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About SovietStitch

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  1. SovietStitch

    Name: SovietStitch Player ID (If Blacklisted): 76561198025325520 Date of Disciplinary Action: 17/07/2018 What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: Blacklist Who were you Disciplined by: Augnov, Bow, FarmerGeorge Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: I Leaked the Detective Database. Why the appeal should be accepted: [50 Words]: I Feel in that second chances should be given and that i have reformed for the better, I won't Lie I have messed up too many times but I know that I am changing and that if given this chance I won't throw it away. With the AL reset coming I will return to the APD happy, supportive and accept any and all Disciplinary actions taken against me (if that does happen which I will stop it from happening). I know that my greatest position on the server is the APD as I can repair relationships and regain the trust of the APD. Along with all that the APD will be a stepping stone to regaining my reputation and the trust of this community. Any other information: if this does somehow get accepted I will personally apologise to everyone whom I have directly effected with my actions and you can hold me to that.
  2. SovietStitch

    So is it actually happening this time?
  3. SovietStitch

    "My wallet is like an onion, opening it makes me cry."
  4. SovietStitch

    the ranch to the south.
  5. SovietStitch

    Rise early, work hard, strike oil
  6. SovietStitch

    If you need any assistance Call 1300 6555 06 Or Just Message me I U Woolie
  7. SovietStitch

    The thing with All this is: How Do we know this isn't another lie just to get sympathy/attention? I mean you said it yourself, "I'm an attention seeking piece of shit".
  8. SovietStitch

    Did you not see Chadds Podcast? Don't think thats a Frag montage and it did well.
  9. SovietStitch

    Do you believe you are free?
  10. SovietStitch

    Just funny that you're Leaving (Again) , not the mental Health problem bit
  11. SovietStitch

    ?Rip Jewbacca (also did OF win the Gang war?)
  12. SovietStitch

    That Specifies ON general Duties When John is talking about OUTSIDE of GD
  13. SovietStitch

    Name: SovietStitch Player ID (If Blacklisted): 76561198025325520 Date of Disciplinary Action: 2ish Months Ago What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: Police Blacklist Who were you Disciplined by: Augnov, Bow, FarmerGeorge Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: I Leaked the Detective Database. Why the appeal should be accepted: [50 Words]: I know that I did wrong and I shouldn't have thrown my second Chance away , But I know I have made a bad Reputation in the cop force and in the Community. I am trying to make peace with my demons and change for the better. Over the past few months I had a lot to look over and how much I have done wrong, in said months I have grown up and stopped being "a little shit" to put it bluntly. I will show this if I get accepted and start becoming a cop someone would look up to. Any other information: if this does somehow get accepted I will personally apologise to everyone whom I have directly effected with my actions and you can hold me to that.
  14. SovietStitch

    Congrats To Our Winner! @Joshua_
  15. SovietStitch

    Hello StrayaGaming Community I know it is very strange to see me here but I have made a change for the better and I have decided to Give back to the community. Thus doing this Giveaway and sorry for stealing your thunder DJ. Today I will be giving away Post Scriptum All you have to do in order to be entered is comment, "Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war" This Giveaway shall conclude on the 01/08 at 6:30pm AEST Please show some support by leaving a like so I can Continue with these giveaways! Good Luck all @M9' @DJ_JoozBrorg @Slep. Please move this to the Giveaways Section Please and Thankyou