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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/20 in Reports

  1. 0 points
    I have had this issue since I came back which was 2 weeks ago, this issue is apparent as having a viable AAA defence is very much required for Pilots to have a breeze while flying. This issue has been repeatable from AA launchers, jets mid and short range missles, Cheetah and Nyx AAA assets. This is based from what I've encountered Helicopters I have no issues with AAA tracking (so far), jets from Gryphon upwards have a high chance of missiles not tracking and only tracking either 1 out of 4 shots or 1 every 6 fired. The buzzard is repeatable from 1 out of 2 would track, this is based on using a Nyx and Cheetah. Onto the Mid and short range jet missiles these are so stupid its put me off using CAS as it shits me sideways, I have used CAS on 2 occasions one being a Buzzard and 1 having access to a Blackwasp twice, the buzzard short range throughout this session had issues with 1 of the 2 missiles not tracking and due to having to deal with a Gryphon I found that the only missile tracking would always be flared off, thus I logged out of frustration being shot down from not being able to fight back. Lastly the blackwasp session was very similar I had encounters with a Buzzard AAA and multiple Gryphons, I had a basic load-out of GBU's, 4 mid and 2 short, all of the mid didn't track at all and I watched them on the map as they flew towards nothing, the short however same issue 1 tracked (flared off) and the other didn't track at all. This from what I've seen is repeatable for me but from other CAS pilots have seen or heard no issues which doesn't make sense.