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Dans last won the day on July 15 2018

Dans had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

57 Rising Star

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1 Follower

About Dans

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  • Birthday 05/10/2000

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  1. Dans

    bloody Pozzy, anyways Remember, efficiency is just clever laziness
  2. Dans

    the ranch to the south
  3. Dans

    mate should have heard my fire I spat at the train station when I was staunching ****s last week btw if you wanna come meet up with me I'm about to 4 v 12 some fags, could use a hand
  4. Dans

    "Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war"
  5. Dans

    We are now in this war. We are all in it, all the way.
  6. Dans

    We need to land this missile in the ocean
  7. Dans

    "In SQUAD we trust"
  8. Dans

    "When you get GLOBAL, talk LOCAL but when you get LOCAL, do GLOBAL"
  9. Dans

    Cannon's away captain
  10. Dans

    "I bet I can throw a grenade through that window"
  11. Dans

  12. Dans

    Regular Player Name (Which you are most known for): Dans ArmA 3 UID/Steam64ID: 76561198148904522 Why should you be unbanned before the seven days: I don't, I think I deserve to take the 7 day ban due to my actions being stupid and being led into something I knew was wrong from the start. Why should the community trust this apology, given that you were lying and/or being deceptive when being questioned (Only applicable if you were lying/being deceptive - I will tell you if this was the case): I have had 0 priors and have respected everyone in the community. I have gotten along very well with most people I have spoken to in-game and out of game. I have enjoyed playing on the server quite a lot. I duped purely for a mate, as he had an idea to get money quick. I did lie in the questioning on why I duped, but that is because I wasn't going to snitch on my own mates. I have not been banned permanently, but still think that I should apologise. I treasured being in the support team and tried my best all the time, and made many friends solving issues in Help Desk.
  13. Dans

    Sometimes standing against evil is more important than defeating it.
  14. Dans

    sucked tf in
  15. Dans

    We were blown away by what we saw