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Everything posted by Leopard

  1. Leopard

    *** WARNING HEADPHONE USERS *** That laugh though. Pretty decent range, not insane but still pretty good, nice kill feed as well.
  2. Leopard

    @Vertigo Or lets not. AA'ing a cesna and AT'ing a quad bike. Best memes on Wasteland ever. Love it.
  3. Leopard

    Black Mar-10 = Atleast 8,000,000. Black Cyrus = Atleast 7,000,000. Black SPMG = Atleast 6,000,000. Black Mk1 EMR = Atleast 2,000,000. That's what it was a while back on average.. Agree @Saundo?
  4. Leopard

    @nclem Um wat. @Saundo Last time I saw a black cyrus or black SPMG or Black Mar-10 or Black EMR for sale it was worth a lot. A lot more than 1,000,000. Bahahahah. Half the stuff on that list was never ever gained by rebels. And was worth a killing. Times have changed and it wasn't the rebels. Not to detract from the list but, I honestly wouldn't pay any where near some of those prices nor sell for so cheap on others. I think it needs some fine tuning.
  5. Leopard

    @Fish I was thinking of a cool down. But from what I have seen, trolls often roll in groups, 2, 3 maybe 4 or even more. Sure you can add a cool down. But if there is multiple people trolling there are still trucks with a lot of ramming capabilities rolling around. @nclem Good thinking. Using your own vehicle I think would work fine. Sure, trolls can still get trucks. But not for free. Not like you can stop people from owning vehicles full stop. Good stuff Clemmy.
  6. Leopard

    @Spectral @Zomboid @Tiggati @Littleblacksheep //// Thoughts? @TH3GamingBanana @Zac @martin //// Thoughts? They really add no value. Bottom line.
  7. Leopard

    They need to go. The risks far. Far! Out weigh the rewards.... Perhaps change it to a Jeep or Offroad. You could not even bother and it would make no difference. I haven't seen anyone actually use them for what they are meant for. Only ever used for a free ride.
  8. Leopard

    8 of you with level 5 armour, .50 .408 7.62 9.3 .338 all out gunning the majority 6.5 of cops. You have the firepower and equipment that heavily out weighs the police. As for the meta-game. From memory some time ago, when Marc was commissioner cops could be called on duty, you can say it's just an excuse for meta-game however I personally see it as more of a RP enhancer. If there is an SRT member not on duty when a bank gets hit and cops are out gunned, I can assure you he would be on call to rock up and assist. I'm rebel I have no issue with this. I have been cop elsewhere no issue with this. As staff I have no issue. Same thing happened on another server, cops would always lose, it took some time before police stood up and when "This isn't much fun anymore!!" And when the tables turned. They turned hard. Cops were on top for a long time until rebels went "Ughhh we cant beat cops". I never want to see that happen on Straya. As it is now, rebels win I would say more often then not even if it is 51-49. Cops have to respond. Rebels choose to rob bank. By 100% elective choice. Perhaps go play cop for a day and respond to bank every hour. With your 5.56 tazer against that lurking 9.3 or 3rd floor mk18 or 1800m .408. 20 cops get on. Probably 8 at most can match your caliber. Just my opinion. But 3,080 hours to date have taught me a little. I've seen and heard very similar arguments before. Take a few steps back and look at it from a cops view. I'm not even police.
  9. Leopard

    Revised Opinion. Cops, no matter when they log on can join in. Rebels, as soon as a declaration has been initiated with cops inside city limits can not join in. - Rebels shouldn't be needing anyone to join in, why are you robbing if you aren't confident in taking on those higher ups!? - Stops the targeting of 4 pubs 2 whitelists. If you are kicked, either party. You may not join back in, If you know the location of cops or visa versa and log back in you have the complete upper hand and element of surprise. This is from Rebel/Cartel/EMS/Staff point of view. I see this as the fairest most ideal and easy to enforce way to go.
  10. Leopard

    It's just a discussion. I respect all opinions thrown around. I agree with Ya Mum. 2,000 make it just that little bit tougher to buy, not straight off the bat but not too hard to get. They are in the end dead set useless. Too say you can get anywhere in the map yeah sure, but I can get on a quad bike and go from south to north in less then 5 minutes. Get in a hatchback sport and you can more then half that. It's wasteland, if you can't handle someone. A fresh spawn! coming back to their body.. Well enough said. Good discussion all round!
  11. Leopard

    Overpowered? The odds of Airfield spawn are low. Even if you have beacons you have to drop down, run to store, but it, taxi. You are a fresh spawn, do all the previous provides you don't get one tapped by a bit of loose concrete. So, if you do manage all this you now have to not get AA'ed or shot down by a 5.56. Or aimbotted by hostile missions. If you manage to get where you want to go you still only have a pistol and no armour. How a process that takes too long is over powered I'm confused. @Jared @Unit_3397
  12. Leopard

    Please don't flame each other, keep it on the banter side of things. Take your beef to the game, let your bullets do the talking abd your striders do the walking. (CARRRRR-INGE)
  13. Leopard

    @Spectral Personally not a fan of having to be in the channel, potentially difficult to enforce, going afk in channels so you can attend etc. If you want to be apart of a bank or fed you have to be online. If not I see you as out of play, cop sits in channel until they hear there is pre-bank shots and log on, seems like more meta then getting "called" on duty. In regards to what I mentioned earlier about gangs declaring on the robbers before it technically gets hit should be against rules, possibly by making bank or fed areas you can not declare on, or even if you are in a dec and that faction starts bank or fed you must back off, in saying this you can't run to bank or fed and hit it because you want out of a dec. @Yuri > Thoughts on this whole discussion?
  14. Leopard

    Dead straight line in the sand. The second either the door is busted or the teller is hit the numbers are locked in. Saying this, if cops need reinforcements they have to hold the rebels off the teller. Like wise for rebels, if you need reinforcements don't hit the teller. In the case of fed I believe cops should be able to log on at any stage of the fed and assist as long as one cop is still alive to call them in. Rebels, rebels can not join in at all after the door is hit. If rebels aren't confident they have enough numbers why are they doing fed? Note: A cop can not log off to free a slot for a cop that hasn't responded yet. Another rule I feel needs addressing is people getting declared on declaring on doing bank or fed so they can shoot the robbers but avoid the 3rd party rule. I will post my opinion on that when I get time later on today.
  15. Leopard

    Welcome to StrayaGaming. I have seen you a bit around on Altis Life. Any questions please don't hesitate to ask myself or any other staff members either ingame on the forums or on TS3 in the helpdesk! Have a good one mate. Phone = No Colour :'(
  16. Leopard

    Send that set up my way Maddddd looking setup Smokey! I thought two monitors was good, well 3.....
  17. Leopard

    Welcome to StrayaGaming mate. Enjoy your time and keep outta' trouble Any questions just pop up to the helpdesk on TeamSpeak and a member of the support team will be there to assist you.
  18. Leopard

    Amazing Video @MadHackz!!! Really captures a lot!! Makes Altis Life look amazing... (Well it is!). It's good to see some amazing content coming out of the VPT team!
  19. Leopard

    G'day mate! Welcome to StrayaGaming! Ensure you keep up to date with all the rules of the servers you choose to play on here at SG. Please don't hesitate to message a member of staff or come join us in helpdesk if you have any questions! Enjoy.
  20. Leopard

    Welcome to the community stranger..... Make sure you jump on TS and check out the rules here on the forums _____________________________________________________________ Better late then never, that's a quote right?
  21. Leopard

    Honestly didn't know euthanasia was the new excuse for execution.... Hahaha. RIP Travis, He looks pretty bare and exposed... Oh and so do the cops, I can just tell from the photo you guys got it aswell. TIME FOR EXECUTION I mean euthanasia.
  22. Leopard

    @That Lucky SOB Nah nah na, the name 'Sparky' is already taken by @Yuri. Tell him @Saundo!!
  23. Leopard

    Wrong backpack @Saundo Gotta' use that Viper Harness Black Put another like 10 hours into Wasteland today. Addicted.
  24. SP's Magical (Praying Animal Saunders) School Bus @TheMagician @Yuri @Leopard @Saundo SP brought the magical school bus to Wasteland. We were picking up little children as we go, giving them cool lollies and happy meal toys. Leopard was designated driver due to his outstanding looks, was wearing a mad looking uniform and was slaying kids who didn't get in the bus left right and centre. Magician AA'd Moz in a pawnee and was over whelmed. Whilst we climbed to 3rd in the groups, Opfor - Blufor - Leopard's slayers with I think around 35-40 kills for less then I think 8 deaths. Was a good couple of hours on Wasteland! especially when you get some new guys in and you have to teach them how to play (Saundo). Saundo "How do I even play wasteland" Magician "If it moves, Shoot it. Simple" Nek minnit gets shot. @Jared @Mozkelby
  25. Leopard

    @Jared That's Magician's screenshot, If it was my screenshot you wouldn't be able to see we were in a qilin. #Potatoe. I made about 50k just running around being a scab.