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Archie Poland

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Posts posted by Archie Poland

  1. there are protocols to blowing then up 

    1. 3 cops die pushing the tower

    2. It has to be approved 

    3.  Please take this down cause you don't know what ur talking about 

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  2. 17 hours ago, RiseAvATAR said:

    Stüssy Recruitment


    Be mature - I am 9 can't do that sorry, hopefully, that's fine

    No Toxicity

    Format - Copy, Paste, Fill out and Reply

    Ingame Name - Memoagod

    Hours on Arma3 - 56

    Age - 9 years and 42 days

    please come and see me be accepted many thanks @RiseAvATAR

  3. Your Name: Archie Poland

    Your Age: 16 

    Your Steam64 ID: 76561198392193931


    Have you ever been banned from a StrayaGaming Service? yes fail dec when I was new 


    Why do you want to be a Judge in the Altis Life Judicial Government? [50 words min]

    Because I will be something different and I want to see what it's about and what the go is with it as I haven't really seen it used in AL and  looks good plus I have heard what they do and sounds kinda fun.


    Tell us a bit about yourself:

    I like to play AL a lot I am a cop main and girl like to play sport 

    Why can you be trusted with important documents:


    You acknowledge that anything you make for the Judicial Government becomes property for StrayaGaming. You also acknowledge that your application my be denied at any stage for any reason.: Y / N


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    10 hours ago, Kmart and Coles said:

    Maybe start doing more update videos as they did with one of the update last year, 





    They are working on doing stuff like that right now I believe the update should be coming out this week  maybe Friday or on the weekend 


    I am trying to tell the community on what I know about the update and other stuff surrounding the update if you want to talk I am in TS most of the time  I will try and tell anyone anything I know to them.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Michael Steiner said:

    Part of the reason I say make a new Altis Life is because if it is entirely new, we can change the server's title. That should show to players who are new, existing or old ones that there is something to offer, "come check us out". However if the title is changed on a minimal update, if they do come check us out they'll realise it's just the same shit different day.

    Or we can try and do what wasteland are doing and bring major update's and try and pump them out every 1-2 months 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Mr Chu said:

    I agree that something has got to change and developing a mission file is probably the easiest way of doing it. One of the ideas that i have heard is using some of DarkRPs "roleplay / features" to bring something "new" / different to Altis Life. From my experience, a lot of Altis Life players have come from DarkRP looking for better skill based combat but do miss out on a little bit more of the hands on role play. Grabbing things like actually growing drugs in the drug fields, maybe with something very simple like a plant simply increasing in scale (to simply the code?) to just make it more interesting and unique instead of a boring interaction key also enforcing players to protect / control a drug field.

    The other is going something completely fresh and switching the map to Malden or Tanoa (most likely Malden) and trying something completely new. 

    I'll be looking to run events in the new years to just have something different on the server regularly and I'm open to suggestions!


    I can write a lot more but the cricket is on ?

    You could make the weed plant and other stuff more pure to get more money but even tho making a new mission file is the  easiest way  there isn't enough people to help code and what not, as there is only James and also chadd has been doing coding since most of the AL team are on leave 

  7. 52 minutes ago, Rackers said:

    give us crafting

    Yes because if we  giving you crafting will help the player pop and as chadd has said ''i am working on crafting'' but you still ask on every forum post about the sever

  8. 43 minutes ago, iamjack said:

    hmm, have you pressed the request button before hand?
    no offense but just saw a ck member was dead in syd city for 15 min but no request button pressed.
    also, ongoing combat situation is one of the major reason why medic isn't attending.

    we have asked the server to change the way where medic request system work for a while
    so we can attend and revive people without request button pressed.  but so far, nothing has change yet.
    also no break thought for mid combat reviving too , since there is no promise for the one being revived not entering back to the combat.
    the server won't allow medic to hold people up and force them to be relocated away from battle zone.



    combat ahah so why the **** do they fly over banks and land near gunshots at banks??

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