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Posts posted by Martynnnnnnn

  1. So offical recently just got a Gang Base and I was quite dissapointed to see that all that was there was a uranium proc and a offroad hmg for 1.9 mill.

    So how about we just add mk200's and lims, to the Gang Bases, thanks ?



    • Like 6

  2. Name: Martyn

    Steam 64 ID (If Blacklisted): 76561198250841680

    Date of Disciplinary Action: No idea

    What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: Blacklist

    Who were you Disciplined by: Mitch

    Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: Moved someone in and out of a cop channel with my old Sergeant perms on my phone

    Why the appeal should be accepted: [50 Words] Well Thinking about it I reckon I was a pretty good cop, I reckon I've learnt from my mistake of basically. "Trolling" someone with perms instead of going to Command/cabinet to get the tags removed. But mainly I just want to at least be a recruit again to deal with scumbags in Syd or any other place.

    Any other information: N/A

  3. I think another reason why the server is dying is KOS store. I mean cops have been able to pull out mar 10's in the snap of a finger the fact that they gave that to rebels for about 1 day or 2 and then took it off them and never said why. I think most people are just waiting playing other games/servers until this so called "update" is finally released and rebels will start playing again.

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    • nothanks 1

  4. Honestly My opinion on this whole gang base thing like they tried to make the server mroe "roleplay" server like which let's be honest that's not what a lot of us are here for. In saying that there are many solutions which are discussed in the podcast I would just like to say what I think. Honestly ever since they've added gang bases the servers has taken a massive drop in player count or people are just bored and don't want to play, as Big Kev said like 20 minutes into the podcast a few months ago fighting navids and shit like that in strider/quilin combat or banks, it was basically a if u **** up u die sort of situation. Also the fact that the altis life management or senior mangement felt it was needed to downgrade the kos store into a gang base or something like that in my opinion wasn't the smartest of ideas but can be good. However I feel like the small gangs in AL don't want to take the time to build there way upto gang wars and craft for about three days straight just preparing for that gang war. As, I think Chadd or Tonic said in the podcast maybe add something like a mk1 and or a mxsw into rebel/cartel just to spice things up a big for smaller/big gangs in AL. And maybe make things easier to craft if you (the AL mangement/staff team) don't want to add the KOS store back make like a capture point or something. Like making a lynx or a spmg shouldn't have to take around a hole day because it's quite ridiculous to be fair.

    Anyway with that said great job on the podcast and keep it up! @Chadd  & @Big Kev and all the other podcast staff.

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