So basically I was having a look at the Medic Roster, and I have noticed a rather big issue. Pretty much everyone is inactive, like 80% of white-listed medics are Inactive on the Medic Roster. I am not trying to shit talk people cause I myself am marked as Inactive on the Roster.
My reasons for being inactive are basically it is the same stuff day in day out . All you do is revive someone, take them back for Medic Role-Play then Discharge them. There is no real Spice to the Medic Role, not for Paramedics at least, and I think this is a problem because I personally respect the Medics and to anyone who plays Medic Regularly because you are a bloody legend. But the point remains that the Lower ranks are extremely Inactive and I put this down to the lack of variety for the Medic Role. \
Because I don't want to seem like I am making Baseless claims I did some Maths, and I have found that ONLY 14% of the people at the Rank of Paramedic are Currently marked as Active (8/55). There are 50% of Senior Paramedics that are Active (9/18). 67% of ICP's active (6/9) and 50% of SRP's are Active (2/4).
So as you can see the main problem is that the Lower ranks have the Highest attrition rate for going Inactive, and as I said before, I believe this is down to the Mundane routine that the Medics do, and I believe that to make more people want to play medic, and to make medic a More fun Experience then there needs to be some form of spice and Interest that makes people want to come back day after day.
I personally don't have many ideas right now about how to go about this but when/if I think of some I will chuck some below. If YOU have any ideas or thoughts on this area then please feel free to chuck em' below. Always keen to hear about anyone else's Opinions.