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Everything posted by Cap

  1. They can have any of the variants of the nynx, just not with ammo.
  2. Aren't there two boat shop menus there? One for cops and one for EMS
  3. Cap

    You guy a should have blocked off bridge as well like the day before.
  4. Vehicles in the back of the Blackfish vehicle variant despawn after the standard despawn time, please remove.
  5. Cap

    I've seen what @Joshua_said happen before, 10 people not in a gang all in Hemmts grinding drugs. If people are worried about the cops arresting them or fighting them quite simply don't get into a fight. I have been on AL for around a year, I have done countless drug runs, a few banks and some other stuff and I have never been sent to jail, if I can manage not to get arrested in a entire year it should be fairly easy not to get arrested for the first few weeks.
  6. Cap

    And already 30+ replies, anyone wanna place a bet on how long til they lock this?
  7. Cap

    Isn't a rpg super cheap for cops?
  8. Cap

    Well then, time to buy a few jets and shit.
  9. Cap


    I feel as if there need to be more air garages added across the map at all of the airstrips so that there is a use for the prop plane, car garages at all of them would be nice as well.
  10. Cap

    Can we stop using the term "legal" and "illegal" when we are referring to guns that if bought inside are in breach of the server rules?
  11. Cap

    @Nuu RusheanDo you not see the feature request tag?
  12. Cap

    I think a lot of people would be inclined to agree with soviet.
  13. The Blackfish and the prop plane simply have terrible fuel tanks which makes them nowhere near as versatile as they should be, also possibly buff the storage space in the Blackfish to encourage people to use them for drug runs (the amount of storage in it is ridiculously low considering how big the cargo bay is).
  14. Cap


    A long time ago I requested that parachutes be added to civ, they weren't, as it stands you need SRT level 2 or something to get them. One of the big reasons why they weren't added is because they despawn on landing mean your inventory was ****ed. I would like to see a single use virtual inventory item parachute added to CIV/COP/EMS stores that you can activate with a hotkey, sorta like magic parachutes on WL.
  15. Cap

    They most definitely don't, even if they did they would be deleted when stored.
  16. You don't lose contractor when you go to jail.
  17. Cap

    @Connor. @Corey. that is a ARMA glitch that bohemia is yet to fix, if your not in a group then it doesn't happen (but that's impossible on cop). I & A pilots have this issue all the time and leave their groups to fix it. Also yes it is thrust Connor.
  18. Add in a search function in text messages and the ability when looking at someone to hit a key which brings up a message to them in the cell phone.
  19. Cap

    Pubslot suggestion

    Make the pubslots for Cop and Medic have "Must be on teamspeak" in their names like I&A pilot roles.
  20. Sidearms now despawn if not picked up by EMS, however if they pickup a primary first there is no option to pick up sidearms.
  21. Cap

    Don't you have to use it right by the wall? also cops can't confiscate them.
  22. Add in a scroll wheel option when inside a car that allows you to set your weapon to be holstered/unholstered when exiting the vehicle.
  23. Cap

    If you remove name tags from cop how are they ment to dec and know who they are in dec with. Also @Augnov can we please have added to the ticket list 40 years for being a illegal immigrant?
  24. I think they should suspend all rules right before the wipe (And let ems let out there rage).
  25. Cap

    @Liam Sarcich Some people have managed to get past it by saying they are a private lawyer or what I like to do is say that I am a legal advisor, I'm yet to be denied the right to defend someone. Currently the legal system is in the process of being rebuilt by the admin/current attorney general @Lachlan.. The former legal system got to the point where the cops were unwilling to do legal system rp due to "ridiculous" demands for compensation. There are some high ranks trying to encourage more legal rp while there are others who aren't. As for house raids I think I heard that rn the police minister is granting the warrants.