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Guide:HangarMarket (Quantum Hangar)

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DJ_JoozBrorg    825


Welcome Engineers to this guide on how to use,


(Quantum Hangar)

Below you will encounter a list of commands & guide on how to get started.

☆☆ !Hangar "Commands☆☆

!hangar list (Lists all active ships and their pcu values that are in your hangar)

!hangar save (Attempts to save grid you are looking at)

!hangar load [Name or ID number] (Attempts to load specified grid)

!hangar info [Name or ID number] (Provides info about the grid in your hangar)

!hangar sell [Name or ID number] [price no commas] [String Description]

-Ex: !hangar sell 4 50000 "This is a good starting ship bla bla bla"

!hangar removeoffer [Name or ID number] (Removes a ship form the market)


☆☆☆ Getting started! ☆☆☆


☆☆ Part-One: (Block☆☆

First step you should do is build yourself a "Hangar Market",

once you have your Market built and you are now one step close to becoming a master.


☆☆ Part-Two: (Storing☆☆
 When looking at a (Grid/Ship) you can type !Hanger save

What this has done was add that (Grid/Ship) into the virtual garage.

Now that you have a (Grid/Ship) in your virtual garage,


☆☆ Part-Three: (Finding what you have stored☆☆
At anytime you can type !Hanger list in chat,

The Number to the left represent that (Grid/Ships) ID #,


☆☆ Part-Four: (Selling☆☆

At anytime you can type !Hanger sell ID number price "String Description" In chat,


(Note: When adding a description add " - "This is my description")

-Ex: !hangar sell 4 50000 "This is a good starting ship bla bla bla"


☆☆ Part-Five: (Buying☆☆

Now this is where the (Hangar Market) comes into play,
at anytime go to ur (
Hanger Market) or via control panel


You will not be able to purchase you own (Grid/ships)

on the Right of the selected you will see the basic info from whom and the cost.


☆☆ Part-Six: (Removing from Market/Storage☆☆
If your (Grid/Ship) is in storage (Not on Market

at anytime type !Hangar Load

-Ex: !hangar load [Name or ID number]

(This will remove the (Grid/Ship) from storage and spawn near you.)

 If your (Grid/Ship) is in on the Market and for sale, and wish to cancel it.

Type !Hangar removeoffer

-Ex: !hangar removeoffer [Name or ID number] 


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