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Posts posted by LachlanM

  1. Im glad that you have seen that the server is PVP orientated. You guys are going in the right Direction. Some pointers/Suggestions:

    - Weekly Events, (Competition's (PVP Wise) Winner all loot)

    - Gang Wars Daily/Weekly/Monthly (Winner Gets SpecialLoot/IDK)


    @Connor., Speaking on behalf of the community. Thanks for everything youve done for straya and continue to do! We all hope you get better and put your health before straya! Good luck my friend, hope to see you in the future.

    • Like 1

  2. Name: Lachlan

    Callsign: Old - Z54B, New - Z54B

    Player ID (If Blacklisted): Not Blacklisted.

    Date of Disciplinary Action: 06.02.2018

    What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: Demotion

    Who were you Disciplined by: Bow

    Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: Unauthorised Flying, Wrong Uniform, Gun inside locker.

    Why the appeal should be accepted: I was authorized to fly the hellcat by a DEPUTY COMMISSIONER. They stated that they would not place the flying incident on me until I was talked to with the deputy commissioner. I was walking around at 11:00 pm with a ghillie suit on out the front of PD at the couples of houses, I was given the ghillie suit by an SRT member, when no other units needed me, They had no spots for me. I find that the Demotion is extremely unfair, I understand I may have gone wrong with the ghillie suit, but a demotion because I have the wrong uniform on... About the gun, I never once pulled that gun, nor have ammo with it. I believe Rule 3.12 saves my ass on that issue.

    Any other information: I was given the Ghillie suit by a High-ranking SRT.

    • Dislike 4

  3. 9 minutes ago, FarmerGeorge98 said:

    No dis but arnt you the kid who got kicked from Support team for being biased towards anyone who made a complaint towards your clan when they went to Help Desk                               also See ya bob good luck with your real life stuff and we will play again one day                                 

    tf mate, i asked who he was because i didnt know who he was? settle down....

    • Like 1
    • thinking3d 1
    • Angry 3

  4. Just now, nclem said:

    u mean like not letting civs declare on cops in city limits?

    Yes, I agree a rule like that or something different does need to take place. I can't really judge on it though as the only time I'm in Syd is on cop, other times I'm out in the world on rebel.


    Other people will still find a way to kill cops, whether cops knocking down/tazing, thats another issue to be brought up though.

  5. 1 hour ago, FrankNZ said:

    Can we just change the declaration rules so people can't declare on cops in city limits unless its a gas station? If cops declare on civilians it's fine, it just takes away the ability to be shot in the skull from the behind when you have no idea where the person/people are.


    Not letting people declare on cops inside of city limits would create a so-called "shit-fest". A lot of arguing/complaining would be created, saying "there allowed to dec/kill us, but we cant dec and kill them, its totally unfair". In my opinion, what others have said in the post is quite true. Cops sometimes don't roleplay too, they just do it for the money. They refuse fake id's, just so they can get your bounty that they have meta-gamed before you have even been taken into PD. I do agree I prefer to see the roleplay side of cops vs civs, but when it comes to rebel on rebel, hey anything goes! Cops vs Civs inside of city limits are meant to be roleplay, not a cop being decced on every 30 seconds so that civs can get their cop guns and just get so-called "Frags", I could be mistaken but last time I checked this was a roleplay server, if you ask me and a lot of people would agree, Sydney is no longer a roleplay zone. and something needs to be done about it.


    @Lotza Lotza I feel like you being the Altis Life manager need to take a hard look at this post and decide on what needs to change otherwise the Altis life player base will drop and NOT recover.

    • Like 1

  6. 19 minutes ago, FrankNZ said:

    They moved the drug dealer and gun store outside of Sydney which kinda sucked :(

    I think they moved the drug dealer so cops just dont camp it, new people actually have a chance of making money without cops so-called "metagaming" the location.

  7. ..............................................................................................................................................................

    Name: Lachlan

    Callsign: 025W

    Date of Disciplinary Action: 24.11.2017

    What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: I have been suspended for a unknown amount of time. 

    Who were you Disciplined by: Smokey (Many people in the channel, but smokey mainly.)

    Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: "went against orders", by using lethals when when my life was in danger, when told to use knockdowns. 

    Why the appeal should be accepted: I believe my suspension should be lifted for many reasons. I was responding to westpac bank. When i hit city limits, [Deputy Commissioner] Mitch, called out "Knockdowns are to be used only". I followed that order until the point of time where i was sprayed apon by a fully automatic. I was hit multiple times, been put down to 10 health. I had no other option at that time been out in the open but to lethal the robber, hitting him once in the head with a MX 6.5 rifle. Bank finished, me killing the teller. We all headed back to Melbourne Police station, for me to be dragged into the Cabinet Office, with 4-5 higher ups in there (Inspector - Dept. Commissioner). I was proceeded to be talked to, mainly by smokey, telling me that my life does not matter, i went against orders by using my lethal, and this would not go unnoticed. I tried to explain my side of the story, but Smokey kept interrupting to fight back with what i was saying. I apologies Mitch that i had to protect myself, and I apologies that I have now been suspended since my life was in danger, and i used a lethal. It is not acceptable, to be suspended because I, as a police officer had to protect myself in another way then knockdown rounds. That I got yelled at by higher ups that my life does not matter, and should not protect it with the measure i used. 

    Any other information: I believe the APD is at a great stance in its current state, but I believe some people are becoming unfit for there roles, and need to be retrained or talked to. But my rank will not make any of that happen. 



    I ask that you do NOT change my suspension time because of the remarks I have made in this, because I the right to make a comment. I also thank you for viewing my appeal. I ask if anyone would like to mention something, or talk to me about this, they talk about it in teamspeak with me, besides wex of course.


    Thanks for viewing, and i hope someone manages to fix the unjust suspension that I have recieved.


    [Suspended] Lachlan, 

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1

  8. I have this problem alot, 


    If you even knock your earphone cord the slightest and it moves a bit in its sockets, Arma 3 loses all sound but nothing else in your computer, Only fix is to restart your game sadly.


    Sorry for the Late reply, hope this helps


    - Lachlan
