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Posts posted by Unit_3397

  1. Hi @Granteus The only mods strayagaming wasteland supports currently are the sound mods: Jsrs & Dynosound 2.0.  

    If you would like to suggest a mod that you wish to see made available for use on our server, swing us a link so we can investigate into it.

    Note at this time we are not accepting mod requests that would demand a mandatory download in order to play on the server.

    Cheers for your question. :) 

  2. Hey lads and lasses,

    I've had a few people inquire as to when we will make the change back to the Stratis map.

    So when is it happening? SOON :) 

    The reason it's taking a wee bit longer than we expected is that our beloved coder is battling with UNI exams + is re-writing Stratis to hopefully be a bit more FPS friendly. 

    Cheers for your patience and understanding. 

    • Like 3
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  3. 14 minutes ago, The Hopelessgamer said:

    there a possibility this mod could be added? 

    Unfortunately, the answer is no :( 

    I've always liked the idea of having mods that implement new content on the wasteland server, but alas, they do have to be run client side. This would force everyone to download the mod or they would get kicked on entry to our server. (There are other minor complications that run with using mods as well, and after some time it can get quite annoying having to rectify these)

    The only exception to this is sound mods, as they don't add additional content but simply change what you hear. 
    For any readers unaware, our server supports both Dynosound 2.0 and JSRS sound mods. 

    I have to admit tho, it be pretty rad to see chainsaw wielding sharks on the server XD  

    To prevent the chance of confusion for any readers,  this thread will be locked with this verdict.  
