Founder
  16. Leopard

    @peersy Woah woah woah. Stop right there! I think there is a certain weed running cartel around here looking to tax people for the wacky tabbacky. I definitely don't think you should be handing the economic business side of things to the POlice. Leopard // Cartel Founder
  17. Leopard

    @Fusion_Delusion I hace access to forums, you have access to forums? Hehe, <3 I think it requires a Forum Administrator and since there are none of those, I would suggest 1. John Paul (@John Paul) or 2. Tiggati (@Tiggati). You will most likely have to be in the channel with them at the time you get it deleted for full verification.. You arent having your account deleted to create another under another name are you? Because @John Paul can change names? @InfamousNova @Roger Purple You boys arent high enough perms are you? Leopard // Cartel Founder
  18. Leopard

    Yay, nay, yay, nay.... I'm a hung jury on this one, I like the idea of a riot and think it would be good fun and RP. How ever the actual permanent legalization of it is a bit iffy. Thoughts @Pope Yuri @Flexxxxy@Saundo? Leopard // Cartel Founder
  19. Leopard

    I'm glad Hahaha. Unlucky you didn't even get to start it next time maybe don't drive a truck across the bridge right infront of coppas. Leopard // Cartel Founder
  20. Leopard

    I was getting a ride back to the garage when you did this... I got turfed out and had to run 600m becuase of a "possible bank" as they said. Hahaha, never gonna get that time back! >:D Leopard // Cartel Founder
  21. Leopard

    I can supply the yoga suppliments, you know they say MAWAJAWANA helps with clearing the mind and letting the body stretch.. Dont they? Leopard // Cartel Founder
  22. Leopard

    Right.. What did I just watch.. Hahaha. When are you opening a Sydney yoga shop? Leopard // Cartel Founder
  23. Leopard

    //CLOSED - Entries are now closed @Interittus Carnifex @Gotenks As you can only have one guess for your Hatrick of MotM, I have noted you down for your first selection. Carnifex for your MoTM it is James Maloney And for your hatrick Inglish. Goten Your hatrick is Mansour and your MoTM is Thurston. Good luck fellas! My personal picks; NOT IN COMPETITION OBVIOUSLY! QLD 10-4 Hatrick; Boyd First half, First Try Scorer; Gagai Second hald, First Try Scorer; Aaron Woods MoTM; Cooper Cronk Good luck fellas! Leopard // Cartel Founder
  24. Leopard

    State of Origin Competition! Rules: If two people submit the same answer and it turns out to be correct, the first person wins! One guess for each mini competition! You have to submit by 7 PM AEST!!!! You have to submit by 7 PM AEST!!!! Winner and final score! To the person who can predict, the final score and the winning team i.e QLD 12-8 You will win 3 MILLION Altis Life Dollars. If two people submit the same answer and it turns out to be correct, the first person wins! Hatrick Try Scorer: To the person who can predict, a player that gets a hatrick(Both teams inclusive) You will win 2 MILLION Altis Life Dollars If two people submit the same answer and it turns out to be correct, the first person wins! First Try Scorer: To the person who can predict, the first try scorer of the first and second half (Both teams inclusive, have to get both halves correct) You will win 1 MILLION Altis Life Dollars If you only get one then you will only get 300K. If two people submit the same answer and it turns out to be correct, the first person wins! Man of the Match: To the person who can predict, the player who receives Man of the Match You will win 1 MILLION Altis Life Dollars If two people submit the same answer and it turns out to be correct, the first person wins! Just a little competition for tonight's origin game! Leopard // Cartel Founder
  25. Leopard

    @Aidanjr Suits is Bae. Just finished Season 4 last night. No longer enough episodes on Netflix, Have to download all the episodes from here on in. Oh, Please don't tell me you watch "Orange is the new black"? Leopard // Cartel Founder