There are currently 4 roles. Engineer, Combat lifesaver, Assaultdiver ,Sniper.
all with special traits and starting items.
I would like to have a Mercenary role where any team Blufor Opfor Inde. can pay you to kill or complete certain objectives, for examples.
Someone were to hire a mercenary for 70K to buy a Wipeout and complete the heavy Moneyshipment and other objectives while also giving 10% cuts on them.
Someone were to hire a mercenary to take out a certain tank or jet. they would pay about 12k for the AA or AT. or even pay them for the jet or heli they would use to take them out
Someone were to hire a Mercenary to kill a specific player. they would pay 30k and tell the last known position of the player.
This is just a small idea, my friend and i like to fly jets n shit but we have no one to fly them for but ourselves. which does get boring if we do an objective because we can't secure the money/object.