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Rad01 last won the day on June 22 2018

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About Rad01

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  1. Rad01

    Greetings Citizens of Australia This is a Public Service Announcement. Prime Minister Rad is retiring from office, from SIS and from gaming. It's been a blast! Over the past few months playing Altis life with the Straya community has created some extraordinary gaming experiences for me. Alot of laughs, memes and esctasy has been the standard. I've met some great people with fantastic stories, I've met some people who loved cracking jokes and I've met some colourful people too. Overall, it's been a blast. But as I felt watching the last episode of Star Trek The Next Generation a few years ago, as the episode title suggests, all good things must come to an end. As of effect, on this Tuesday, the 17th of July at 1:44 am, I'm retiring from gaming..... permanently. Why? Life plans and goals. After leaving school, the path forwards was not clear. Now I can see my future with absolute clarity. All I gotta do is make it reality, so I'm beginning my life in earnest today. I spent about an hour and a half writing my life story down, I was going to post it, but I realised now is not the time to release it. It'll probably be in a book or the newspapers someday in the future but for now, it's the fuel propelling me to the future. Everyone has a story. Roleplay stories are fun, but life stories, that the currency of the soul. I will hold an honourary Director position within SIS should I ever come back but from now on @Snowy is lead Director of SIS from now on. Also my chief of staff Joshua is now acting executive of the Government project. A new PM election will have to be held. Special shoutout to: Snowy, Shep, FarmerGeorge, Jdawgz, Fletcher, Lachlan, Slep, Thorn, Augnov, Bow, Sagara, Corey, Bails, Robert Hill, Snow, Icey, JotJTX, Hope, Sir Deadpool, Skyfise, Barry Lawrence, Stevo and Falcon. I might be around in the future, but probably not. I'll miss you guys. Take care! -> Rad
  2. Rad01

    @Shima @Jewbacca @Snappers It looks like we're going to have a solo senate... In the case we don't get 2 more Senator applications, this is what we're going to do: We're going to have a vote for Deputy Prime Minister. The senate will be suspended and executive power split between the Prime Minister and the Deputy.
  3. Rad01

    The Senate Election Because a solo Prime Minister is a tyrant. And we hate tyrants. Do you want to have a meaningful impact on the lives of Australians? Do you want to boss other people around? Would you like to have SIS bodyguards/APD meatbags hover around you to keep potential assassins 2 meters away at all times? Well look no further! The senate election is here! Positions within the Senate that needs to be filled: 1x Imperator: The imperator only votes if there is a deadlock in the senate. The imperator is the deciding vote. Very important position. 4x Senators: The white wearing lads who vote on parliamentary issues. (In reality all senators will be wearing pink suits... Why can't we reskin pink to white? Pretty please) How to apply for the Senate 1. Make a reply to this post with the following application filled out: ------- Name: Age: How much time have you played in Strayagaming? Why would you be a good senator? Who would recommend you? Include their @names -------- 2. Get as many people to like your post as possible. Every like counts as a vote. In 3 days (on Friday) the new senate will form and applications will close. 3. The imperator is decided from majority rules, senate vote. 4. Applications with the most votes will be elected into office. 5. You will hold your office for 1 month before another Senate Election occurs. Senator Guidelines NOTE: THIS IS A ROLEPLAY POSITION ONLY. Unfortunately I realised that actual recognition from the staff for a proper official staff-recognised Government takes a lot of time, hard work and dedication with scripting, TS tags, graphics design and protocol (Constitution writing) construction. So why turn a game into a job? I already have one as it is. I don't have much time leftover. Plus staff are busy being staff, not programers. We need the staff to keep doing their jobs. If you would like to help write a functioning legitimate consitution, feel free to PM me or @Joshua_ As an unofficial publicly elected Prime Minister, I hereby bestow the power of my word as constitutional law. These are the guidelines for senators: Voting Laws Senators can vote/propose anything, however at the end of a day, before a bill or decision can be passed it needs 2 things: 1. Senate consensus on the vote 2. The Royal Assent from the Prime Minister Basically, the entire senate acts as 1 vote, and the PM is the other vote. If full consensus is achieved, the vote is passed. Ideas for things to vote on: 1. Special prosecutor to investigate police/medic/government misconduct 2. Tax cuts 3. More national holidays 4. Legalise (Insert word) NB: Only legal for 24 hours with police consent. 5. Criminalise (Insert word) NB: Only criminal for 24 hours with police consent. 6. Declare martial law (Give SIS and the Cops permission to use lethal force to stop riots/chaos) 7. More senators 8. Create (title) position Really the sky's the limit. Just be mindful that all votes only happen within Roleplay and is not binding on APD laws. National Security Now that you're a senator, this means you are an important person. That means a threat on your life is a threat to national security. This means that you will have to rely upon the APD and SIS to protect you against all would-be assassins. (This will form a major part of senate RP -> Keeping Gov Officials alive) What happens next? After the election is complete, senators will be invited to join the Government Gang (Note: Any voice group comms will result in an instant kick). Senator names will be written down in a word document, and an amendment will be made to the SIS/Government contract with the APD to provide security for new Senators. Note: Misconduct, breaking server rules, breaking roleplay will result in a Senate enquiry. If you are found guilty by a jury of your fellow peers, you will be kicked from the Senate and all security privilages will be revoked. While you are a senator you are expected to remain in character at all times. Also note you must include your new tags: Senator PS: Like the concept? Want proper official recognition from the APD for a Senate? Leave a like to show your support! -Rad
  4. Just a poll. As Prime Minister I need to know the sentiments of the public. And yes, this is a public poll. Enjoy!
  5. Rad01

    As PM, I know why SRT takes 30 minutes. It's because the damn senate won't allow me to declare martial law and make Sydney a KOS zone. Here's the situation: When you have uncontrollable chaos, you gotta end it quick, before it results in too many deaths. SRT is there to apprehend targets who turn civil protests into a bloodbath. And that's precisely the problem: Apprehend. Cops are told to prioritize non-lethals. That gives incentive to the public to rebel when they see people tazed. For example the public rebels to stop poor Farmer Joe being sent to jail for self defense or Jack being kidnapped by the police. At least that's the public's viewpoint. You see, since the cops try to spare and protect as many lives as possible, they put even more at risk. What SRT does is roam around Sydney, telling people to go indoors (who clearly don't) and that allows terrorists in masks to gun cops down in the street, using civilians as human cover. That results in long-drawn out confrontations and unbelievable chaos. As PM, this is what I propose. Introduce Bill 66. Instead of trying to save people, save law and order instead. I propose instead of sending in SRT to act as heavily armed, tear gas throwing, GD white shirt spray and prey cops, declare martial law instead. This will also solve the masked cop assassin problem. Here is the procedure. 1. Declare martial law. Give people 2 minutes to get inside a building or a safe zone. 2. Get SRT, SIS, Cops and Contractors to set up sniper positions throughout Sydney 3. After 2 minutes have passed, shoot everyone still in the streets. 4. Sweep the streets progressively and hoard all the civilians into concentration camps. 5. Process all civilians. If they come up as clear, let them go. 6. Send all criminals to forced labor camps to repair all the damage they've caused to the public. Do this properly and order will be restored within 10 minutes. Within 20 minutes, everyone is on their merry way with all terrorists and rebels detained. Plus this is way more fun than waiting around in a house. Will bill 66 ever get passed? Probably not. Will civilians keep getting massacred by the APD and rebels in the crossfire? Most definitely. Will human sacrifices continue? Always. Vote Rad for Prime Minister in the next election! PS: Still drafting the constitution. I blame my lack of time. If you would like to help create an actual system of Government, PM me. -Your benevolent and baby kissing Prime Minister!
  6. Is this what you listen to when you play rebel all alone?
  7. Rad01

    May I introduce: RB 2.0 Brought to you by SIS industries: bringing the best and brightest to the forefront of technology! Rubber Band 2.0 is our new, top of the range ACTIVE CAMO. Guaranteed to give your nemesis a heart attack! How it works: By using SIS patented technology, the RB 2.0 creates a systematic neuro-synaptic inversion field which camouflages your approach. When you finally reach your nemesis, the neuro-synaptic inversion field confuses your opponents spacial positioning resulting in an effect where they are bamboozled by your mystic presence. Disclaimer: Use of the RB 2.0 is experimental. Side effects may include heart attack, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, seizures, cognitive impairment, instantaneous combustion, violent outbreaks and death. Use at your peril.
  8. Rad01

    No spider shall kill me
  9. Rad01

    As unofficial PM, I'd like to state that studies have shown that powerful scopes on rifles are bad for the health of innocent civilians. For example, a good, honest hardworking copper miner doing his toil for the day shouldn't be exposed to the rebel menance. But rebels with high power rifles, with good scopes can ransom the poor lad from over 1km away. It's just not fair for good, honest, hardworking legal civilians. We need to stop wanton violence. Reduce guns before guns reduce you. Or legalise high-end powerful weaponry so everyone has a chance. Imagine that poor copper miner with a LRR. At least he'd have a chance! -PM Rad
  10. Rad01

    1. Elected to power by the citizens of Altis. Not that the elections were rigged or anything 2. New Government Agencies (As specified in my 100 day Agenda-> ASIS (Shortened to SIS now)). The best way to stop crime is to prevent crime with more crime. Hence the *secretive nature of this organisation. -PM Rad *Not so
  11. Rad01

    Skip to 4:00. Laugh your guts out . When I saw that truck speed up to 300 KPH, I knew I had to post this lol.
  12. Rad01

    Yes, you can use lethals for banks now. It looks like the APD protocals have recently been changed, so it might be different now, but from what I understand, once your 1 week tazer probation period ends, you can use knockdowns on GD (But since it can be buggy, I'd recommend only using KDs on the Mark 20). Only use Lethals if your life is in danger in an active combat situation, but generally, knockdowns are your friend.
  13. Rad01

    Medics on Juries, sounds great!
  14. Rad01

    @Joshua_ Thanks bud! Feel free to start getting the word out! How does "Chief of Staff" sound? I think you deserve the role if I get elected