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Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

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Posts posted by Blue Eagle [+1 CREW]

  1. 4 hours ago, LuckyB33f said:


    Jets: "People want to be able to spend 100k on a jet that can get 50-100 kills"  no-ones wants to be getting bombed over and over by jets... This idea would cause most players to leave the server... I would leave if i was just getting bombed...



    Server was doing fine with that  until ya mum got me banned for calling him out day in day out so he could kill it

  2. All i see is complaining, not a single suggestion on how to improve the server just whining and bitching. you can't expect change if you yourself aren't willing to contribute to the changes you would like. if you wanted to see something change so badly you would do everything in your power to see it changed and keep persisting regardless of what is said and done.

    Change is the law of life. Those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future - John F. Kennedy



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  3. On 31/12/2017 at 12:40 PM, FBI said:

    And i'm sure those newer staff members have done more for StrayaGaming than Ya Mum did in his entire years of 'hard work', of which all he was an over glorified moderator. He was given power to do good and he abused it and was dealt with. How exactly isn't it true that he abused his powers, you cannot look at the cold hard facts and accept them, please tell that the the many people that have quit Wasteland due to him, or the individuals that where unfairly disadvantaged due to his 'non-abuse' of power.

    i called this abuse of power out MULTIPLE times March last year and it either fell on deaf ears or Ya Mum Denied it resulting in it being ignored. im glad this injustice has finally ended and wish you all the best in restoring Strayagamings Wasteland to its former self.

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  4. The good thing about IFA3 is its constantly getting updated due to there affiliation with WS and the KoTH/Wasteland Community.

    its miles better then it was when it came out lol back in the first few months of it being on the workshop i already managed to break the planes.. 


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  5. On 10/05/2017 at 6:47 PM, Brodie0296 said:

    It's like some people dont understand the meaning of get gud noob, makes the game more interesting when i know the zeus is controlling AI 

    I Agree, I remember last time i played I&A With a Zeus on he spawned like 12 AA Buzzards before i ran out of Flares in my Neo

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