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Everything posted by Rogmantosh

  1. Rogmantosh

    https://gyazo.com/0d281edcce22caf05130f048bb57b963 One of my over-watch positions for the FOB capture mission, A ruthless killer taking the lives of 20 NATO soldiers before they captured the FOB and he was retasked, this sniper managed to get away once the mission was finished. Will you see him again?
  2. Rogmantosh

    Thanks again to the players who kept me thinking on my feet, always hard as a GM to try not railroad the players on utterly destroy them. Though sometimes it is needed. Ensure you check your terrain and look for possible over watch positions up to 2kms away (I'm not saying go and check them all out before you continue but just be aware when snipers hit the target you already have a possible idea where to look, and don't rely on your thermals...) Ensure you read the tasks from the [MAP] [TASK] menu, sometimes they hold vital information. Good luck and I look forward to seeing you in my sights. Some videos of tonight night to follow...
  3. Rogmantosh

    feeling bored? I am. Zeus missions coming up.
  4. Rogmantosh

    Yeah sorry @WestOz I was just feeling in the mood, though will take that on-board and attempt to put the notice out on here if i get the chance. it wasn't 1 set mission more a convoluted group of missions ranging from investigate this, to destroy that, and a few chase this guy, with chaos and roadblocks thrown between. Definitely more to come.
  5. Rogmantosh

    I'm guessing your using AEDST as your time zone... 8pm-2am isn't 8pm-2am for all of us. A time zone would help for our non timezone centred players
  6. Rogmantosh

    oh and Don't use Repeat... Repeat means fire your last again. Radio Communications use "say again" in lieu of repeat
  7. Rogmantosh

    Over and out is a contradiction. It is only used in movies and can always tell people who have no radio communication training. Over means I have finished talking now its your turn Out means I have finished talking and that's the end of the conversation so here's the conversation to you and bugger you i don't want to talk to you anymore.
  8. Rogmantosh

    More to come prior to Sunday 2359 16 OCT 16 WARNING: This will affect the Leader-boards to white-list transfer for this week. in other words the top 3 pilot and medics from this week are not guaranteed to be on the white-list next week. I apologise for the inconvenience. Changes; <x> Map - Rule update <x> Sand/Tropic Hawk - Lockable turrets <x> Billboards - Updated (I&A Tanoa advertising removed until further notice) <x> Welcome Board - Staff update <x> 6 new Ironside slots 2 squads of 3 - For the tank lovers out there (Still working on vehicle locks - Aiming for only Ironside units to be able to get in the new Tanks) <x> Ironside Arsenal and Ironside seperate repair area. Have any suggestions? Please submit them in the I&A suggestion box. With Quicksilver taking a step back I have stepped up in an attempt to keep things moving forward. However I have humongous shoes to fill and a lot to learn before being close to what is needed. Please be patient. Many Thanks. Rogmantosh Things being looked at; Customisation of vehicle inventory fix Advanced Sling Loading Updates have been tested and are now ready to go!
  9. Rogmantosh

    I don't care about the VDM but that music is ear rape.
  10. Rogmantosh

    There is no award for honour in the I&A server, though the top 3 pilots and medics for the week as displayed on the leader-board (<Home> key) get white-list spots for the next week. Infantry are just doing what they do best... (apart from drinking all the alcohol in a 20km radius) fighting it out on the ground in the thick of it with no real recognition apart from what their brothers give them.
  11. Rogmantosh

    Nice work Real. now for a favour... any chance I can grab a blank texture for the Mohawk off you or help me find one. i would like to dabble with some paint. possibly a quick tut if your free at some point.
  12. Rogmantosh

    so how do the squads talk to pilots for pickups and drop offs?
  13. Rogmantosh

    Is there a function that people can come into the TS channel and actually have a conversation with the people on without having to be in game?
  14. Rogmantosh

    #not a fan...
  15. Rogmantosh


    I commend you for the patience to get them stacked like that
  16. Rogmantosh

    How can you miss it? you have to hit continue before you can play the game...
  17. Rogmantosh

    Ironside balance update <x> extra CSAT armoured divisions have been dropped into an AO near you.
  18. Rogmantosh

    Ironside hot fix coming out this update. Prior planning and preparation wasn't enough to survive contact with the enemy. <x> Quad-bikes added to Ironside Spawn if no vehicles available/ need transport back to tank <x> Base anti fire script reverted <x> Removed non-functioning script (Tank lock) This is a learning process and I will be working to keep things flowing with minimal disruptions. Your feedback is appreciated, Please post your feedback in a sub-forum of the below https://strayagaming.com.au/forums/forum/30-invade-annex/ Rog
  19. Rogmantosh

    Update 13 "Ironside" is now LIVE!
  20. Rogmantosh

    wow that is an old version of I&A.
  21. Rogmantosh

    decided to not remove Golf squad as I was able to just add in the 6 Ironside slots
  22. Rogmantosh

    Have been thinking of this idea and toying with the idea of removing golf squad to replace with Armoured Division (2 sets of the above). thoughts?
  23. Rogmantosh

    Yes both the Sand hawk and Tropic hawk's turrets will be lockable.
  24. Rogmantosh

    The idea seems like a good one however at this time the dev team is a little under-skilled to conduct this operation, However I will look into it and see what can I can come up with. Please don't hold your breath.