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Everything posted by Mann

  1. Mann

    Since I have nothing better to do, there was this other time... 2 man tank crew (Persona and I) in a Rhino Decided to do POW rescue mission Shredded Infantry from a distance Found enemy trucks displaying the POW's rough location Decided to drive along the road containing enemy trucks "Hey Persona, can you see that guy on the balcony up ahead?" "One moment" *Sprays the balcony with .338* "The POW has been killed!" notification shows up "MANN!" "I didn't know he was on the balcony!" Drive up towards house to find dead POW who happened to be hiding behind an enemy Persona unleashes his fury upon all civilians in the town Persona starts a mass genocide of civilians in the town whilst with a pure evil laugh for at least a minute Chat is flooded with "Persona non Grata has killed a civilian!" 9/10 would kill civies again
  2. Mann

    There was one time when I witnessed M9 crash into an ATC tower in a jet...
  3. Mann

    At times, it seems random panthers with a full AI crew spawn outside the AO (Second Image shows a random panther with AI crew at Oreokastro)
  4. Mann

    We are now in this war. We are all in it, all the way.
  5. Mann

    We need to land this missile in the ocean
  6. Mann

    I'm pretty sure that I&A was never about being some Rambo-Ned Kelly hybrid running around an AO gunning down squads of enemies with ease. I&A wasn't made for this particular play style. This then improves team play within I&A and, anyway you are a NATO soldier, not a CSAT soldier. You shouldn't be running around an AO in CSAT gear for as you are NATO An Autorifleman isn't supposed to be using normal assault or marksman rifles... Not everyone is in the same group, meaning that not everyone that is friendly will have the blue polygon. Sometimes the friendly tags don't show up at times and If the "shooter" is looking at someone with Guerrilla or CSAT gear (mainly fatigues) will often get shot because of their clothing choice if the friendly tag doesn't show up.
  7. Mann

    I've messed around with prisoner taking and the new tweaks are definitely a major improvement. Thank you Fitz for these new changes.
  8. Mann

    Some of you may know that currently when "Command Surrendering" an enemy, there is approximately a 5 second timer until the enemy has surrendered. This has been a major improvement as before all you had to do is get close, press command surrender and not have to worry about a timer. In other words, it was extremely easy to get prisoners compared to now. The current issue I have is the timer is excruciatingly long where on many occasions the enemy soldier will walk off (Usually in buildings) which will cancel the timer or turn around and shoot you (Usually happens at 2-3 second mark). A possible solution that I believe may work to this is decreasing timer by a second or two. This would be an improvement to the current Command Surrender system.
  9. Mann

    Nice, I'll check out the tweaks tomorrow and tell what I think
  10. Mann

    In SQUAD we trust
  11. Mann

    The issue then is that enemy jets don't spawn constantly so a majority of their time is wasted on waiting for an enemy jet to spawn. I'm pretty sure it isn't Infantry based
  12. Mann

    I bet I can throw a grenade through that window
  13. Mann

    I can imagine the tanks cleansing the AO in seconds if the only significant threat is AT squads.
  14. Mann

    Sometimes standing against evil is more important than defeating it.
  15. Mann

    We were blown away by what we saw
  16. Mann

    I agree for the spawn chances for the Xian to be lowered but making it a "Once per restart" vehicle seems too impractical. Even a 20-30% chance spawn chance is great and fairly balanced change, as said by Yeet. Also having the the Xian is really useful when doing a evac when the server has a high amount of players as the Xian fits around 16 people. The regular issue for people disliking the Xian (in perspective of a pilot) is that you don't as many passengers when waiting on a helipad which leads to less transport points. If the pilot is keen to using jets, this means may take longer to get a sufficient or satisfactory amount of transport points to earn better jets. It is pretty much a chain reaction for grinding for transport points. Personal enjoyment really depends on the type of person you are in I&A: If you enjoy flying to an AO and back for fun and Personal enjoyment regardless of passengers, the Xian may not be much of an Issue. If you are grinding for a better jet, You may dislike or like the Xian depending on if you know how to fly it or get your hands on it. If you prefer taking people to an AO and back and find Personal enjoyment and satisfaction when dropping off preferably medium to large amounts Infantry, you may dislike the Xian. Personal Enjoyment is different for many people and really isn't a solid sole reason for the removal of the Xian.
  17. Mann

    Personally, I have a mixed opinion of the CAS jet being replaced with a AA Jet. But if this change were to happen, getting rid of rockets would to fine since to goal is for limiting air to ground attacks. However if the Jet doesn't have laser guided bombs, the UAV Operator will have to lase (or rely on Infantry lases) to bomb. Sort of defeats the purpose of UAV Op to call in targets since he stuck with arty. You might sort of understand my point here. I wouldn't want to be stuck with buzzard (No jet dlc) with the wipeout and neophron being removed. Also removing the guns would be quite a pain when you run out of AA missiles. I find the most satisfying thing in jet is when you finally light up a jet with the cannon. I assume you are only talking about the Infantry variants. I agree for the timer to be decreased but I feel 5 minutes is way to low. I assume the you are talking about the Varsuk. Since the Varsuk is more superior than the over 3 tanks (Both slammers and Kuma). I agree with lowering the spawn time since it currently pretty excessive. I feel this wouldn't mix well with a AA only Jet but a AA tank would be fantastic. The friendly fire would go crazy and if people dedicate themselves to stealing vehicles, the server performance wouldn't be as great. I feel having the Taru with pod on a separate pad would be quite unnecessary. Placing it with spawn rotation with the mohawk would be quite good. Overall some great suggestions Fenrir.
  18. Mann

    Looked beautiful with Blastcore!
  19. Mann

    I agree with Dogofwar since I had a similar experience when capturing someone in a shed. Currently the time required to capture a soldier is pretty ridiculous. Lowering the timer even for a second or 2 would be a major improvement. The new system is fantastic implementation and much more challenging for players.
  20. Mann

    Wow, the interiors look fantastic!
  21. Mann

    Pretty sure they won't add in mods since it will be quite a hassle for players but your idea does sound quite nice. I was thinking (somehow if possible) Underwater Sector control.
  22. Mann

    Right now in I&A, we only have the Secure UAV side mission which requires Divers to do the mission. I have been thinking about if somehow an underwater AO could be made. Right we have the Kavala intel mission. What about something similar? It could be possible to use the submarine outside of docks in some sort of scenario so it isn't just out there looking pretty. Basically, I'm just suggesting more underwater content.
  23. What are the best ways to do these missions (Where you have to secure intel which is in either in 1 of the 3 vehicles) effectively?
  24. Mann

    Is there a recommended/optimal distance from the target vehicles you would use?
  25. Mann

    From Side Missions we already get certain custom-like armed vehicles (Such as armed Quad bikes, Battle Bus ect...). What if an Armed Go-Kart was a reward? Yes, I am aware of such a silly idea and if somehow this suggestion is implemented into I and A, what weapon should the Go-Kart have?